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NFL Survivor Poll?


Modstapo Lite
Staff member
I'm not sure if cali runs one (do you cali?) If he doesn't, I want to start one on this site. But I want to see what the interest is. Frankly, it's the most entertaining type of football game to me, even though it can last only a week or two for some.

For those who don't know what a survivor pool is, basically everyone gets to pick one team a win to win their game that week. Once the team is picked, they can't pick that team for the remaining weeks (which last year would have prevented someone from picking the Colts almost 15 weeks in a row). It's one of those things that tends to start off slow (ulness you have a brass set of balls), but gets super interesting when you are down to the Raiders/Lions/etc. in games against opponents of their caliber and the Bengals/Cowboys/etc. in competitive games.

I'm pretty sure cali does do the pick 'em, which I also like. As an aside, I don't care for fantasy football anymore. The couple times I played it, it actually took enjoyment away from the games to me.

So if there's interest (in my pathetic world about 5 or so will qualify as "interest" :D ), and if cali doesn't run one already, I'll set one up for this site.

Ok, I setup a league:

Name: Surviving Jazzfanz
Group ID: 2611
PW: derontoal


I made the number of strikes, if you will, 1...the traditional standard which I'm fine with. However, I'll take suggestions on whether to up it to 2 or 3. With a small group that may be more preferable. I have until kickoff to do so.

Eh, I just realized I'm calling it a poll instead of a pool in the title. That bugs me on some dumb level :)
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Someone set one up last year, I just don't remember who. Pretty sure I won it! Take that bitches!!! (OK, technically, I tied in 1st with TICC, but still, I won it!)
So with about a week left I'm just reminding anyone else (I'm looking at you GVC) who wants to join that they are more than welcome to do so. This is like the easiest thing in the world to do. Just one pick a week. Hell, you could get knocked out on the first week. If the numbers don't go past 8 or so I think I'll make it a double elimination.

And with a week left my posts will get progressively whinier until I see a few more people join :D
I did the last one. I won it. bigb was a close second.

Edit: I'm in.
Ok, I'm cool with 8. If anyone else wants to join let me know. I'm keeping the strikes at one for now, but if people want to bump it to two I'm open to the idea. I'm not sure what's a good number for a group of 8. Granted, there's like a day and a half left to do so.

Also, anyone else who wants to join feel free :)
Yeah, I would prefer to keep it at 1. That's the way I've always played it.
Damn, looks like everyone's pick won. Nice call on the Ravens, Trout. You finally listened for once.

I told y'all the JEST would lose.
Grats to Calijazz, for winning my first annual NFL Survivor Pool. Well done. And for me, bad done.

Sorry, I've been out of it for so damn long it seems that I just saw that you won today :)