That's not stalking, finding someone for a useful purpose, or to deliver a message. Stalking is following and threatening people. I don't do that.
How do you always get yourself into these messes?
That is an outright lie. I did send me a PM before I saw the part about breaking into Enes's house. I have no idea where Enes lives nor have I ever been to SLC ...
Who's teh babe
I'm confused. Why did you send yourself a PM? Was it to throw the cops off by giving you an alibi during the time in question?
I sent McG a PM -- a typo -- I had read only the beginning of the post, and not the part about going to Enes' house, and reacted, knowing I never wrote it, before I finished reading McG's entire post that he made up, attributing it to me.
Who's teh babe
I didn't. McG made up a story that I stalked Kanter and posted it as me, and this is what followed. None of it is true, but then I just went along with the gag. If they want to insult me, guess I can go *** for tat, as they say.
I didn't stalk One Brow either, just called to tell him to stop harassing me with his Alts. But that's way back in the past.
Colton thought he was Aint too, just couldn't prove it, though he tried.
I wouldn't say I threatened One Brow, as much as exposed him for using his Alts to attack me on the site. Once he realized he couldn't hide behind them, it stopped. Colton thought he was Aint too, just couldn't prove it, though he tried. I think the fact that the vicious and profane attacks I got in PMs stopped after calling him were a pretty good verification that it was him -- no hard feelings though. One Brow is a brilliant guy just a bit quirky but then so am I.
I don't recall ever thinking One Brow was AintNuthin, although my memory is pretty poor for that type of thing. If it happened, it was a very long time ago.
Who said anything about you getting banned. Listen, if everyone knew this was a joke, yeah, I agree it would be funny. But some people took this seriously, like Freak for example gave me a neg rep and I think some other people believed it too because I have this alleged and erroneous reputation as a stalker. I've never stalked anyone in my life, including any of my girl friends. I didn't stalk One Brow either, just called to tell him to stop harassing me with his Alts. But that's way back in the past. Then McG compounds the lie with another lie in this thread. This is not about the Jazz -- you are making this personal. So, please stop this nonsense.
I did.