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Obama vs. Beantown


Well-Known Member
I read this from an article today and its a quote from David Axelrod of Obama's administration:

“The president does oppose same-sex marriage, but he supports equality for gay and lesbian couples, and benefits and other issues, and that has been effectuated in federal agencies under his control,” Axelrod told viewers of MSNBC on Thursday.

This is my same opinion of gay marriage. I fully support gay rights with all governmental benefits and adoption, and I would guess that everyone on here criticizing me for my opinion voted for Obama. We share the exact same opinion. So do you all think of him what you think of me? From all the hateful words thrown at me on here for my opinion, I am surprised there is not more Obama bashing on this site.

So please explain it to me. Because if the country thought of Obama about his opinion what some of you on this site think of me for mine.....well then my guess is Mr. Biden would already be our president.
This is from an article I read earlier today. Its from David Axelrod of Obama's administration.

The president does oppose same-sex marriage, but he supports equality for gay and lesbian couples, and benefits and other issues, and that has been effectuated in federal agencies under his control,” Axelrod told viewers of MSNBC on Thursday.

This is my same opinion of gay marriage. I fully support gay rights with all governmental benefits and adoption, and I would guess that everyone on here criticizing me for my opinion voted for Obama. We share the exact same opinion. So do you all think of him what you think of me? From all the hateful words thrown at me on here for my opinion, I am surprised there is not more Obama bashing on this site.

So please explain it to me. Because if the country thought of Obama about his opinion what some of you on this site think of me for mine.....well then my guess is Mr. Biden would already be our president.
I disagree with Obama on the issue.

I'll start treating him the way I treat you when he starts making crackpot arguments about evolution.
You're surprised there's not MORE Obama bashing on this site? Personally, I have seen so much of it I have grown weary of it.
Dear Bean - I don't hate you, you make this place a far more interesting place. I try not to bash you personally, and I apologize for those times when I have done so. However, I do bash your logic, which often seems very absurd. Perhaps part of it is how you express yourself, I don't know, but sometimes I think it is just the way you view things and how you think.

At any rate, I moved this topic to the General Discussion. At first I thought maybe it was going to be about Obama's basketball game or something, and that's why you put it in the Jazz forum, but since it's not, this is a more appropriate place for it.


I think Obama had a birthday recently, or some special occasion, and he invited a bunch of NBA players to a friendly scrimmage, fwiw. But I'm not sure.
I think Obama had a birthday recently, or some special occasion, and he invited a bunch of NBA players to a friendly scrimmage, fwiw. But I'm not sure.

Obamma, he can straight-up ball, eh, Mo!? From what I've seen he can hack with the best of them, and could probably even give the Jazz 2-3 minutes of solid foulin before he got 6, ya know?
I disagree with Obama on the issue.

I'll start treating him the way I treat you when he starts making crackpot arguments about evolution.

So giving reason why I dont agree with gay marriage is where I am wrong? I should just say I dont agree with it and leave it at that?....like Obama.
Also Kicky please explain the "crackpot" comment. You dont really believe homosexual relations are equal with heterosexual relations when it comes to biological importance?
this is just a message board, foo

btw, there has been plenty of close-minded BS on jazzfanz, so stop feeling sooooooo singled out. You could achieve this feeling by working on yourself -- i.e. a little introspection -- or just shutting the hell up a little more often. you choose.
Bean, the intent of hammering you in the fashion I did was mainly spurred by what I perceived to be your dance around the topic. You made it clear that you don't approve of gay marriage - hell...it's your opinion, that's fine - but your reasoning just didn't sit well. I mean, you say we should respect the institution of heterosexual consummation of relationships, which is one thing, but then you somewhat sweepingly denounced the role that homosexuals have had throughout the course of time.

Really this topic changed from a stance of "gay marriage: yes or no?" to one of "homosexuals: evolutionarily created or products of abuse/environment?" We tried confronting you (admittedly harshly) with some (what I took to be) sound, reasoned, scientific thought/background/evidence, but by claiming that it was false without having fully absorbed the material, I took your comments as an affront to those who want nothing more than to borrow one meager word. Whether or not homosexuals are made from environment or evolution, they cannot help being homosexuals and we should not punish them for it by disallowing their marriages.

And no, I didn't vote for Mr. Obama. This just happens to be a subject that I lean toward the left on.

Frankly I am surprised that Obama doesn't care for usage of the word "marriage" and it's application to homosexuals: (A) As a democrat I would expect him to endorse homosexual marriage, and (B) being African American, I would think he would be more sensitive to the plight of minorities trying to claw their way up. But that's neither here nor there.

Officially I want to apologize for having gone so hard on you. I think we all suffered a bit of a case of elevated emotions.
this is just a message board, foo

btw, there has been plenty of close-minded BS on jazzfanz, so stop feeling sooooooo singled out. You could achieve this feeling by working on yourself -- i.e. a little introspection -- or just shutting the hell up a little more often. you choose.

I just find it odd that I have been getting slaughtered by assuming "left leaning" folks for an opinion that parallels one of the most liberal President we have ever had.
Really this topic changed from a stance of "gay marriage: yes or no?" to one of "homosexuals: evolutionarily created or products of abuse/environment?"

Well, Chem, I think you might be overlookin one of the most attractive aspects of neo-darwinian (modern synthetic) evolutionary theory, eh? This here, I mean:

Ya can just haul off and make up any kinda "just so" story that suits your fancy, and aint nobuddy never gunna prove you're wrong.
I just find it odd that I have been getting slaughtered by assuming "left leaning" folks for an opinion that parallels one of the most liberal President we have ever had.

It parallels it only in conclusion. You get uniquely slaughtered for your rationale rather than your conclusion.

I also suspect you differ markedly on some other specifics. For example, he supports the repeal of DOMA. I don't believe you've taken a stand on that issue publicly, but I'd be surprised if you felt the same way.

As to the crackpot label: the shoe fits, so it gets used.