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Never ending loading issues with the Jazzfanz website via smart phone access.


Well-Known Member
Since I've joined up with Jazzfanz I've always used my phone to post, and I don't ever use Tapatalk. In the beginning Jazzfanz would load fine if I had good coverage. But for about a year, or maybe a little more, it's been having problems loading the webpage. This seems to have started right about all the problems with ads.

For a while I considered it was just my phone. But now I'm absolutely sure it's something with the site and how it reacts to smart phones. I just upgraded my phone a couple months ago, and it's still doing it. I even messed around with every phone in the Verizon store trying to see how it handled Jazzfanz. Every single one had the same problem

Most websites load just fine on my phone. Jazzfanz is absolutely the worst out of all of them. 4/5 times it won't open the page and will just sit there thinking. Or it will start to load then pause. Or it won't load and will give me a standard Internet error saying the website might be down or may have moved. Every navigation effort I make takes multiple clicks just to get it to do anything. It's extremely annoying. I love the site and wish it wasn't like this. It really ruins the experience.
The situation is the same with Tapatalk. It is something to do with Android.
I need to get a better theme for mobile for sure. I apologize. I'll look into this though.
Why don't you just log on with your computer? Too many alts on it?

Why don't you just log on with your computer?

not sure if I've had any problems with Tapatalk on my ipod but on my laptop (macbook pro with using both safari and firefox) I notice that while pages load OK, the little spinning thing in the tab or window (that indicates "loading" is taking place) never stops spinning. Pretty sure it has to do with the ads on the page and the way they keep changing. Even if it stops "loading" for a few seconds, it starts up again.
I don't know if it helps, but I used to have a similar problem in the earlier version of Tapatalk. If the forum stopped loading, I went to the app settings and cleared all the cache and it fixed it all the time.