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Players we could realistically obtain

The Jazz can only reasonably obtain d-leaugers or scrubs, because the Jazz have got no assets they are willing to part with. Starting last December the Jazz gave away, then let walk away, then traded away every asset they had.

Mislap's contract is tradeable but the jazz won't get rid of their 'core'

AK's contract is not an assett because the jazz would either have to take back equally bad contracts or give away assets for another team to take on a bad contract. Besides the jazz have structured their team payroll for next year to just let AK walk and get nothing in return.
That doesn't mean the Jazz absolutely can't or won't, but the scenario you've painted is 100% accurate up to this point.
If it's assumed that AK is the trade chip to get a starting SG, then Bell goes to the bench, and Miles and Hayward would split time at SF.

I would be ok with Bell if he was a bench player. I don't hate him overall, just as a starter.
Can't stand him in that role. Hayward and Miles at the 3 is pretty solid.

KOC are you on the phone yet?
You could actually contribute your thoughts rather than being an ***.

In the alternative you could make good threads instead of bad ones. But since you asked for it, here are my extended thoughts.

There are players that are realistic.

Our assests include in no partcular order:

1) AK's expiring deal

Overrated as an asset:

1) For teams looking to simply dump salary he's an exceptionally poor trade target because, absent packaging multiple players together, it's difficult to both acquire AK and reduce your short term payroll. Seriously, play around with the trade checker for a bit and try it. You either have to put together multiple high value players (thus killing a deal) or force the other team to take on payroll this season (completely removing any luxury tax benefit).

2) For teams looking to dump salary, there are several teams with very large trade exceptions for which the trading team doesn't have to take roughly equal salary back. Those trade exceptions are a far more valuable asset than AK's expiring deal because the fiscal impact is massive.

As a result, it's going to be very difficult to trade AK for anything approximating equal value.

2) Paul Milsap a top 20 PF, cheap

He also happens to play a position where is presently a lot of talent in the league. Several of your potential trade partners are already set at PF (Philly has Elton, Houston has Scola, Memphis has Randolph etc) and Millsap isn't a guy with a lot of position flexibility.

3) CJ- Really just filler, but could be seen as a young talent

Players that get remarkably better after their sixth season in the league are rare. GMs know this. No one is trading any of the guys you listed for CJ.

Granger isn't on the block for anyone on our team but Williams.

Stephen Jackson will never mesh with Sloan. I'm positive the FO has not even considered him.

1) AI2- Great all around player, but does lack a consistent outside shot. Does his ability to create for himself and other make us better?

Besides the fact that he's on a down year this is a player that is practically destined to be the AK contract all over again.

14/6/6 is nice, but he's not especially efficient (in part due to horrendous free throw shooting this season) and his contract is destined to be the next AK contract, since he's owed nearly $60 million over the next 4 seasons.

Sap doesn't have a spot since they have Elton Brand.

In order to make the salaries work for CBA purposes (and to clear room) they'd probably want to throw in Nocioni, which is another $20 million/3 years.

In sum, it adds $60 million + in committed payroll even after you subtract AK. It's not a realistic deal

2) Oj Mayo- Great shooter and finisher could be better defensively

Most realistic option of your group. But Memphis already has Gay and Randolph, meaning AK and Millsap have no home and the salaries don't work.

3) James Harden- He has been very good coming off the bench for OKC. Can shoot, defend and rebound. Lacks size

Young and OKC likes him. They're not dumping him for scraps and they're set for the forseeable future at SF (Durant) and PF (Green). Also, unless the numbers don't work unless we want to play with the weird Nick Collison contract. (Weirdest numbers in the NBA. Collison is making $13.25 million this season. Seriously.)

3) Nick Young- Great all around offensively, but need to work on his defense

Not available because he's young, developing, and cheap. Those guys are gold. And there's no indication he's available.

4) Demar Derozan- See Nick Young

See Nick Young.

5) Kevin Martin- One of the best offensive guards in the league. Fragile

Darryl Morey loves him. He's not going anywhere.
What's wrong with half of you? Anyone who follows basketball knows there are plenty of obtainable players every year. From a fans perspective of win, win, win, then NO a lot of guys are UNTOUCHABLE. Think like an owner for a change. You're a billionaire, looking at a losing season on the court and the ledger. You're in the mid-low of the pack and don't have a shot at hitting the lottery. What do you do?

Everyone is stuck on the 2/3. It would be great to get S-Jax, but these deals look unlikely to almost everyone here. J. Richardson was available, but that deal is gone. Besides, how do you work an excellent wing into Sloan's system? Unless you think Jerry is going to option the triangle half the game then you're looking at log jamming a good 2 into outside shots only.

Look elsewhere. As much as I hate to say it, the Bulls are looking pretty damn good on the defensive end this year. Improving inside defense would go a long way to solving current problems.

Get creative. AK for Jamison would be good for both clubs. Jamison spreads the floor extremely well. Cleveland is going nowhere and Jamison is owed 15 mil. next year. Throwing in Varejao works money wise as well. Cleveland would have an insane amount of money to spend in the next two off seasons and could get a ton of help from the draft. Jamison isn't a piece of a rebuilding team.
Guys I think we could actually trade for that may be available and useful:

Brandon Rush: 41.5% from three, has a reputation as a tough defender, competes with a lot of other players for playing time Indy (Dunleavy and Posey) and has Paul George lurking in the shadows, plus his playing time seems to radically fluctuate meaning he's likely expendable. I have no idea what Indy would want, but Okur for Brandon Rush and Jeff Foster works in the trade checker and that's probably a big man upgrade for them that provides a nice contrast to Hibbert.

Bill Walker: 46.6% from the field, 41.9% from three. He's out of the rotation in New York unless Gallinari is injured and is a high character guy. His salary slots into the Kosta Koufos trade exception nicely. Or we could trade them a promising youngster like Evans/Fesenko.

My dream acquisition: Chase Budinger. Started out slow but has been playing amazingly lately (54% FG and 44.7 3PFG% this month). Has good passing eye and size for his position. Probably unacquirable given that Morey is smart and all indications are that they want to package multiple players to get a better asset rather than make positional or lateral movements and I don't think that's where we're at right now.