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Message to Dalamon (regarding Trey Burke)

Dr. Jones

In pursuit of #9
FROM Gyp...

Please tell Dalamon to stop with Burke as ROY stuff.. as if it's some major proclamation. He's the Vegas favorite to win it, for God's sake.

I wasn't sure if this was suitable for the Jazz forum or GD... and I know it should be put in an existing thread, but wasn't sure which one.

Anyway... Gyp has spoken.
Ask Gyp what Luke Babbit and Chris Singleton are up to.
I'm certain he'll read this.. so I'll leave it at that.

I will ask myself what Xavier and Austin are up to. Appears those are my mistakes.
[size/HUGE] fixed [/size];630766 said:
Add Cousins. If you disagree, then we'll add him later.

You also wanted a big piece of Beasley at some point. Whiffffffff.


So you are either gyp or Cy