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O/T Memo traded to Portland

Just wanted to share a turkish basketball writer's info about Memo... (He is a close guy to Memo)

He basically said on the radio,

"Memo closed the season but he also may be done for basketball. His back spasms and waist problems now came to the point of almost untreatable. He had always have got those problems even from the days of his childhood but now it will probably end his NBA career. He maybe can play a few years more only in the europe. And if he has not been doing some very particular exercies for his back every single day(even in his honeymoon and all summers), he definitely wouldn't manage to play in the NBA this long."

So, his career looks like finished in the NBA. Really a nice guy, one of the pure shooters and bests among the bigs. My best wishes for him for the future.
As of today, the Nets are tied for 4th with fewest wins, and 6th in winning percentage.

Now we really have to root for the Nets. I love watching the Blazers suck and blow all of their young assets. They don't need another one that might pan out.

We definately shouldn't be rooting for the Nets. The GS pick is the only thing in the universe that matters right now.

This. If D-Will leaves, this GM will go down as one of the worst(possibly the worst) in history.

I wouldn't say that. Ownership has been the driving force behind these moves. That Wallace trade was absolutely horrendous. There's no way that trade is made, except for the desperation of an owner that is praying for a miracle to hang on to Deron.
What would have been the odds of this deal happening except only Jefferson and not Wallace?
Money looks like he's done for the NBA. I hope he gets proper treatment for his back spasms. It'd be better to see him make his last appearance in Turkish League where he started.

He's had a great NBA career and even a ring with Pistons so no I'm not unhappy about the bunch of time he lost to play. He has made a name in his world. He's one of the few to open a door for many young future stars from Turkey alongside Mirsad Türkcan (the '99 lockout victim) and Hidayet Türkoğlu.
