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One of You Needs to Make an Epic Draft Lottery Thread

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Modstapo Lite
Staff member
If only MK11 were still around, he would have the honors. That guy was incredible at game threads.

I'd do it but I'm slightly below average at best at making game threads. Tuesday might possibly be the greatest day in Jazz history since Stockton hit the shot against the Rockets 17 years ago. We need something good here. The pressure is on, but I know one of you all are up to the challenge. In this case just being first to make the thread doesn't cut it. There needs to be some solid effort.
everyone pls report to prayfor1stpick thread, as it is the unofficial official draft lottery thread TIA
Have a few people make one, then do another thread for a poll to see which ones the best. Let's get the front page flooded with threads just about the lottery. That will get the thread police in a hissy fit.
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