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Our biggest weakness


We lead the league (by far) in passes and yet we're dead last in the Western Conference in assists. I think that's pretty telling.

We want to be the Spurs but we just don't have the personnel to be them. Ironically the Dubs do. Bogut and Green up front are elite passing big men. And we know Curry is and Thompson as well. Are Favors and Gobert ever going to have a lot of games with 4-5 assists per night? I love these guys but ultimately is our ceiling going to be severely limited because they just don't have innate passing instincts? Because for me personally, true passing isn't really something you can teach.


If they were passing to Curry and Thompson, then yes.
We lack wing scoring, creating, and shooting... creating will lead to assists. We are starting Joe freakin Ingles right now. We just need better wings. Trey has started to do better, but until a couple weeks ago it was just Gordo and no one else.

A lot of our passes are fairly useless. It almost seems like a college offense at times. I'm sure we are just getting the base and we will add to it.
This is the first season since sloan left that Jazz have shown a positive direction, the begging of a turnaround if you will. We still don't know who QS is, but we have had a taste.

I don't know if at some point we add pieces, or if guys just get it and it "clicks" all at once, but I see the Jazz as in the middle of a process, not getting close to finding their potential. A lot of players are in the midst significant improving/learning: Trey, Rudy, Hayward, Kanter, and Favors. Maybe some others to a lesser extent. There will be also stretches when it looks like they are regressing, perhaps like Dante lately. I am highly encouraged that they are putting it together more and more consistently.

I think QS has a long term vision for this team. I imagine that he is implementing it in bite size pieces. He patiently waits for guys internalize one concept, and begins to work on another. I think all of the aimless passing at the top of the key is part of this. It probably has just enough use at this point in time to be able to sell it to the players, however that instinct to keep your head up is the first step to creating a highly efficient offense. I have been watching guys like Burks who had to entirely deconstruct his game so and rebuild his instincts. It caused him to become a worse player in the short term, but was begging to add more of a consistent 3pt shot to his arsenal and he was learning to play off the ball a bit making him more versatile. I have a feeling QS has a lot of things to implement that the team is not ready for. Because of the progress thus far I am comfortable with his judgement and look forward to the next rabbit he has in his hat.

Because we are learning/developing, we will not be running like a well oiled machine all the time because we are trying new things. There will come a time that the players start to know where there teammates will be before they make the cut, and will have exactly how they will defend each situation as a team. Then we will be one of the teams that others try to emulate. Right now we are on a journey to get there.

So to respond to the op, for all the passing we do, we really lack the execution (assists), but you have to learn to pass before you can get an assist. The assists will come.
I was going to say our bigs cant pass. QSH hit the nail on the head.

This team is solid 1 through about 9. Add a first and second option and we can contend for a title. Very few gaping weaknesses outside that.
Dante's passes lately have lacked some zip, arriving below the knees. I think he's really tired.
1 really good outside shooting
2 still defense both team and individual
3 defense destroying dribble penetration

We lead the league (by far) in passes and yet we're dead last in the Western Conference in assists. I think that's pretty telling.

We want to be the Spurs but we just don't have the personnel to be them. Ironically the Dubs do. Bogut and Green up front are elite passing big men. And we know Curry is and Thompson as well. Are Favors and Gobert ever going to have a lot of games with 4-5 assists per night? I love these guys but ultimately is our ceiling going to be severely limited because they just don't have innate passing instincts? Because for me personally, true passing isn't really something you can teach.


It's up there. I can't count the number of "what's with the lazy ****ing passing" whines that I yell each game.

I disagree somewhat that they lack passing instincts. Granted, elite passing is something that's just there, but their problem is far more just lazy passing than they lack the skill to make half the passes that result in turnovers.
it just takes us 5 million passes until we decide to put up a shot. i'm all for unselfish play, but i'm starting to get sick of watching them swing the ball around the key mundanely until there's 5 on the shot clock, only to huck up a contested shot.
^^^ and dont even get me started on that weird staggered inbound play. They nearly walk their routes, completely uninterested in creating any pace or opportunity, all to do what? get the ball to the center who is immediately immobilized while just coming milliseconds from a 5sec violation --- every single time. can someone enlighten me on that play? When your team isn't doing a ton of winning you start to pay (maybe too much) attention to stupid crap like that.