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My guide on what to watch for in draft prospects using their highlights

Lion's Roar

Active Member
First and foremost it should be pretty clear that highlights aren't the best way to evaluate players. But what happens when you the casual fan goes to the specialty websites and the best you can watch is a bunch of highlights on the prospects trying to make it at the NBA level? Well I'll share how I do it and hope you agree with me. I'm no expert but I do follow the draft and the NBA quite a bit over the last two decades.

#1 Know your team

When evaluating a player remind yourself that he might not suit your team. Unless you're drafting a player that is a franchise changer your team system (if they have one) is quite important. For instance if your team spends it's time on a pick and roll steady diet that focus on the 3 remaining players spacing the floor a good baseline cutter isn't as important as a team that focus on a flex offense full of movement along the baseline. In this case the same player will have different values to different teams depending solely on their offensive system.

#2 NBA's perimeter defense

There once was a time when you would look at a prospect and say: "that dude does this in college but the perimeter defenders in the NBA won't let him do this". Now you have to say " how well will this dude look in the NBA when defenders can't even breath on him in the perimeter?". Amazing slasher's with basketball IQ's are nearly impossible to stop in today's NBA unless they really can't shoot and the defense can move 3 feet back while guarding them.

#3 Pick and Roll

You may like it or not but most teams play the pick and toll extensively so be aware of players that state things like "can't play the pick and roll" or even worse "can't defend the pick and roll".

#4 Kiss of death of draft prospects

The words "doesn't have a motor" or "severely lacks toughness" are huge red flags. The words "after practice I just chill and watch SpongeBob" don't mean I'm a really cool guy to me Mr. Williams. It means "why is a 19 year old doing watching SpongeBob". It doesn't sound like an hobby of someone that is driven to be great....does it?

#5 Question the information given

For instance if someone says a player is bad defending the pick and roll you should run from him, but if the video of this shows a 7' trying but failing to keep up with a speedy 6' PG that's not necessarily a problem. Even elite defensive 7' struggle with that at times. You know...mass, acceleration, inertia and the lot.

#6 Look at the player for who he is

If folks tell you a player lacks upside or has a high probability of being a bust immediately look for what he can add to your team NOW. If your picking 15th are you really looking for an upside player? If you are it probably explains why teams do such at a bad job at around this picks and get "outdrafted" by their counterparts picking in the high 20's with astounding regularity.

#7 Measurements

Most important measurements to me are Standing reach for big men and wingspan for backcourt players. Why? Standing reach more accuratelly reflect the big armed fellows and their ability to contest shots and the rim and rebound out of position. Wingspan can be big cause of a wide torso that reflects ability to put on weight but shorter arms that might reduce the impact on the defensive end (blocks) cause players are tryiing to make players OVER you. On the other hand wingspan of guards reflects their reach to the side which is more important for steals and to defend players trying to make plays AROUND you.

#8 Shooting touch

Even if a player shoots a bad percentage look for a twitch in his shot. Lack of follow trough, kick of the legs on release, release on the way down, over jumping on his shot might all be fixable. What I don't like to watch is different shooting motions. If a player shoots all over the place then that is BAD. Reveals no muscle memory involved in the process. A shot should look relatively the same all over the floor and in different situations. It's probably hard to work that over enough to produce a good jump shooter.

#9 Three Point shooting

If your team has a new age GM and you have a guy that shoots a high percentage of threes in a high number of attempts then that player will be very valuable to your team. Cause that is what will be asked of him, shoot threes and shoot a lot of them. At this point I question if a .350 3 point shooter on 10 attempts per game isn't looked upon highly than another player that shoots .400 but only on 5 attempts per game.

#10 Draft is a crap shoot

Remember to tell people about your failures in trying to figure out a player just as often as you remind them of your successes cause even the professionals get it wrong A LOT.

Didn't read it all, but wasn't the biggest knock and the reason Andre Drummond fell to 8th last year was his "lack of motor"?
Yeah I'd take Andre Drummond 3rd in last year's draft. He's been really good.
Nice list.

I go on the eye test. Can the guy control his body or not. Way too much goes into athleticism and dunking over opponents at the college level. Finesse is often overlooked even though it is the most important element.
He has been really good. But he may have peaked at 19 if he doesn't get to shoot a Free throw effectively. Which coach will play him more than 20 or 25 mpg if he keeps shooting less than 40% on FT's? He may end up leading the league in rebs per min and blocks per min and never play enough to be able to lead the league in per game stats. It's a real concern. Now will he put in the work to actually shoot a decent percentage at the FT line. That is the question that surrounds him.
Didn't read it all, but wasn't the biggest knock and the reason Andre Drummond fell to 8th last year was his "lack of motor"?
Yeah I'd take Andre Drummond 3rd in last year's draft. He's been really good.

Im probably taken him second. Drummond and Davis will be the best two players of that draft. I like Lillard but I still get this feeling that he will have a major sophmore slump next season. I hope I'm wrong cause I really like him.

I also like Beal but he is kind of a chucker. Hopefully he becomes more efficient.
Why I like Standing reach over big guy that can really jump. cause you can use 100% of your standing reach at all times while athletic ability can' be used at 100% all the time. A player would be playing on all fours after a while. I'm thinking standing reach + 80% of total vertical jump should give a more accurate measurement of what a player can do over an 82 game schedule.
Im probably taken him second. Drummond and Davis will be the best two players of that draft. I like Lillard but I still get this feeling that he will have a major sophmore slump next season. I hope I'm wrong cause I really like him.

I also like Beal but he is kind of a chucker. Hopefully he becomes more efficient.

I'm thinking the opposite. Lillard was among the league leaders in plus/minus at a stunning +10.9. He truly makes everyone around him better. He is already looks like a veteran point guard out there and could eventually be top 3 at the position.
Buddy buddy? Not quite. It's not like have him on speed dial. I regularly watch the hangouts live cause it's easier for me to watch them given the time zone I'm in.
Why I like Standing reach over big guy that can really jump. cause you can use 100% of your standing reach at all times while athletic ability can' be used at 100% all the time. A player would be playing on all fours after a while. I'm thinking standing reach + 80% of total vertical jump should give a more accurate measurement of what a player can do over an 82 game schedule.

The vertical leap test is for fans to talk about. To me it doesn't matter for a big just like you said, and for a guard I don't care how high he jumps when he has time to gather himself and explode. I'd rather get a measurement of how high he jumps when he takes jumpshots and a time for how long it takes him from the catch to the release.--The new help & recover defenses are fast at closing the gaps.
I would like to see tracked how fast you get up and how much height you can get on your second jump. That would be cool information.