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Camby out with knee injury and will need surgery.


Karma is a b****! Thats what you get from trying to screw other teams around. Homeytennis has some good ideas about your big men porty. Have fun with the d-leaguers.

On a more serious note, amazingly bad luck with injuries on that team. What's in the water there?

Yes, how dare they try to make us overpay or take away our players! They should not do ANYTHING to attempt to make their team better and/or weaken a division opponent! They deserve all of the injuries in the world for that!

Damn dodo, I thought you were better than that.
Heroine, from what I hear.

Heroine =
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Judging from Matthews stats, I would hardly consider his contract outrageous.

Also, how can you say that this is Karma? They've been injury prone for decades, especially at the center position.

And as crappy and injury depleted as they've been, they've already beaten us down twice in a row.