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Nate505 makes the cut...


Bringin' the diversity!
Well, Nate. One of our own finally made the jump into the seedy underworld of moderatorship.

Is this the same Nate that purposefully ran a red light because he was tired of waiting for his turn and then got pissed when he got a ticket?
Not sure, but I do know this is the same Nate that likes vicodins with a glass of wine. So, he's got my vote.
Congrats Nate, you seem like you'll be a good mod.
While I support Nate wholeheartedly, I'm mostly just thankful we didn't appoint the Thunder fan with sinister designs on turning the board into Hawyardfanz.com.
Is this the same Nate that purposefully ran a red light because he was tired of waiting for his turn and then got pissed when he got a ticket?

The very same! To be more accurate, it was a red left turn signal that I ran, and I ran it because I was on the tail end of it turning yellow and thought I could make the light. Oh, I never paid the stupid camera ticket and the city has done nothing, and that was over a year ago.

Thank you all, I promise to avoid the temptations of being a power hungry megalomaniac. Even though I totally will succumb to them!