Hide yo babies and their mama's...
The equivelent Ty Corbin response:
Hide yo babies and their mama's...
Hey, I have an idea for the perfect Jazz promo: Quin Snyder night with ticket holders getting alarm clocks. Instead of a buzzer, you hear Quin's voice yelling, "Wake up, Wake Up, WAAAAKE UUUUUUUPPP!
i think we found our coach, young players need a big time shouting at them and snyder seems like an answer
Hey, I have an idea for the perfect Jazz promo: Quin Snyder night with ticket holders getting alarm clocks. Instead of a buzzer, you hear Quin's voice yelling, "Wake up, Wake Up, WAAAAKE UUUUUUUPPP!
The reason it worked well last night is he is so cool and calm the rest of the time. Jerry cussed people out all the time... Starts to lose its effectiveness. Thought Quin picked a good moment to lose his **** on both the players and refs. Jazz had no energy and the refs were garbage.
Long live Snyder.
This is an awesome idea.