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Game Thread Nov 06, 2023 06:00PM MT: Jazz at Bulls

Added to Calendar: 11-06-23

Until tonight I kept telling myself that it was all just a bad dream. But nope, it’s the real deal and tonight was the worst yet. It’s gone from bad dream to nightmare… the real Freddy Kruger kind.

Last year was such a gift. No one expected anything from the year after, the spare parts we collected to go with the war chest full of Draft Picks supposed to be the real prize. And yet, it was like we couldn’t lose for trying, and finally had to jettison players and pay Westbrook beaucoup bucks to split so we could get a ping pong ball or two.

Of course after last season, expectations filled the air, but what a difference a few months can make. We gotta be the absolute worst team in the League right now and it’s difficult to point fingers because it’s almost everybody that’s f’n it up on a consistent basis… just some more than others.

So here comes the part where I go flow of consciousness on y’all. 1) Hardy’s Small Ball experiment is a complete **** up bust! Bulls announcers even commented on it, “They have this big lineup where they have an advantage but they barely use it” (paraphrased). 2) The By Committee guard-line approach is also dead in the water. Our guys feel like they are all on such a short leash, nobody can play freely instead looking like a keystone cops clown show. 3) The one bright spot is John Collins who proved tonight that he can be efficient and that he can create for himself.

Anyway, that’s all I got on the flow side for now. Feel free to draw your own conclusions. Me I’m back to my original consolidation guard line trade aspirations. Sometimes less really is more.
I disagree about the Collins part. I think because of the horrid guard play, one thing goes unnoticed is how terrible our interior defense is. Kessler is better this match, but this season he is generally not that gd. Kelly O can't jump at all. This all we know. As much as he facilitates offense, he hurts defense in the same degree. Collins' defense is also 'under the radar'. He doesn't have the frame or height or wingspan or anticipation to guard any proper big men. Truly he can score but he is not the kind of player we need right now and frankly he is quite replaceable in any squad. In the last few matches there are stints that Collins and Kelly are the only big men on the court and the defense is unwatchable.
27th is 27th. I don’t care about last year.

Until you get a larger sample size you probably should
They are a good defense especially in the spots that give us trouble. Caruso is one of the best perimeter defenders in the league. Carter is a problem and is going to make you work for every inch. Ayo is decent... Williams is solid. White is much improved there.

We also got a rough whistle last night... felt like the guards were allowed to really get into our guys... at the same time it would not have mattered because we are hot garbage.
Locke is also saying Hardy is coaching for the future more than single games. They are trying a lot of different concepts on the fly it seems. Stuff you wouldn't usually do if winning was the primary goal.
Locke is also saying Hardy is coaching for the future more than single games. They are trying a lot of different concepts on the fly it seems. Stuff you wouldn't usually do if winning was the primary goal.
The defense makes no damn sense... would love to see what the actual hell they are going for. We seem to switch everything on the perimeter almost for no reason. Its a weird zone/man hybrid... it just seems to be completely ineffective. We don't have a lot of great defensive talent but it'd be nice to at least have some idea of what its suppose to look like.
The defense makes no damn sense... would love to see what the actual hell they are going for. We seem to switch everything on the perimeter almost for no reason. Its a weird zone/man hybrid... it just seems to be completely ineffective. We don't have a lot of great defensive talent but it'd be nice to at least have some idea of what its suppose to look like.
Supposedly they installed brand new defensive concepts for the Bulls game.
Supposedly they installed brand new defensive concepts for the Bulls game.
Even before last night we seem to just be doing weird stuff. So much perimeter switching.... works well in Boston when its Brown, Tatum, Smart, White... not so much with our world beaters.
Locke is also saying Hardy is coaching for the future more than single games. They are trying a lot of different concepts on the fly it seems. Stuff you wouldn't usually do if winning was the primary goal.
Wish he would have done that at this time last year.