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According to a Bill Simons article on ESPN "In a 24/7 reporting world of "Heard this" and "Sources say," nobody knew Williams was on the block until he was traded. It was relatively amazing. So amazing that, apparently, a couple of teams were miffed (not ticked, not pissed; just miffed) that Utah never gave them an exploratory heads-up before saying yes to Jersey. "


He goes on to ask why utah hadn't called Boston about Perkins and Rondo, or the Clippers about Kaman, Aminu, Gordon, or GS Curry and a couple of future picks.

I knew KOC kept everything quiet, but didn't think he only called the Nets like Simmons suggests.

Do the Jazz like Favours that much?

Did he make a mistake not calling around?
Well, I'm a little torn if that's the case. On one hand, O'Conner sent D-Will to the east which is a good thing and getting D-Fav, Harris, and 2 picks still holds up as a pretty solid deal IMO. On the other hand, I have to wonder if a Clipper package wouldn't have looked a little better. However, sending D-Will to LA to play alongside Blake Griffen would pretty much assure us of D-Will staying out west for quite some time. Curry would have been a nice pick up but GS couldn't have given us the picks NJ did (since NJ already owned the GS 2012 pick). The thought of a deal with Boston does nothing for me. Perkins and Rondo is "meh" at best, plus you would see ZERO decent picks coming back from Boston.

However, it would have been hilarious to see D-Will-Ray Allen-KG and Pierce absolutely blow up the Miami Heat in the playoffs. It would have been EPIC.
Well, I'm a little torn if that's the case. On one hand, O'Conner sent D-Will to the east which is a good thing and getting D-Fav, Harris, and 2 picks still holds up as a pretty solid deal IMO. On the other hand, I have to wonder if a Clipper package wouldn't have looked a little better. However, sending D-Will to LA to play alongside Blake Griffen would pretty much assure us of D-Will staying out west for quite some time. Curry would have been a nice pick up but GS couldn't have given us the picks NJ did (since NJ already owned the GS 2012 pick). The thought of a deal with Boston does nothing for me. Perkins and Rondo is "meh" at best, plus you would see ZERO decent picks coming back from Boston.

However, it would have been hilarious to see D-Will-Ray Allen-KG and Pierce absolutely blow up the Miami Heat in the playoffs. It would have been EPIC.

KoC said he had MANY offers from different teams and that Nets was the only offer that made sense.

Deron, Ray, Pierce, KG, Shaq. That's a pretty damn good starting 5.
Wasn't there a Deron to SacTown rumor that was floating around right after he was traded saying they only passed on that deal because the Jazz wanted DWill in the Eastern Conference.
I wouldn't have mind seeing him go to the clippers, the deron-blake combo would have been fun to watch, but they would still be the clippers. eric gordon would let us forget about raja bell.
I think KOC was already looking long-term at that point. The team was already not doing too good and Sloan was gone. It seemed like they loved Favors, who is still raw but showed flashes of greatness, and they seemed to like Harris, who is a quality point despite being injury-prone. Additionally we got the NJ pick this year and the protected GS pick, which means we are possibly getting 1 potentially great player and 3 quality players at the very least.

Not sure I like the Rondo-Perkins deal. We already were missing shooters and with Rondo no one would have to go out to the perimeter to stop our guards. Plus, as jazzman12 mentioned, they will give us no lottery picks.

Like the Clippers deal a little bit, but I am not certain the Clippers will do it since they would still have Baron Davis.

The GSW deal is not as good as the one we got. Favors + Harris > Curry and the picks would not be as attractive.

Not sure what the Kings were offering, but if I were KOC I would not take anything less than Cousins, Casspi and the 2011 pick... But come to think about that, the combo of Corbin and Cousins would probably be a disaster...

So, I am not sure if we did already take the best deal available or would be available to us.
I think Favors is a guy the Jazz really coveted, not only in this draft but long-term bigger picture as well. He is soft-spoken, a hard worker, and not interested in nightlife as a whole and that is a HUGE plus when talking about Utah superstars.
... Favors is probably the rookie over the past 2 years with the most potential who isn't already a 'Franchise Player' - and therefore available to be traded

can you think of anyone else?
Also we know KOC is one of if not the most tight lipped GM in the league so Simmons' sources may not have heard about the shopping KOC was doing but more importantly once the word gets out that a player is being shopping it usually brings down their value. So maybe those other GM's that supposedly didn't know should to their job and make inquiring calls.