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My frustration with this franchise is reaching a peak


Been a Jazz fan for decades but this year is really upsetting. I started thinking about this earlier and I can't find an answer. Are the Jazz the only team in the league unwilling to tank? I am trying to think of another franchise that hasn't and none are coming to mind. Any ideas?

A championship has never seemed further away.
Been a Jazz fan for decades but this year is really upsetting. I started thinking about this earlier and I can't find an answer. Are the Jazz the only team in the league unwilling to tank? I am trying to think of another franchise that hasn't and none are coming to mind. Any ideas?

A championship has never seemed further away.

Duuuuude quit it. Your version of tanking would have Trey Burke "injured" Hayward** style while Biendrins plays and Kanter and Favors sit on the bench. Our young guys are playing great. Yeah, so are Marv and Jefferson. Hopefully we trade them. Jazz are already trying their best to tank by having Ty Co as their coach*

*Actually, it almost pains me to admit it but Corbin isn't doing too bad right now. It just sucks because this is probably a fool's gold situation.. teams not taking our games too seriously. I would prefer if he had 1 year left on his contract as of next year. Going to be very interesting next summer.

**Has anyone else been watching these games and actually forgotten Gordon Greenbacks was on our team at all? God, I do not miss the days of Hayward T-mac ball that we tanked with to start the season. Not really on him. But, yeah, haven't missed him. I think the plan is to hold him out until we have a game where we do miss him.
kinda like when jefferson was out.
so crobain was forced to move away playing alfense. which led in some of the most emmorable games in the crobain era
For the most part our recent success has been young guys playing well, it's hard to do much about that. We should probably get rid of Marv and Richard Jefferson, but it's also silly to think that these guys both suck and will somehow create a huge dent in this team that will cause us to lose lots of games.
For the most part our recent success has been young guys playing well, it's hard to do much about that. We should probably get rid of Marv and Richard Jefferson, but it's also silly to think that these guys both suck and will somehow create a huge dent in this team that will cause us to lose lots of games.

That's the logic around these parts though. Somehow, at once, Marvin and Richard are both insignificant players who are in no way contributing positively to the growth of our young core, as well are players who are so good, they're the reason why we've been playing .500 ball since that 1-13 start. Boggles the mind, doesn't it.
That's the logic around these parts though. Somehow, at once, Marvin and Richard are both insignificant players who are in no way contributing positively to the growth of our young core, as well are players who are so good, they're the reason why we've been playing .500 ball since that 1-13 start. Boggles the mind, doesn't it.

Actually i thought burks, hayward, kanter and favors were good last year and the year before that and even back into college before they ever even met richard jefferson.

Our young guys are good because they have lots of talent, have been practicing all thier lives and have good attitudes.

It boggles my mind that people think jefferson and marvin are somehow responsible for our young guys being good.... were marvin and jefferson helping trey burke last year while he was at michigan?
Actually i thought burks, hayward, kanter and favors were good last year and the year before that and even back into college before they ever even met richard jefferson.

Our young guys are good because they have lots of talent, have been practicing all thier lives and have good attitudes.

It boggles my mind that people think jefferson and marvin are somehow responsible for our young guys being good.... were marvin and jefferson helping trey burke last year while he was at michigan?

they got brainwashed by crobain
Actually i thought burks, hayward, kanter and favors were good last year and the year before that and even back into college before they ever even met richard jefferson.

Our young guys are good because they have lots of talent, have been practicing all thier lives and have good attitudes.

Good to know all our players stopped developing this July. ****, you're so stupid, I wonder if it hurts when you think. Are you actually claiming that there's no effect on development to playing with players? That if Jefferson wasn't spotting up behind the arc and hitting shots, and Favors was instead just throwing his passes into the crowd at the spot where Jefferson would stand, that he would develop just as well?
Are you actually claiming that there's no effect on development to playing with players?

Im saying thay burks and kanter are players..... do you disagree?
So hayward burke kanter burks favors can all be on the court at the same time and develop.
Marvin and jefferson can give advice coming off the bench. Or whatever other players the jazz aquire... like i said, last year jefferson was nowhere around our young guys and they developed just fine.
There is no special powers that jefferson and marvin have (like you seem to think) that make young guys good basketball players.... they have been good basketball players all thier lives without jeffy or marv helping them and they will continue to he good basketball players after those two leave.
****, you're so stupid, I wonder if it hurts when you think.

Uncalled for
Too bad there are no moderators on this site to try to curb atracks like that from heathens
Good to know all our players stopped developing this July. ****, you're so stupid, I wonder if it hurts when you think. Are you actually claiming that there's no effect on development to playing with players? That if Jefferson wasn't spotting up behind the arc and hitting shots, and Favors was instead just throwing his passes into the crowd at the spot where Jefferson would stand, that he would develop just as well?

Well that's not very Canadian of you buddy.
Im saying thay burks and kanter are players..... do you disagree?
So hayward burke kanter burks favors can all be on the court at the same time and develop.

Oh, it's that easy, right? You just throw random players on the court, tell them to "hustle" and "play hard" and they all improve? What is this, NBA2K franchise mode? Do you even acknowledge the possibility that certain players may work better with other players and certain players are better suited for one position than another? There's more to developing players than who plays one or two minutes more. Hell, most development happens outside the game. It happens in practice.

Marvin and jefferson can give advice coming off the bench.

Why are you so obsessed with who's starting and who's not? Is there something special about the first 5 minutes of the game or about having your name called out while Alan Parson's Project plays? Marc Iavaroni used to start for the Jazz back in the day and play 10 minutes a game. No exaggeration. But oh man, I bet if you were on BBSs back in 1989, you'd be having aneurysms like you are now about how Iavaroni is starting and we're not starting Big Thurl and how Layden should get the sack and we should tank to get help for Stock, Malone, and Eaton because what good did getting knocked out in the first round by GSW do anyone.

You have an irrational hatred of Marvin and Richard. That's cool, but at least admit that it's irrational and that you're willing to make ludicrous claim and bend evidence to suit your hatred. Either that, or you're ****ing stupid. And you can tattle on me to moderators like a 5-year old all you want. I call it like it is.
Meanwhile Boston and the Lake show, who both have championships recently, have begun the full on tank. Jazz have already passed Boston and will soon pass Lakers in the standings. It kills me knowing that LA will have another superstar soon. They know how to quickly reload and will be back in the Finals long before the Jazz will. That is if the Jazz ever return. It helps they are popular free agent destinations which Utah is not. So this hurts the Jazz further in the strongest draft in a decade.
Meanwhile Boston and the Lake show, who both have championships recently, have begun the full on tank. Jazz have already passed Boston and will soon pass Lakers. It kills me knowing that LA will have another superstar again. They know how to quickly reload and will be back in the Finals long before the Jazz will. If ever. It helps they are popular free agent destinations which Utah is not. So this hurts the Jazz further.

Pretty painful.
What exactly are the Lakers and the Celtics doing that the Jazz are not? In the sense of trying to lose more games? Are they not throwing the best players they currently have out on the floor, and are they not just garbage?

How exactly are the Lakers tanking? Moreover, when did they decide this? They were 10-9 just over a month ago. If they've been tanking since November, they weren't exactly doing a great job. The Celtics were in a playoff spot a month ago, as well.
For the most part our recent success has been young guys playing well, it's hard to do much about that. We should probably get rid of Marv and Richard Jefferson, but it's also silly to think that these guys both suck and will somehow create a huge dent in this team that will cause us to lose lots of games.

I agree.

Folks should forget about the tank, because the Jazz are too good to get a top 5 pick and it's looking iffy for even a top 10. But we shouldn't be upset with RJ's play because it improves our chances of moving him before the trade deadline. (We can still be upset with Corbin for playing him so much.) As for Marvin, I think re-signing him at his current salary isn't a bad move, but I wish Corbin would move him to SF and bring him off the bench.

This team is looking pretty solid. Our Core5 are legitimate starters who just need some seasoning to develop chemistry and improve their game. Throw in Rudy, Jeremy, and possibly Marvin and Brandon as backups and l think this group is good enough to get us a 5 or 6 playoff spot next year if everyone stays healthy. I don't know what kind of deal DL will pull off next summer, but if he can get us a draft pick that is better than one of our Core5, then we are going to see some great basketball in this town over the next few years. Will we be contenders? Probably not, but we will be damn close ... and maybe DL and a new coach can get us there.