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Obama Government Shutdown?


More evidence Republicans are willing to play ball. Just not the members of the tea party.

I agree that the House should vote straight up on a bill. But the Senate should vote on some of the measures/laws the house sent them instead of tabling them.

Basically this comes down to 4 people. Bheoner, McConnell, Reid and Pelosi.

Edit: Also what a bad series of back and forths between Reid and CCN's Dana Bash. Reid has to be kicking himself for that one.
well, I of all people know how to construct fantastic takes on reality, but seriously. . . . do you really think people are any different any other way you want to slice and dice them demographically?

we're all victims of our ignorance. Islamic fundamentalists and Teabaggers are no different from government employees worried about the next paycheck, except the fact is those paychecks will be cut, and cashed. Break out some beans and rice, bro. You're not going broke, personally. Not yet.

Establishment folks, together with everyone who believes continuity is the only way of life they can cope with, have gone insane over this "Shutdown" rhetoric and lost all contact with reason.

Teabaggers and the Islamists have lived in the outer darkness of powerlessness for decades, and that is why they are all batcrap crazy. Now it's your turn.

Actually, studies show that both groups are composed of the wealthier, older male members of society who are grasping at the past in face of a changing world that they can't cope with (like women obtaining rights - male chauvinism is a common fundamentalist trait). Osama Bin Laden was a rich boy; Tea Party is composed of rich, white social security recipients with an irrational fear of others who haven't "earned" the right to game the system as they have. They should receive psychiatric treatment for their disease.

But the Senate should vote on some of the measures/laws the house sent them instead of tabling them.

What's the point in voting on token populist legislation that allows the Tea Baggers to continue to make a spectacle of their sworn in constitutional duties? I'm not giving them power to proclaim victory on saving entrance into the symbolic WWII momument when matters that are actually important to the immediate livelyhood of millions are at stake.

Also, blaming this on the leadership is populist rhetoric and a copout.

More evidence Republicans are willing to play ball. Just not the members of the tea party.

Both sides, excluding the T'eahad anarchist far right, have given something during each of the half-dozen T'eahad manufactured crises over the past 12-months or so. I've been very pleased with the ability of congress to come together and do the people's work. It's too bad the T'eahad's need to control everyone else has made the process so difficult and uncertain for the remaining 280,000,000 sane Americans.
Republican Party: You've been hijacked. Deal with it. And to those that think it's both parties? Maybe most of the time, but not this time folks. To hide behind "both parties are to blame, out with them all" is a copout. This shutdown is a temper tantrum by the few tea baggers so butt hurt that not only was the ACA law was passed, but it was upheld by the Supreme Court, and further shoved down their throats in with the Presidential election. This is fact.

Here's some Foxnews to rub your belly:

the attack on the capitol today doesn't really surprise me. A lot of people are being hurt by the anarchists. They're going to be pissed. I'm guessing death threats are reaching very high levels. If something doesn't break soon, I wouldn't be surprised to see assassination attempts, demonstrations, and other acts of violence in DC. Especially geared towards tea bagging anarchists. If I were Cruz or Lee, I'd hire a few more bodyguards. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is right now. A lot of Americans are pissed. I'm one of them. Although, I don't condone violence, I definitely understand. For many Americans, Obamacare is their last chance at health care. For many, their government aid is their last resort. Americans are being fed up with the anarchists shrugging them off/telling them to eat cake and stop being lazy. Not all of us were born into million dollar families. And not all of us are hypocrites like Bachmann. All she's ever done is live off the public's dime. Yet, all she does it bash the government. Without her career with the government she'd be nothing.
Actually, studies show that both groups are composed of the wealthier, older male members of society who are grasping at the past in face of a changing world that they can't cope with (like women obtaining rights - male chauvinism is a common fundamentalist trait). Osama Bin Laden was a rich boy; Tea Party is composed of rich, white social security recipients with an irrational fear of others who haven't "earned" the right to game the system as they have. They should receive psychiatric treatment for their disease.

What's the point in voting on token populist legislation that allows the Tea Baggers to continue to make a spectacle of their sworn in constitutional duties? I'm not giving them power to proclaim victory on saving entrance into the symbolic WWII momument when matters that are actually important to the immediate livelyhood of millions are at stake.

Also, blaming this on the leadership is populist rhetoric and a copout.

Boehner could call a vote and he hasn't. Cop out my ***
To the extent the crisis is caused by Boehner being unable to tell the 40 tea partiers in his caucus to shut up without losing his job, the Democrats can actually solve this problem and give Boehner a way out.

It would require a creative solution but I think if the Dems stated that they would vote for Boehner for speaker in the event that the GOP caucus moved to vacate his chair then Boehner would probably be untouchable by Tea Party threats. That would also give Boehner significant incentive to behave differently because his internal constituency would have changed dramatically. Dems would have an incentive to keep him there and willing to work with them since they can't win a straight party-line vote othwerwise on the speaker seat.

I suspect that would actually solve the whole problem.
To the extent the crisis is caused by Boehner being unable to tell the 40 tea partiers in his caucus to shut up without losing his job, the Democrats can actually solve this problem and give Boehner a way out.

It would require a creative solution but I think if the Dems stated that they would vote for Boehner for speaker in the event that the GOP caucus moved to vacate his chair then Boehner would probably be untouchable by Tea Party threats. That would also give Boehner significant incentive to behave differently because his internal constituency would have changed dramatically. Dems would have an incentive to keep him there and willing to work with them since they can't win a straight party-line vote othwerwise on the speaker seat.

I suspect that would actually solve the whole problem.

Thank you for bringing another option to the table. I'm up for this.
the attack on the capitol today doesn't really surprise me. A lot of people are being hurt by the anarchists. They're going to be pissed. I'm guessing death threats are reaching very high levels. If something doesn't break soon, I wouldn't be surprised to see assassination attempts, demonstrations, and other acts of violence in DC. Especially geared towards tea bagging anarchists. If I were Cruz or Lee, I'd hire a few more bodyguards. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is right now. A lot of Americans are pissed. I'm one of them. Although, I don't condone violence, I definitely understand. For many Americans, Obamacare is their last chance at health care. For many, their government aid is their last resort. Americans are being fed up with the anarchists shrugging them off/telling them to eat cake and stop being lazy. Not all of us were born into million dollar families. And not all of us are hypocrites like Bachmann. All she's ever done is live off the public's dime. Yet, all she does it bash the government. Without her career with the government she'd be nothing.

I am an Anarchist and I can assure you that there is not one Anarchist in the congress. I think you meant to say neo-con lobbyist licking corporate sucking pieces of ****. The first thing an Anarchist would do is dramatically cut the military budget(to zero if we could get away with it). I don't think you will find many of these guys would be for it. Don't blame it on us Anarchists we had nothing to do with it.
I can't believe how many retarded Utahns continually post on social media defending this shutdown and blame the Democrats.

I'm all for free market healthcare now. Hopefully we can kill off some of these people.

The inability to critically think or see beyond the (white, Republican, Mormon) tag is impossible with just so many here. Is it genetic? What is it? I know the author of the book "The Republican Brain" thinks that genetics at least partially influence our political views. So what happened? Young had a million wives and offspring yet he was a flaming liberal?
I can't believe how many retarded Utahns continually post on social media defending this shutdown and blame the Democrats.

I'm all for free market healthcare now. Hopefully we can kill off some of these people.

The ability to critically think or see beyond the (white, Republican, Mormon) tag is impossible with just so many here. Is it genetic? What is it? I know the author of the book "The Republican Brain" thinks that genetics at least partially influence our political views. So what happened? Young had a million wives and offspring yet he was a flaming liberal?

About as many dumb Dems.
About as many dumb Dems.

How many times was Bush asked to show his birth certificate?

How many times was his religion analyzed?

How many times was his wife mocked?

Was he ever imitated by the Speaker of the House?

Was Bush or Reagan ever called out for using Air Force One or going on vacation?

Why wasn't Bush criticized for putting his shoes up on the table in the Oval Office?

How many times have Democrats cried about "the takers" and "47 percent" while ignoring the biggest takers, big business?

Why do we continually endorse a completely failed economic policy?

Why do we bash food stamp people while ignore the CEO who just cut his labor force to give himself triple his previous salary?

Just look at how retarded you conservatives have been about the debt? Where the **** were you guys while your "maverick" pissed away trillion after trillion in tax cuts, Medicare Part D, bailouts, and wars?

The mere fact that Mike Lee was elected shows how retarded we are here.

How many times have the Dems shut down the government?

Comparing the two is like comparing the Lakers to the Clippers. Have fun with that. Then again, I'm not surprised. You were the one originally blaming the democrats here. Until kicky kicked your ***.
Your insistence that the left is so e how morally and ethically superior to the right is entertaining. You cannot realize you are the exact copy of those you attack.

Also stop trying to assign positions when you don't know my positions. Bush made plenty of mistakes. Iraq and patriot act any one?
Your insistence that the left is so e how morally and ethically superior to the right is entertaining. You cannot realize you are the exact copy of those you attack.

Also stop trying to assign positions when you don't know my positions. Bush made plenty of mistakes. Iraq and patriot act any one?

Yet the vast majority of you folks were silent in criticism over 8 years. It was only when a black democrat was elected that finally the constitution, vacation days, and the debt mattered

You seriously cannot compare the racism, the ignorance, and blind obedience that the right commands to the left.

Satan could literally run and win in Utah as long as he was white, declared himself Mormon, and had a R next to his name. Utahns don't know **** about their representatives or the consequences of their actions. They will blindly vote for and support them no matter what. Just look at how. Mike Lee is being praised here!

Study after study has been done to show that repub voters are the least educated and most ill-informed voters out there. How you can argue this is beyond me.

This isn't an attack upon your conservative free market principles. It is an attack on your integrity. It's just unbelievable to me how many utahns are in support of this shutdown and Mike Lee