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Max out Jimmy Butler

David Stern

Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but the Jazz need to make a move to sign Butler to a max deal. Hopefully the Bulls won't match, he'd give us two All-Star level wings and an excellent defender to add to our young core.
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but the Jazz need to make a move to sign Butler to a max deal. Hopefully the Bulls won't match, he'd give us two All-Star level wings and an excellent defender to add to our young core.

Holy hell I think this is only the thousandth time this has been suggested. Do we think the Bulls are going to forget to match or something. ITS. NOT. HAPPENING.
While we're at it, trade Favors and Burke to free up another $15M to offer Kawhi a max deal too. No way would SA match that. And I hear both Butler and Leonard have said Utah is their #1 preferred destination.
I wonder if the Bulls even know he is gonna be a free agent? Quick, sign him while they are still distracted with rose coming back.
While we're at it, trade Favors and Burke to free up another $15M to offer Kawhi a max deal too. No way would SA match that. And I hear both Butler and Leonard have said Utah is their #1 preferred destination.

I would actually prefer trading Favors and Burks for Anthony Davis and then sign Kevin Durant next off-season.
Yes, as other posters have demonstrated, It is ridiculous to even have hope that the Bulls wouldn't match a max offer.
Same as the likelihood of us Maxing Khawi and getting him neither the Bulls or Spurs are foolish enough to let these franchise players go.
They will be paid and going nowhere.
Sorry if this has already been discussed, but the Jazz need to make a move to sign Butler to a max deal. Hopefully the Bulls won't match, he'd give us two All-Star level wings and an excellent defender to add to our young core.

U actually think there's a chance the bulls wouldn't match any offer?

Let me take u to school. There is no bloody chance in hell or heaven the bulls don't match any offer for Butler.

If Utah has no problem matching a max deal for Hayward, what does that say about the chance of the bulls not matching a max offer for Butler? That's 0% chance by the way.
Butler, Leonard, and a plethora of others that don't actually deserve it will get offered max deals with the new TV deal kicking it the next year. It's going to be a VERY interesting summer.
We ain't prying anyone away from anywhere that is worth anything.
Like I said... I hate the offseason. Why? Because of all the idiotic trade and fa threads. They're always the same. Jazz get some franchise player for nothing.
This play stood out to me last game the Bulls played. Although it looks like Gasol was to blame more than Butler.

You all forgot the kicker. Utah buys off the best porn stars in Miami to walk into the front office of Chicago to keep their management busy and distracted for 15 days so Chicago forgets to match. We also lace their diet sodas and Gatorade with LSD.
Ironically in my GM mode on NBA 2K15 I signed Butler to a max contract this offseason as a Jazz GM. But I doubt they real bulls management is that stupid.
You all forgot the kicker. Utah buys off the best porn stars in Miami to walk into the front office of Chicago to keep their management busy and distracted for 15 days so Chicago forgets to match. We also lace their diet sodas and Gatorade with LSD.

If we're lacing their gatorade with LSD, let's trade Chicago Burke for Rose. They'll be all about it.