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Game Thread Oct 14, 2022 07:00PM MT: Jazz vs. Mavericks (Preseason)

Added to Calendar: 10-14-22

See, when I first heard Walker was the "young guy" we got in the Minny trade I was kinda pissed. I dismissed him right away, Of course we get the white 7 footer that probably moves like a zombie. I hated that we called him "A fifth draft pick." I was certain that we would have used the 22nd pick better.

Then I watched him play that first game. It was obvious then, even though we were trash. And by the second game, there really wasn't any doubt. Then he blocked 4 shots in the 3rd game.

At this point I think he is top 10 from that draft and I still might be underselling him. Centers don't usually show up like that their first few games in, even if it is preseason. I mean he's not Rudy, we will never see his like again, but he's really damn good and a steal like we need to get the next few years.

This team is unwatchable. Probably worse than the Big Al dumpsters. At least that team had decent uniforms and Millsap.

We better score this draft or this franchise might be ****ed.
Jazz tried to get the ball to Vando more times in this preseason game than they did Gobert in any random 3 game stretch last year.
That’s on Snyder. He gave our guards an endless leash. He let them put forth zero effort on defense and let them play lazy stupid basketball by just chucking up quick 3s. We had the best lob threat in the league last year and Clarkson would consistently get more shot attempts in two mins than for the entire game for Rudy. Stupid
This team isn't great, but there's something refreshing about watching these games and not being irritated about the lack of chemistry on the court. I'm enjoying this group in the preseason. We'll see how I feel in January though.
This team isn't great, but there's something refreshing about watching these games and not being irritated about the lack of chemistry on the court. I'm enjoying this group in the preseason. We'll see how I feel in January though.

But let’s be honest, that team last year had bad chemistry from day 1. All it needed was Deron throwing a ball at Gordon’s head. They never looked like they wanted to be together last year. Should’ve blown it up earlier. We could all see that last year’s team was heading no where fast, especially after Jingles went down. The window closed when we blew it against the Clippers. Last year was a wasted year.

Also, I’m not a fan of our cold soulless court or jerseys.
Lauri has been the biggest surprise this far. I think he could flirt with averaging 20/10 this year if he was given the minutes to do so.

I think that FIBA tournament flipped a switch in him. It was the first time he played that dominant and decisive. Whatever we have to do to nurture that in him should probably be our top priority the next couple of months. Feature him like an all star.
It's refreshing now. It will probably start getting old by game 20.

Those first 20 games would have been an unsufferable slog even with happy Rudy, Don, and Joe. That schedule is just ugly. We are going to lose a lot of games by 20 or more.

But let’s be honest, that team last year had bad chemistry from day 1. All it needed was Deron throwing a ball at Gordon’s head. They never looked like they wanted to be together last year. Should’ve blown it up earlier. We could all see that last year’s team was heading no where fast, especially after Jingles went down. The window closed when we blew it against the Clippers. Last year was a wasted year.

Also, I’m not a fan of our cold soulless court or jerseys.
Forgive me if I start to fan vicariously through the TWolves and the Nets this season! And possibly the one after that and possibly the one after that……..