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Movie Trailers

This. I can't imagine any half intelligent human being seeing most of this garbage posted in this thread. One example of some trailer trash posted is that dumbass John Carter movie. Seriously? Some of you think that's going to be good? God help this country. And I don't want to hear, "Oh, it's mindless entertainment." Sorry, but that **** got old when I was about 16 or 17. Any self-respecting adult who wants to see that their self, and not simply go because their kids will likely want to see it, is a freakin' moron plain and simple.

Prometheus looks great because it has a strong director, great cast, likely a good script (given the aforementioned who signed on) and from the trailer alone looks ****ing awesome, ala Alien. Cohen's movie looked dumb to me at first but could be good. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt based on how awesome Borat was. Frankly, I thought Bruno was a little underrated. Expectations were just so high after Borat and it was simply nothing like it. By no means am I saying I loved it but I thought it was solid.

i posted that movie among with so many other movies,its not because i like it,its because its a new movie,and some people might like it,its not my taste.and the movie u posted"prometheus" is no deferent than any other movie here.its a movie for avarge IQ wiewer
sacha baron started his carrier with Ali G on BBC,than he added borat and bruno to his show,first character came out of his show as a movie was ALI G
i posted that movie among with so many other movies,its not because i like it,its because its a new movie,and some people might like it,its not my taste.and the movie u posted"prometheus" is no deferent than any other movie here.its a movie for avarge IQ wiewer

The fact that you can make no distinction between Prometheus, a movie made by an Oscar winning director who has a sort of sci-fi cult status still, with Oscar-winning and nominated actresses and actors in it, and John Carter says it all.
The fact that you can make no distinction between Prometheus, a movie made by an Oscar winning director who has a sort of sci-fi cult status still, with Oscar-winning and nominated actresses and actors in it, and John Carter says it all.

i posted many movies that will be out on 2012,,i didnt know **** about john Carter,and it had over 2 million hits in short time.im sure there will be some people here who might like it.but as i said its not my type of movie...oscars are overrated,just like any allien movie except the first one
Come on guys...over three pages and no one has posted this?

any1 heard about this movie? the Raid,,indonesian action

This one looks like it might be movie of the year 2012. Can't wait to see it:
