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Porzingis For Mitchell


Well-Known Member
I don't know if your Morse Code systems out in Utah have yet to inform you folks, but here in New York our modern communications systems have informed us that...

Before turning to Dallas, the Knicks shopped Porzingis to the Jazz for Donovan Mitchell.
Jazz turned the deal down.

You folks out there know Mitchell better than we do. Would you have wanted that deal to happen?

I can only say, Porzingis and Gobert? Man. That would be something. Big man down low, big man out shooting threes. You wouldn't lose a game.
I don't know if your Morse Code systems out in Utah have informed you folks yet, but here in New York our modern communications systems have informed us that...

Before turning to Dallas, the Knicks shopped Porzingis to the Jazz for Donovan Mitchell.

Jazz turned us down.

You folks out there know Mitchell better than we do. Would you have wanted that deal to happen?
I don't know if your Morse Code systems out in Utah have informed you folks yet, but here in New York our modern communications systems have informed us that...

Before turning to Dallas, the Knicks shopped Porzingis to the Jazz for Donovan Mitchell.

Jazz turned us down.

You folks out there know Mitchell better than we do. Would you have wanted that deal to happen?

I can only say, Porzingis and Gobert? Man. That would be something. Big man down low, big man out shooting threes. You wouldn't lose a game.

Do you like BECs?
Our antiquated Morse code systems had this info available days ago.

The answer to that hypothetical trade is a very firm '**** no'.
Would be tempting
Before his injury Porzingis was projected to be a top ten type player
But Donovan has other intangibles that factor in
He wants to be here and he may be all time number one ambassador for Jazz
Fans love him including me and he sells tickets and can recruit
He is a unique player
Would be tempting
Before his injury Porzingis was projected to be a top ten type player
But Donovan has other intangibles that factor in
He wants to be here and he may be all time number one ambassador for Jazz
Fans love him including me and he sells tickets and can recruit
He is a unique player
Dude, are you aware of who Porzingis is?

He's everything Donovan Mitchell hopes to be as a player. The Lethal Latvian was an All Star in just his third year, you think Mitchell will be? No. And you know damn well that you are going to lose Mitchell to a bigger market in the coming years.

Porzingis would have your arena filled every night....plus he's an international star. Gobert, Rubio, and Ingles are meaningless little nothings compared to the allure that Porzingis has. Luka Doncic looks to Porzingis for how to be a global star.

Mitchell would have fit perfectly in NY (he is from this area, after all) and Porz would have been perfect for the Jazz. A case where both teams in a trade would have benefited.
He would have been a rental most likely. Would be nice if he was healthy, but dont think he would have stayed long term.
When Mitchell’s deal ends after 7 years I’d put his odds like this:

New York Knicks - 70%
Utah - 25%
Somewhere else - 5%
Dude, are you aware of who Porzingis is?

He's everything Donovan Mitchell hopes to be as a player. The Lethal Latvian was an All Star in just his third year, you think Mitchell will be? No. And you know damn well that you are going to lose Mitchell to a bigger market in the coming years.

Porzingis would have your arena filled every night....plus he's an international star. Gobert, Rubio, and Ingles are meaningless little nothings compared to the allure that Porzingis has. Luka Doncic looks to Porzingis for how to be a global star.

Mitchell would have fit perfectly in NY (he is from this area, after all) and Porz would have been perfect for the Jazz. A case where both teams in a trade would have benefited.

Spida would have been an All Star in the East this, his second year.