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Game Thread Nov 11, 2021 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Pacers

Added to Calendar: 11-11-21

Der Karneval beginnt heute. Schützt eure Krawatten!

Die Jazz werden heute dominieren, buch es!
This should be a fun game. The Pacers are one of my favorite teams to watch though they have underachieved this season despite having a nice roster.
Here is my knowledge of the Pacers based on listening to local sports radio and having never watched them play this season:

- Chris Duarte is a stud / ROY candidate
- Team is soft in general, needs enforcers
- Malcolm Brogdon is a Diva, needs to go
- Miles Turner is the best player/ worst player on the team depending on who you talk to.
- Caris LeVert has been really good for the team, and makes a big difference when he plays
Seems that IND always give the Jazz a tough game although in the past I seem to remember the Jazz always playing them on the road first.

Your list of players didn't even mention Sabonis.

Looking at the names only IND should be a tough team looking at their record would suggest otherwise but they do have have close loses, like last night to DNV.

IND is on the 2nd night of a back to back.

So all that adds up to... hell if I know but here's to hoping the Jazz continue to find their lost shooting stroke and win comfortably against a talented IND team.
Dieses Spiel muss gewonnen werden!! Egal welches Opfer gebracht werden muss!!

Doesn't have the same ring to it really.
3 Ball falling!
Nice catch and finish by gobert. Good job by DM for trusting the big fella
Donovan cooking
Mitchell is making it look effortless so far this season. If this continues on, it's safe to say he took another step forward in picking his shots.
Stupid shot donovan. Heat checks are dumb in general
McConnell put that shot up like it was a bowling ball.