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Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Organs

Even now your whole body is a bunch of cells grouped together you dumbass. Once those cells form a body with all the extremities/brain/organ/beating heart you are a human.

Try again.

Hey look everybody, Beantown has settle the abortion debate. No one ever thought to make that point in the history of the universe, but now that he made it for the world to see there can be no further question.
So the new video is cutting the baby's face in half to remove the brain....while the baby's heart was still beating.......awesome...

it is heavily edited they actually saved the babies live by removing half their brain so as Carson say the baby can become a politician, only 3 % of their business is abortion
LEAVE planned parenthood alone /sarcasm

tragic **** pp and its supporters
If they would have shown you the rest of the video, you'd see them spreading the brain on a cracker and feeding it to Ted Cruz.

They decided against that, as it might hurt his US Pres bid.
Not sure what this means but I lol'd
Personally I doubt the day will come during my lifetime that the rights of a 10 week embryo would supersede the rights of the woman in whose uterus it resides.
I like this sentence
Even now your whole body is a bunch of cells grouped together you dumbass. Once those cells form a body with all the extremities/brain/organ/beating heart you are a human.

Try again.

Some aborted babies don't have all the organs and parts of a normal human though right? Don't some body parts develop later in pregnancy than others?
Even now your whole body is a bunch of cells grouped together you dumbass. Once those cells form a body with all the extremities/brain/organ/beating heart you are a human.

Try again.

I don't need to. There is no evidence you've brought that can't be countered and argued for days on end(pro-choice or pro-life), and there's no arbitrary ruling requiring me to live by it.

Which means we're back where we started. You want someone to not be able to do something, something that won't effect you or any clearly definable person(save the mother herself) in any way shape or form, and no form of scientific body, government, religion, or words from Xenu/Cthulu/Kabalah monster can change it. I could care less what someone choses to do.

You, sir, are stuck dealing with the fact there is a choice a mother is entitled to make about her own body, and you have to respect that it is an option.

Suck it up princess. Guess which one of us is going to sleep like a baby* tonight.

Perhaps a dead one. Maybe one that's been turned into patte and smeared on a cracker with some fresh apples.
Some aborted babies don't have all the organs and parts of a normal human though right? Don't some body parts develop later in pregnancy than others?

Again, poking holes in people stories. You're on a roll today!

On a side note, which as much as I want the government to expand(education; healthcare, ss, etc), I think they made the right choice just staying out and not expanding a dead babies wing on this subject.
Some aborted babies don't have all the organs and parts of a normal human though right? Don't some body parts develop later in pregnancy than others?

At around 9-12 weeks a fetus has all its parts. Some are underdeveloped though but the start of them is there.

For example lungs are the last thing to fully develop and that is the main reason hospitals try to push at least 37 weeks of pregnancy as anything earlier and the lungs are weak.
Hey, quick, PC finger pointers, better read the last few pages in the thread and make sure you come down heavily on one side only. :)

I hope the day comes in my lifetime where a human embryo is equal to the human hosting it.
Hey look everybody, Beantown has settle the abortion debate. No one ever thought to make that point in the history of the universe, but now that he made it for the world to see there can be no further question.

Yet you still can't even formulate a proper retort.
I hope the day comes in my lifetime where a human embryo is equal to the human hosting it.

Just curious Archie, and anyone else who shares this viewpoint:

What sort of hoops would you make a woman jump through to prove she was raped? Or to prove that a pregnancy would lead to serious health consequences? Or would you just say "Tough luck, lady, the welfare of the fetus is our only concern"?

I am seriously wondering how you think those situations should be handled and what level of dignity you think a woman deserves.
Just curious Archie, and anyone else who shares this viewpoint:

What sort of hoops would you make a woman jump through to prove she was raped? Or to prove that a pregnancy would lead to serious health consequences? Or would you just say "Tough luck, lady, the welfare of the fetus is our only concern"?

I am seriously wondering how you think those situations should be handled and what level of dignity you think a woman deserves.

Well I mean at what point is humanity willing to stick up for values no matter what the circumstance? The anti's are going to retort with at what point in emergency will you say it is not worth risking your life for your child? Like say if ur child is being attacked by team of 6 pitbulls. Do you say meh it just a fetus I am not getting raped by dogs or are you sacrifice yourself for hope of your child?

I do not see distinction difference between fetus in belly and infant attacked by pitbulls. Rape or pitbulls is still life.

(My previous comment is jest)
Hey, quick, PC finger pointers, better read the last few pages in the thread and make sure you come down heavily on one side only. :)

I hope the day comes in my lifetime where a human embryo is equal to the human hosting it.

For what it's worth, I hope someday someone can prove it either way.
I do believe you're a clump of cells, ElRoach0.

Finally, you're right about something! PRAISE JESUS!
