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Non jazz 2019 playoff discussion.

Not if refs start on game 1 of the regular season actually enforcing the NBA’s own rules. A few years ago the NBA made stricter rules against flopping and distracting emotional displays against officials. Yet, the only times I’ve seen these rules enforced, have been against players like Neto, not Paul, Harden, or Green.

I don’t buy into the guise of, “fans pay to watch stars play, so let’s permit them to play by a different set of rules so they can get away with murder” nonsense. Fans pay to watch good basketball and I’ve never been more disgusted by players flopping and temper tantrums than right now.

If these players were given technical fouls for flopping and throwing temper tantrums beginning on game 1 of the regular season, things would change quickly. After a few stars like Paul and Green sit out a few games in the first few weeks of the season because of their technical fouls, by mid season I bet 99 percent of the flopping and temper tantrums would cease to exist. Hell, actually enforcing rules against traveling, palming, flopping, and temper tantrums would revolutionize the NBA right now... for the better.

First thing should be to eliminate the charge and replace it with some dislodging rule that prevents guys from just lowering their shoulder and going through guys. The fact that guys jump in front of people and then act like a Mack truck hit them has always been so dumb.

Then just write a rule about foul seeking. If guys do certain things with the only purpose to draw a foul you just don’t have to call it... if guys are known to flop they don’t get the benefit of the doubt.

Not a big warriors fan but love seeing the boy that cried wolf not get every ****ing call... cry me a river rockets fans.
First thing should be to eliminate the charge and replace it with some dislodging rule that prevents guys from just lowering their shoulder and going through guys. The fact that guys jump in front of people and then act like a Mack truck hit them has always been so dumb.

Then just write a rule about foul seeking. If guys do certain things with the only purpose to draw a foul you just don’t have to call it... if guys are known to flop they don’t get the benefit of the doubt.

Not a big warriors fan but love seeing the boy that cried wolf not get every ****ing call... cry me a river rockets fans.

I'm on board with these.

If they assessed a foul for flops where there is definitely no foul, we might have a solution. If a guy falls to the floor, fine. If he throws his body around and yells at a ref that he was fouled, a simple review the next stoppage of play could result in a foul being assessed.

If there is no real time penalty for flopping (like there is in soccer where you get a yellow card for "dive"), it's only going to get worse. I'm also a soccer fan and I have noticed that "diving" or flopping in the box has happened less since they established the yellow card for "diving" rule.
saw the harden shots.

hes kicking his feet out

The first half ones looked like legitimate fouls but the last ones were fine.

Guess what though... refs miss calls all the time... so the rockets blaming the refs is laughable since they get some of the most BS foul calls ever. Green and Klay donget away with murder though so it is I’ll be interesting. Hopefully this series sets up for a serious revision to the rules or the way the game is officiated. There are so many things that are correctable imo... there will be unintended consequences but these guys flopping around, taking 4 steps to gather, and swinging their arms to hit others guys arms is kinda silly.

Harden is just a ****.

Saw the b word wasnt auto censcored on this forum, last time i got banned for doing nothing. Trigger happy mods.
Guy did this **** on curry. Its just two teams of floppers and the refs are trying their best to deal with it.

Funny how this **** has become a tactic in the nba, who can flop the best
I'm on board with these.

If they assessed a foul for flops where there is definitely no foul, we might have a solution. If a guy falls to the floor, fine. If he throws his body around and yells at a ref that he was fouled, a simple review the next stoppage of play could result in a foul being assessed.

If there is no real time penalty for flopping (like there is in soccer where you get a yellow card for "dive"), it's only going to get worse. I'm also a soccer fan and I have noticed that "diving" or flopping in the box has happened less since they established the yellow card for "diving" rule.

The charge thing has always been so dumb... watch pickup ball and see how many guys take a charge... none. They just play defense instead... these NBA going to the floor and undercutting guys is so dumb to me... acting like they got run over by a truck... but if you don’t go to the ground there is no foul... the calls are just weird.
****in’ Europeans.
Maybe i miss some sarcasm, but basketball under FIBA rules has IMHO also got more soft and of course much faster compared to the 1990-2000 era.
As long as the paying customers want star treatment the rules stay as they are. I assume, that this non-enforcement of rules to some players is also profitable the owners of other teams including Jazz otherwise the discontent owners might create another parallel league. Who is forbidding the Jazz players to protest against such behavior a la playing some kind of protest ball when they play against Rockets or Warriors?
I believe Harden is the biggest flopper in history, but I’m loving all the heat the NBA is getting. Now the rockets have come out with a “study” showing how they’ve been screwed by the refs. If this is what it takes, one of the biggest markets in the game, to put a spotlight on the dirty officiating and force change, then I’ll be happy for it.

For far too long the NBA hasn’t been transparent with the refs. You hear about **** going on all the time but you never hear the nba doing anything about it. I remember an official and Tim Duncan had an issue a few years back and Duncan got screwed over. The nba never seemed to address it. Zero transparency zero accountability.

Personally, I’d love for them to fire all of the officials and start over.

I haven’t followed our team this year as religiously as as I have in the past. But I remember during the intro of some games seeing who was officiating and knowing we’d be screwed. Joey Crawford was one of them. Rarely was my prediction wrong either. Usually when I saw a corrupt official we’d lose in a close one where crappy calls really did us in.

So I’m totally down with the Rockets setting fire to the NBA if it means that the league will finally do something about it. Is Paul still the league’s Union Pres? Give Silver hell Chrissy!
I believe Harden is the biggest flopper in history, but I’m loving all the heat the NBA is getting. Now the rockets have come out with a “study” showing how they’ve been screwed by the refs. If this is what it takes, one of the biggest markets in the game, to put a spotlight on the dirty officiating and force change, then I’ll be happy for it.

For far too long the NBA hasn’t been transparent with the refs. You hear about **** going on all the time but you never hear the nba doing anything about it. I remember an official and Tim Duncan had an issue a few years back and Duncan got screwed over. The nba never seemed to address it. Zero transparency zero accountability.

Personally, I’d love for them to fire all of the officials and start over.

I haven’t followed our team this year as religiously as as I have in the past. But I remember during the intro of some games seeing who was officiating and knowing we’d be screwed. Joey Crawford was one of them. Rarely was my prediction wrong either. Usually when I saw a corrupt official we’d lose in a close one where crappy calls really did us in.

So I’m totally down with the Rockets setting fire to the NBA if it means that the league will finally do something about it. Is Paul still the league’s Union Pres? Give Silver hell Chrissy!
That’s the optimistic view. The more realistic view is that Houston gets a lot more calls against us next year, above and beyond what they’re already allotted.
Harden crying is just plain funny. There are several guys in the NBA that I don’t really like as people and I don’t have anything against Harden but I cannot stand to watch this dude play. He flops constantly and cries to the officials when he doesn’t get the call on a flop. It’s painful to watch. And on the other hand I don’t like Westbrook at all. Don’t know the guy but I just don’t like the attitude he portrays. But I can respect the effort he gives on the court. Dude plays his heart out. Never have to wonder if he is taking a play off.
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Well, we've got a player who jumps forward trying to get a foul called and he often succeeds: Crowder. I'm all for giving landing space to a guy, but not if it means 5 feet. Just like Kobe used to seek fouls by kicking out his legs, something has to be done about players jumping forward several feet or, what's just as irritating to me...just lowering their shoulder and bulling their way towards the basket.
How did LA get Lou Williams? Is Jamal Crawford anywhere? How did Portland get Seth Curry? How did Houston get Austin Rivers?

I can’t imagine any of these players were swarmed by teams to play for them. We seriously didn’t try to get any of these guys to join our roster? They’d all boost our sorry *** shooting. Did Dennis really think Neto and Exum were better than any of those players above?
How dare you criticize Dennis the Demigod. He drafted Mitchell and Gobert. He's GM for life. He doesn't have to sign any FA's. He's keeping the powder dry for that one, big move. Nevermind we've been waiting on that for 8 years, while he has kept Utah at or near the bottom of the league in terms of salaries. He's just waiting on certain guys like Lebron, Curry, Durant and Harden to lose a step. Then he'll swoop in.
I'm actually looking forward to the HOU/GS game tomorrow just to see all the crying.

Both of these teams have been the benefactors of getting the superstar treatment from the refs for ages. I'm always up for watching two cobras battle it out as one will ultimately die in the end.
I guess I'll enjoy that POR/DEN stuff more than that HOU/GSW thing...

No doubt.



If any of my words or concepts happens to be particularly criptical for you, I ask you to point them out and I'll do my best to clarify them.
And if asking isn't nice enough, I beg.
No doubt.



If any of my words or concepts happens to be particularly criptical for you, I ask you to point them out and I'll do my best to clarify them.
And if asking isn't nice enough, I beg.
What about him (I presume this is Jokic, though it doesn’t resemble him at all) makes him “The Joker”? Oh, that people that pronounce his name wrong pronounce it even more wrong?

It’s very dumb and confusing. This artwork is just a cringey extension of it all.