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Post Game Interviews of Raptors match


Active Member
Kanter: It just hurts to lose over and over ( Even though i suck on defense and boards, nooneis accusing of me. I gotta just score more and more)

Hayward: I do not know what's the problem but we are not a bad team ( Damn, we do not have qualified players at all and the organization is gotta pay me)

Gobert: We should play better ( Damn, even my former team cholet can beat Jazz)

Burks: we must motivate and concentrate more, iam sure we are gonna be ok ( This team is perfect to me, no set for offense and that means i can play my streetball)

Corbin: we were not battling at all but we were so tired and opponent used their advantage ( You wish bad that i will get fired, keep dreming then )

Favors: We not good right now and it seems there's a problem. I will talk about it with the guys. (Thx god i made the contract. Damn Kanter, i always got in foul trouble cause of you and you know what rebound means in Turkish?)

Burke: It's just bad to see out of the cpurt and unable to help the guys out there ( Wow, WTF is happening? We have any plan for the game?)
Fire Corbin, Fire Lindsey bring Back AL as coach, player and generalmanager.