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One year and seven days til we sign Deron again!!!

If we did get Williams that would be insane.

William - Burks
Hayward - 2012 Pick
Burks - 2012 Pick
Favors - Sap - 2012 2nd round Pick
Jefferson - Kanter

We resign Dwill. Media goes crazy, investigations are launched about cheating, blah blah blah. Favors has his "breakout" junior season. Jefferson has become a team player, and not terrible on defense. Kanter in his 2nd year is clearly the best backup center in the league, but still not ready for major minutes. Millsap is an overly skilled backup PF, who gets some time at SF. Hayward is the reincarnation of Hornaceck (his Philly/Suns years). Burks has learned to shoot and becomes a role playing version of Brandon Roy, while manning the back up PG spot. Utah nabs at least one of the highly rated wings, along with a PF to eventually replace Millsap.

Utah beast the whole season, dominating every aspect of the game. Once they reach the playoffs, their excellent front court depth carries them to the conference finals where they meet division rivals, The Oklahoma City Thunder. Dwill pwns Westbrook so hard. Utah wins. Then Utah faces the Miami Heat in the finals. Hayward pwns an aging Dwayne Wade (will be 31) and Favors does unspeakable things to Bosh. Utah wins the series 4-1. Dwill is finals MVP, he gives the award to Sloan.
I would have laughed at you guys a year ago, but I am a Phillies fan, and after the way Lee was shot out of town and then came back, I completely think this is what will happen!
There is no way this happens. I will almost guarantee it. Someone will make a push to sign him. If he goes to Utah though that will say he legitimately thinks we have a chance to win it all. It would also be the biggest slap in the face to New Jersey.
There is no way this happens. I will almost guarantee it. Someone will make a push to sign him. If he goes to Utah though that will say he legitimately thinks we have a chance to win it all. It would also be the biggest slap in the face to New Jersey.

Even over moving the team to Brooklyn?
I guess if someone is motivated enough, we could make a list of teams that will be in financial position to sign Williams and see which teams are in the best position to win now and win in the future. All signs point to him signing with Dallas though. I think he would even resign to New Jersey (rich owner, moving to NY) over coming back to Utah.
Deron has to much ego to come back to Utah.

Instead we should draft Myck Kabongo

Wow. That kid is skilled! He couldn't get away with being that flashy in the NBA, but what a handle. Not as good as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jME6TEctLLY, though.
So Deron can come back to Utah, moan at the refs, lay out on the floor as his man goes the other way for a layup, and gets Ty Corbin fired?

Folks, Deron's a cancer. He emits a bad vibe.

I wouldn't want him back. I'm sorry, but Deron will NEVER win a championship unless he changes his attitude and body language out there.

If he could go back to playing hard and concentrating on lifting his team, then that would be awesome. Instead, he's turned into another crybaby superstar focused on me me me and me.
I hate Deron, and I hate this thread! Williams is gone, and not coming back and this team is better off without him! Championship in 5 years Derrick Favors finals MVP!

It's just moronic to think he would consider coming back, and even if he did I wouldn't want him back! This thread is stupid!
I hate Deron, and I hate this thread! Williams is gone, and not coming back and this team is better off without him! Championship in 5 years Derrick Favors finals MVP!

It's just moronic to think he would consider coming back, and even if he did I wouldn't want him back! This thread is stupid!
The crazy thing is that DWill is now in a position to do more for the reputation of Utah as a place that players would want to play than anybody else ever has been. I'd be stunned if he even considered coming back, but if he did it would be the clearest signal ever sent that this is a good place for NBA players to spend their careers. I'd be a major fan of that move.
No, I'm talking about the kid.

Duh. I guess I'll have to spell it out more clearly. I think it's too bad that when some people see something exceptional their first reaction is to try and tear it down. Is there a chance you'll be correct? Of course. Is there a chance you're completely off base? Of course. I'm sure this kid is already facing many doubters like yourself, and I hope he's figuring out a way to deal with them as well as possible.
Duh. I guess I'll have to spell it out more clearly. I think it's too bad that when some people see something exceptional their first reaction is to try and tear it down. Is there a chance you'll be correct? Of course. Is there a chance you're completely off base? Of course. I'm sure this kid is already facing many doubters like yourself, and I hope he's figuring out a way to deal with them as well as possible.

Putting pressure on the kid and having such expectations as you describe at such a young age is exactly the problem. I have no problem with the kid at all. But he shouldn't be on youtube imo. And his dad shouldn't be interviewing about him imo. Therein is where the problem lies.
Putting pressure on the kid and having such expectations as you describe at such a young age is exactly the problem. I have no problem with the kid at all. But he shouldn't be on youtube imo. And his dad shouldn't be interviewing about him imo. Therein is where the problem lies.
Okay. I don't think we're really that far apart in our assessment, but we are way apart in what we see as our appropriate reaction. I certainly see reason to be concerned about the kid, as with any kid. I definitely think it's unfair and potentially damaging to anticipate his failure. I also think it's unrealistic to think that people aren't going to be interested enough in his amazing skills for video of him to end up on YouTube, or for the dad to be willing to talk about him. I hope the family can figure out the best way to deal with this situation and I congratulate them on their accomplishments so far.
The crazy thing is that DWill is now in a position to do more for the reputation of Utah as a place that players would want to play than anybody else ever has been. I'd be stunned if he even considered coming back, but if he did it would be the clearest signal ever sent that this is a good place for NBA players to spend their careers. I'd be a major fan of that move.

That's the positive side. The negative I think someone alluded to already.

The Jazz would be vilified since it would look like they and Deron were in cahoots to pull a fast one on the Nets, to strip them of assets in exchange for a 1.5 year rental of Deron before Deron returns to Utah. Yikes, that looks pretty shiity, dontcha think? This is a negative for the reputation of Utah.
That's the positive side. The negative I think someone alluded to already.

The Jazz would be vilified since it would look like they and Deron were in cahoots to pull a fast one on the Nets, to strip them of assets in exchange for a 1.5 year rental of Deron before Deron returns to Utah. Yikes, that looks pretty shiity, dontcha think? This is a negative for the reputation of Utah.

Funny, but I'm not sure Utah's reputation wouldn't be enhanced. I mean (a la Kanter), Utah's overall reputation is goody-goody, holier-than-thou ... maybe it should sprinkle in some 'do what it takes to win a championship', ya know?