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Playing hindsight is 20/20 but..


I always thought Tyson Chandler was the guy to target once we lost Boozer. So what if we hadn't used Boozer's TPE on the ball-stopper Jefferson, our team defense & rebounding (both huge issues all year) would be so much better. We still would've had 2 1st's, our 15th man in Koufos (though Fes probably wouldnt have been resigned (or kept Evans), been in great financially, & perhaps KOC wouldve resigned Wesley i/o Raja because we wouldnt have had Jefferson's long-term contract).

But then again... what if Eisley's 3 counted before the half of Game 6 & we forced a Game 7, would we have won that series??

We were a shot blocking big man away from contention the past 3 years, tell us something we didnt already know...

Chandler = My person from the start!! KOC should've expanded the Jefferson trade for this (MIN gets:TPE/KoKo/3 1st (our's unconditional, CHA conditional) & CHA gets: Memo/Sessions & UTA gets: Jefferson/Chandler... yes this could've worked if MIN trades the PTE in a seperate deal). Chander is long, active, contract comes off after this season (saving $ if we'd kept Memo), & would've prevented DAL from getting Chandler (he w/ Haywood make a DAL better).

Yes, Chandler will be in the running for comeback player of the year. He's only on the books for 1 year (vs 4yr/ 28M) & I think its financially irresponsible taking back contracts that extend past DWill's contract. See how good Chandler was w/ Chris Paul & while healthy. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Gortat but not if we have to take back additional long contracts. I'm also on the record with saying Gortat is just a more polished version of Fes.

Sorry, I just had to get this out. I really was excited that we stole Jefferson from Minny but I just cringe watching him catch the ball in the post (holding it for 3-sec) to put up his ugly push-shot. That & watching AK dribble the ball down the middle (for the past few years) have been making this team hard to watch.
Portland and Atlanta have much bigger regrets to live with. **** happens. Going after a guy that looked washed up was the least of this franchise's concerns.
sorry again but... what if we hadnt drafted Goran Suton last year but instead Wesley Matthews. Portland wouldve never had a chance to offer him to that (now well-deserving) contract & Raja Bell wouldve probably been a Laker/Heat.
Portland and Atlanta have much bigger regrets to live with. **** happens. Going after a guy that looked washed up was the least of this franchise's concerns.

Chandler looked great in the World Games. Damn it, now I cant help think "what if" deron didnt get hurt in the playoffs & had a chance to play w/ Chandler this summer... Maybe Westbrook/Rose also wouldnt have gained so much confidence which has shown to carry over....

Alright, not more "what ifs" from me (this week), promise.