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NBA Mandates With Hall of Famer John Stockton, Referee Ken Mauer

Not one physician among them.
1. I haven't watched/listened to it. Probably won't.
2. Should there be a physician? Would there being a physician change anything?
3. Scott Jensen is a physician.
4. Unless #3 was meant as a joke.
1. I haven't watched/listened to it. Probably won't.
2. Should there be a physician? Would there being a physician change anything?
3. Scott Jensen is a physician.
4. Unless #3 was meant as a joke.
you didnt watch and listen and probably wont but u felt the need to poast about it. where is the logic?
Everyone knows that all people in spite of genetics/environment/preexisting conditions etc, all react to all medicines and medical treatments the exact same (there is no such thing as contraindications although it is a medical term it means nothing) and pharma companies are only concerned with health and nothing else.

Some folks defending the pharma complex should look into
Mandated Covid jabs for NBA players are a complete and utter joke. Doesn't stop infection, doesn't stop transmission. For young men in the prime of health there's zero need to take a Covid vaccine. Outside the thoroughly corrupted US system there are virtually no bodies recommending them for young healthy people.

Those guys on that link are the lunatic fringe and not worth listening thought. However the litigation resulting from significant adverse reactions is just beginning.
Everyone knows that all people in spite of genetics/environment/preexisting conditions etc, all react to all medicines and medical treatments the exact same (there is no such thing as contraindications although it is a medical term it means nothing) and pharma companies are only concerned with health and nothing else.

Some folks defending the pharma complex should look into
I'd also look into

Pharma companies are for profit enterprises. They have acted criminally many many times. They have disregarded customer safety many times. They have lied many times.

The medicine they produce has also saved many many millions if not more than 1 billion lives and allowed many people to continue living in much better condition than they would have otherwise.

Its a mixed bag. COVID vaccines have been amazing at saving lives. Massive net positive on the COVID vaccines.
Doesn't stop infection, doesn't stop transmission.
Stops most infections from the strain vaccinated against, and uninfected people don't transmit the disease.

Outside the thoroughly corrupted US system there are virtually no bodies recommending them for young healthy people.
Are you referring to boosters or the initial vaccinations?

Those guys on that link are the lunatic fringe and not worth listening thought
I'd also look into

Pharma companies are for profit enterprises. They have acted criminally many many times. They have disregarded customer safety many times. They have lied many times.

The medicine they produce has also saved many many millions if not more than 1 billion lives and allowed many people to continue living in much better condition than they would have otherwise.

Its a mixed bag. COVID vaccines have been amazing at saving lives. Massive net positive on the COVID vaccines.
Yup- so don’t you think it would make sense to have a little nuance in how we discuss drugs. Stockton has a long and very public history of remarkable health. You could credit Jazz doctors for that but he’s still an outlier. I’m not saying he’s correct on the issue, but I think given the criminal history and disregard for safety from pharma companies I think people should have a choice to not take unproven experimental medications.
Yup- so don’t you think it would make sense to have a little nuance in how we discuss drugs. Stockton has a long and very public history of remarkable health. You could credit Jazz doctors for that but he’s still an outlier. I’m not saying he’s correct on the issue, but I think given the criminal history and disregard for safety from pharma companies I think people should have a choice to not take unproven experimental medications.
They do.

So we cool then?

No one has ever been strapped to a table and given a COVID vaccine against their will. No one has ever been arrested for not taking a COVID vaccine.

This is fake drama.
1. I haven't watched/listened to it. Probably won't.
2. Should there be a physician? Would there being a physician change anything?
3. Scott Jensen is a physician.
4. Unless #3 was meant as a joke.
I owe you an apology for not taking the hint. For some reason, I thought of Alex Jenson. I did not know who Scott Jenson was, and I should have been more careful.
They do.

So we cool then?

No one has ever been strapped to a table and given a COVID vaccine against their will. No one has ever been arrested for not taking a COVID vaccine.

This is fake drama.
Except for the first responders, nurses, and healthcare workers, truckers, oh and least of all pro athletes that were mandated the vaccine. Plenty of people, lost their jobs for not taking the experimental unproven medication. The mandates were wrong and always will be. My medical choices and medical history do not need to be on display with my employer, we have hippa laws for a reason. Nobody except maybe children and infants received the vaccine via lethal injection like you described though, so you’re partially right.
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Plenty of people, lost their jobs for not taking the experimental unproven medication.
While the schedule was compacted, the vaccines went through Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 trials, and the Phase 3 trials were placebo-controlled. After that, they were no longer experimental.

The mandates were wrong and always will be.
The mandates saved lives.

My medical choices and medical history do not need to be on display with my employer, we have hippa laws for a reason.
You can't be a pilot if you have epilepsy. Tuberculosis tests in healthcare settings are routine, and you are required to be treated if you test positive. HIPAA does not grant you permission to be a danger to people in your work environment.
I'd also look into

Pharma companies are for profit enterprises. They have acted criminally many many times. They have disregarded customer safety many times. They have lied many times.

The medicine they produce has also saved many many millions if not more than 1 billion lives and allowed many people to continue living in much better condition than they would have otherwise.

Its a mixed bag. COVID vaccines have been amazing at saving lives. Massive net positive on the COVID vaccines.
I had a look at polio on your list and found this- I think you should have a look at the list you made too.

Except for the first responders, nurses, and healthcare workers, truckers, oh and least of all pro athletes that were mandated the vaccine. Plenty of people, lost their jobs for not taking the experimental unproven medication. The mandates were wrong and always will be. My medical choices and medical history do not need to be on display with my employer, we have hippa laws for a reason. Nobody except maybe children and infants received the vaccine via lethal injection like you described though, so you’re partially right.

“Your medical choices”
How do you feel about abortion?

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