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New re-brand merch found at Ross?

Doesn’t Ross get stuff as surplus or discontinued? Perhaps this means they’re jumping ship and unloading inventory. Ross would be a strange place for it to first be sold. Someone with business sense chime in.
Doesn’t Ross get stuff as surplus or discontinued? Perhaps this means they’re jumping ship and unloading inventory. Ross would be a strange place for it to first be sold. Someone with business sense chime in.
Andy speculated that later in the thread. I reeeeeeally hope that's the case.
Doesn’t Ross get stuff as surplus or discontinued? Perhaps this means they’re jumping ship and unloading inventory. Ross would be a strange place for it to first be sold. Someone with business sense chime in.
From a distributor standpoint Ross is considered an "off-price" retailer, meaning they primarily purchase items that are factory seconds, or out of season or print, or discontinued or surplus. Still good stuff just usually outdated and cheaper. So to see it here first could definitely imply it's an inventory dump, but it's still very weird to see it straight to Ross.

Could also be knockoffs. Sometimes the Chinese get ahead of themselves.
If the re-brand had actually failed wouldn't you rather just eat the merch rather than make a few pennies sending it to Ross and hoping no one saw. The equivalent of trading Rayjohn Tucker's 300k in salary with a second to save some dough.
Ross gonna be our new jersey patch sponsor.
Doesn’t Ross get stuff as surplus or discontinued? Perhaps this means they’re jumping ship and unloading inventory. Ross would be a strange place for it to first be sold. Someone with business sense chime in.

Yes, they get it and sell it discounted it’s not moving somewhere else usually. I think they may be jumping ship but like HH said why not just eat the costs instead of embarrassing yourself with this.

This is some of the worst **** I’ve ever seen though. Looks like a middle school kid got ahold of Microsoft Paint and went to town.
Yes, they get it and sell it discounted it’s not moving somewhere else usually. I think they may be jumping ship but like HH said why not just eat the costs instead of embarrassing yourself with this.

This is some of the worst **** I’ve ever seen though. Looks like a middle school kid got ahold of Microsoft Paint and went to town.
I seriously doubt that Ryan Smith cares about any possible embarrassment associated with a failed rebrand showing up at Ross Dress For Less. He can simply decline to speak on it when asked by the media from now until the end of time.

If he was able to recoup pennies on the dollar for merch that’s already been made, I’m sure he jumped at it.
Yes, they get it and sell it discounted it’s not moving somewhere else usually. I think they may be jumping ship but like HH said why not just eat the costs instead of embarrassing yourself with this.

This is some of the worst **** I’ve ever seen though. Looks like a middle school kid got ahold of Microsoft Paint and went to town.
All the game threads I made a few years ago were done with Microsoft Paint. I put out way better stuff than this.
And this Ross omen is huge. It's either a really, really good omen... or a really, really bad one.
If the re-brand had actually failed wouldn't you rather just eat the merch rather than make a few pennies sending it to Ross and hoping no one saw. The equivalent of trading Rayjohn Tucker's 300k in salary with a second to save some dough.
Maybe the idea is to "leak" these to Ross, then they do a slightly different rebrand that also sucks, but isn't as bad. That way we'll all be saying "well these are bad but at least it's not that black and yellow ********.*
I dunno man, none of this has made sense.
That is just so so so bad. Cannot imagine wtf they are thinking. Is Ryan completely surrounding himself with yes-people? **** me that's bad.
It looks like Ryan Smith has an 8 year old who wants to be a graphic designer when she grows up so Ryan put her in charge of the rebrand.