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Old Testament Smackdown Setting Up

Actually wha tinterested me the most was the report or two I have read about anarchists gettign ready to boycott and disrupt the RNC and DNC. They are going to disrupt traffic and authorites claim they are going to throw acid filled eggs.
I googled 'Hurricane Romney' and got this as the 3rd result via this blog:


Mormons and Catholics and Liars, oh MY!

I really do hope the hurricane building in the gulf churns its happy way right on up to Tampa and soaks the republican convention into oblivion.

I have never seen a group of bigger liars, cheats and disgustingly cheap ******** as those people who support this party in any way. A natural disaster would be a very kind thing to happen to them. Personally, I'd like to see them suffer far more than water boarding. I have some pretty good thoughts on how I'd torture these people. First and foremost, I'd give them all smart-mouthed wives who'd cut their balls off every time they uttered anything stupid, which would be most of the time.

At any rate, the goddesses are angry! Never, ever pi$$ off mother nature, cause she's a bitch!

I don't know, I'm just pointing out the contrasts...yours....which is I think is good nature ribbing....and then a little viler form right there.
Yep, good (republicans and strippers) vs. evil (hurricanes).

Yup, hurricanes are why there are now more iguanas on puerto rico than puerto ricans. Iguanas are not native to puerto rico...

A hurricane blew them all way out to see and they saw puerto rico and made a beeline. Since they have no natural predators there the population exploded.

Ban Hurricanes! Save Puerto Rico!!
What would you expect from someone posting on a blog with a classy name like that?

Agreed. The point was really not the source, but just that it should be interesting to see where most jabs lie on that scale. And that I respect Northeast on those grounds, even though I don't agree with him on a lot of stuff.

I was actually just looking to see how many people have used the 'Hurricane Romney' tagline thus far and saw that: 1,540 on Google. Let's see what that number looks like in a few days. Use it now folks, before it gets totally played out.
Agreed. The point was really not the source, but just that it should be interesting to see where most jabs lie on that scale. And that I respect Northeast on those grounds, even though I don't agree with him on a lot of stuff.

I was actually just looking to see how many people have used the 'Hurricane Romney' tagline thus far and saw that: 1,540 on Google. Let's see what that number looks like in a few days. Use it now folks, before it gets totally played out.

Northeast himself does not really agree with half the stuff he says.
I googled 'Hurricane Romney' and got this as the 3rd result via this blog:


I don't know, I'm just pointing out the contrasts...yours....which is I think is good nature ribbing....and then a little viler form right there.

People are funny. So what's really worse, liars and cheats or hate filled types who wish harm on others? (I realize this was a bit of hyperbole, but I also think that it reflects some true feelings.)
It depends. We need more details. For example, do the harm wishers have supernatural powers? Also, are the people they wish harm upon holding puppies at the time?
It depends. We need more details. For example, do the harm wishers have supernatural powers? Also, are the people they wish harm upon holding puppies at the time?

No, we do not. People wishing harm is a pretty claseless act.
Most biblical smackdowns are.

I'm not so sure. Those Old Testament guys were pretty brutal. Stoning, murdering, killing off men to get their wives, slavery, wars left and right.

They might just swing into town and start lopping of arms left and right.