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Quotes from the Bucks' forums-"Bojan is the best player in the history of the NBA"


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Jazz is a nice team

I think we will win again tonight but the Utah team ain’t bad at all. I could see them as a 5th or 6th seed by the end of reg season behind the two LA teams, the Nuggets and the Rockets (give or take).

I knew it was bad, but 17 straight losses in utah?



And I remember exactly where I was and who I was with and what beer I was drinking during that last Bucks victory in Salt Lake!$!

I was taking a look at Utah's roster and dang, that team is small. Two players over 6'9".

giannis gonna dominate the DPOY and show everyone that he deserves that award...just like he did last year

Can't wait to see what Snyder's cooked up for Giannis. I might consider putting Mitchell on him if I didn't desperately need Mitchell to do so much offensively. I think we're a very bad matchup for the Jazz and will blow them out barring weird shooting in both directions.

This is definitely a win. Gobert is useless in the open court, and against Giannis. Pretty sure Utah can't slow our pace down. Just need Wesley Matthews to hit half his shots.

My life will be complete if the Bucks can break the Utah curse.

I know. it would make sense for New Orleans to still be called the Jazz, and/or for the Utah team to change to a new mascot

Donovan Mitchell has been amazing this year, I'm looking forward to seeing him
hopefully he doesn’t get load managed lol

I’m kind of concerned with Mitchell tonight. I really don’t think Wes has the footspeed to keep up with Mitchell. Going to be an interesting game.

Need to take advantage of Center tonight
Utah really has very little behind Gobert. Get him in foul trouble and it gets easier.

Okay Conley
Is it that kind of day again?

For crying out loud,

stop shooting 30-footers, Brook!
You’re not that good!
Get in the post!

100% long jumpers seems like a good strategy.

Anybody got the local Salt Lake strip club ratings ?

Not loving Brook Lopez becoming Brick Lopez. He probably needs to start reigning in his shot selection, like the trailer threes in transition might need to go away right now.

Bogdanovic too athletic for Khris

Mike Conley doesn't have the personality to be the player everyone wants him to be

that ingles is a ****

Utah is making a lot of extra passes.

Is it possible to shoot negative percent??

Idk if it's dawned on the guys yet but someone please inform them that Conley and Ingles are left-handed.

That Salt Lake City nightlife must be off the meter!

So Rudy can move on a screen and hook the guy and its a foul on the Bucks! Reffing will be what kills the NBA!

The classic "3 guys guarding Giannis, let's see if anyone else can beat us" defense.

This lineup makes me question Bud's mental health.

At least Salt Lake plays Wu-Tang during games.

Partied way too hard in salt lake last night.

I frickin hate Utah

conley is the pg we need

We’re going to score 80 points and maybe scrape the 3 point attempts record. Nice

Jazz fans deserve bad basketball so you can't say we're not holding up our end of the bargain.

Anyone that looks at this Utah Jazz offense and believes that Bud has done anything comparable with the Bucks is blind.

Absolutly no way of coming back if they are hitting Harden like 3s the whole night while we miss wide open corner 3s.

Feel like we're a better team when Giannis tries to score.

They've got us in missionary position and we're just letting 'em do it to us.

20 feels fine given how much of an *** kicking that was.

Trade Giannis for Royce O’Neal

On the bright side, we outscored Conley by 16 in that half.

Does anyone remember when was the last time we have the WHOLE team switched off like tonight?
It's incredible!
We can hit NOTHING.
3s, floaters, tip ins....
My goodness.
Giannis looks like he is playing the 3rd game of the night.
We missed like 7 rebounds only because we were too bored to move our hands.

Would Bogdanovic have signed here? Probably not. Is he a tool? Yes. But is he much better value than Khris? Absolutely.

Bojan is a balding fool and gets superstar calls.

That's why I never bet on NBA basketball. We had one of our worst first halfs of the decade and we came somohow back in the game in 5 minutes.

Lopez has a very bad start of the season so far.

Bojan is the best player in the history of the NBA

The Jazz crowd is something else

wow jazz broadcast said that third quarter was a career high for giannis

Considering Gobert fouls evertime he sets a screen...no?

10 3p shots out of 12 shots

Man are we serious about this today. Is this a record? 10 3p shots in 5mins?

Gobert getting the super late whistles today.

Joe Ingles is super irritating! Boo!

ow tall would Robin Lopez be ...
if he stood up straight?

This is when we need to win the net rating
Subs for Utah are in now. If we don’t, it’s going to be a long night.

This has been probably the worst quarter of the season.
Horrible defensive focus and offensive intensity.

Well, the Utah curse seems like it is still in effect!
Ugly quarter for the Bucks!

If we face the Jazz in the Finals,

we better hope we have homecourt advantage!

Joe Ingles is running circles around our guys ...

just in terms of movement.

Giannis is playing so bad. We aren’t going to win many games with him putting up a giant dud.

I agree, but Giannis destroyed Gobert in their last meeting. He can at least try and drive once lol

Now he was in the corner waiting for the ball..

I'm glad the Bucks are getting ripped!
Maybe they will clean up their game some!
This let it fly mentality on offense should have some qualifications:
(1) Brook should not be allowed to shoot more 30-footers than 3-footers
(2) Giannis should not shoot 3’s unless there is less than 5 seconds on the shot clock
(3) Korver should never dribble; just shoot 3’s
(4) Middleton should actually not jog through every other game
(5) Bud should put up bulletin-board material before every game to fire up the starting lineup that consistently starts games in a slog

It BLOWS MY MIND that Gobert has 1 foul.
They literally have a rookie behind him. And yet, our Centers chose to shoot 10 3p shots instead of trying at least once to drive into the rim.

load management
tonight would have been a good night for it. For Giannis, and for the whole team actually.

Okay this was a tough first half.

Jazz are shooting 47.4% from 3, 10.5% above their season average so far, on a 45.2 3pa, 18.6% above their season average!

Bucks are shooting 21.7% from 3, 13.7% below their season average so far, on a 52.2 3pa, 8.3% above their season average.

Good news? This can’t be any worse in the 2nd half. Bad news? We aren’t winning this unless there is a HUGE regression in the above numbers, including getting and making more shots at the rim.

I want to criticise the team for low effort and really little agressiveness. It’s there, that’s all true. But it’s also a very difficult stretch for the team, at a very difficult court (both indoor and outdoor), in something like our 6th game in 9 nights. All I’m saying is don’t judge the team solely by tonight. Judge them by how they react to tonight yes.


Jazz are probably the team with most moving screens, all players are scrappy.
yet we have like 6 calls already for that against us.

Bogdanovic looks like the max player, not Khris

Jazz tactics: kick the **** outta Gianni

Robin ain't much of a wall on defense ...
drivers just go around him like he’s not even there.

16 point advantage ... Milwaukee!

for the 3rd quarter …
does Giannis have enough left in the tank to carry us to an incredible comeback victory?

We need to help and switch!

That dunk by O'neale!

Who the **** is O’Neale

As I predicted, an amazing, playoff game tonight.
It’s always nice to play there, man those fans are insane aren’t they? We need some of that in our homecourt Milwaukee.

high energy Mormon kids

Jazz keep making those incredible shots, good for them I guess

Some of those Jazz fans sound scary ...

come on, security … protect our guys!

Giannis' 2nd half has been extraordinary

Conley flop!

Donovan is going to hit some bogus pull up shot for the win.

George freakin Hill

Hill with the play of the year
ANd khris just does that lol.

Man why not a Korver screen to catch and shoot
We pay him for this exact moment.

This game is ****ing wild! Love it! I'm drunk!

What a mind blowing game.


Wow what a great play by Hill

George Hill is a gangsta

Seriously what a play by Hill. Basically took the game ball from Mitchell's hands.

Can we stop with the Khris to the corner play?

That was also a **** terrible play.


The worst possible imaginable play by Khris.

Don’t blame Khris for that. Maybe not use Golber’s man to set a screen

Bad play call, even worse execution.

Gobert was going to swat that shot into oblivion. The design was trash. More korver action and less focus on forcing to midds.

Clown show.

Do literally anything else

Go from can't lose in regulation to probably gonna lose in regulation. Nice job.

OT... we got this if we stay small and switch

He has to at least throw it up there so the game ends. Just horrible all around.

**** middleton **** middleton **** middleton **** middleton

PG Thread: Middleton Snatches Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory

Bojan hitting that in Middleton's face was pretty much the most poetic thing that happened tonight. Bojan drank Middleton's milkshake for a lot of the game.

Good Lord did Khris **** the bed on those last two plays.

Just an epic fail giving them 1.3 seconds to make something happen after having the ball with 2.3 seconds left.

cant stop the bojan.

Would’ve rather lost by 40 than to see our max player sh*t the bed like that. Can’t even run the clock out effectively. Wack Pack beetlejuice looking mf’er

Imagine being the fans of a team that paid Khris Middleton the max hahaha...oh

How does that ending even happen

I wish our home crowd was that loud, tbh.

Giannis is a great player and all but I am starting to think that he is not the smartest person on the planet. Three straight dumb fouls that lead to ft.

Why the hell wasn't Midds on Bojan like a glove on the last play? He was their best player tonight and a great shooter. I don't get it.

I hate that corner shot to win, bud seems in love with that
but you sure don’t want gobert to switch onto the shooter in those tight quarters, worst of both worlds

much rather get the ball in the middle of the floor, only needed a two to win, can use the entire floor then, not just a 3×3 area

They have a big time shot blocker. You see where he is set up and toss it in away from him. Bud gets out-coached routinely

Outcoached in the last 2.3 seconds, apparently.

They suffocate our look …
They get a great look from their best shooter … game!
The Utah curse still exists.

Middleton fails again

So sad, we're going to waste another season because ownership doesn't want to pay and get AN ACTUAL 2nd star on the team.
We have a great regular season team, because we play 20 teams full of players only playing for money.
Get to the playoffs when coaching comes into play and the formula is simple.
Middleton is 3rd option AT BEST on a real contending team.
Sad, we will waste Giannis and he will leave.
Our owners talked all the big talk 2 years ago about if we start winning they'd pay the luxury tax to get players.
Not only did we not do that, we didn't do that at the cost of letting our 2nd best player leave.
Ownership talked a great game, too bad they don't back it up.

A lot of things you can criticize the Bucks on tonight.. but Utah was shooting lights out too. Just one of those games

Giannis is on pace to foul out 35 times. Boneheaded is too mild to describe his final 5 mins
2.4 secs & tied. Khris commits turnover/then leaves their best shooter unguarded
Bledsoe trade anniversary the other day. Hopefully we can have another one at the deadline
Why was Wes signed? To replace Brogdon or devour the team buffet?

This was bad coaching! Players worked hard...what happend to the Lopez brothers in the 4th y were they on the bench? Middleton was the pf for the last 7 mins of the game.BAD COACHING TONIGHT BUD

Trade Middleton for Bogdanovic and we'll save $105 million. Bogdanovic went hard tonight and showed you what Clutch means. Unfortunately what we just seen tonight was what we'll see come playoffs if we don't trade for better guard play. Players who can't show up in big moments.

Khris Middleton was scared to shoot that last shot. So what if it gets blocked with 2.4 seconds left. Worst thing that can happen is you go to OT and try to win it there. He’s not playing up to the size of his $178 million contract.

How does that Middleton contract look now?

Two terrible plays by Middleton in the last 3 seconds. He cost them a chance in OT

How do you lose a game when you have an inbound ball in a tied game with 2 seconds left?!

That kmid travel was one of the fastest/best chokes I've seen in my life. Rewarding hill's play in just 1 second was indicatory of why the team needs better leadership...

Bud & Khris Middleton you let everyone down. Bud should maybe call a play that works like Utah...pathetic
Leave both Bud and Khris in Utah.

Those last few seconds were all on Middleton, but you can’t be Giannis and put up 2pts in the entire first half.

We're paying Khris 1 year and 105 million more than the guy who hit the game winner in his face.

Infuriating- what a poor out of timeout play by Bud. Again

Never ever let Middleton take a last second shot.

Great game overall Bojan assual NBA’s best foreign today that man got GAME

Averaging 18/5/3 with a 180m $ contract and possibly one of the lowest IQ scores out there. Yeah , ‘Giannis 3point shooting is our problem’ CLOWNS

Thank you middleton and bledsoe

all we had to do was hold the ball for 3 seconds and we could have went to overtime or better yet we could have passed the ball to korver for a quick chance and if it failed still over time.. smfh Choketon needs to stop trying to be Kobe

Middleton and Bledsoe make it IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy a Bucks game! Mids is THE WORST signing of its kind!

Tbf shooting 34 percent FG is the reason we lost to begin with they deserved to win jazz had giannis on lockdown

Salt Lake City nightlight remains undefeated, folks. The Bucks were 0-17 their last 17 trips to Utah, and they ended up laying one unique egg to keep that tradition alive, losing 100-103 to the Jazz.

Instead of a true pop, however, the Bucks inbounded the ball to a very crowded Khris Middleton in the corner who... promptly turned it over to the Jazz with 1.3 left on the clock. That’s all the time Bojan Bogdanovich (33 points and 5 rebounds) needed to get wide-open in the corner on the ensuing inbounds to sink the Bucks at the buzzer.

Ain’t no such thing as a moral victory. This one stings just a little.
Here’s some thoughts reading that:

Prior to the Conley trade we were talking about whether we should use our cap space for the bird in hand Conley, or if we should go to the open market and offer a max to Middleton or Harris. Well we landed Conley... and then with the ‘meager’ amount left over we went out and got someone better than both those guys. He’s making $17M and they’re getting the max.

Thus is The Great Imam.
Yeah I read some stuff from Busch’s sources last year. Very few wanted to max Kris. They think he’s inconsistent and one dimensional
This is definitely a win. Gobert is useless in the open court, and against Giannis. Pretty sure Utah can't slow our pace down. Just need Wesley Matthews to hit half his shots.

Would Bogdanovic have signed here? Probably not. Is he a tool? Yes
Yes, yes he is... a tool of destruction!!
Bojan is a balding fool and gets superstar calls.
Because he is bitch!!
Here’s some thoughts reading that:

Prior to the Conley trade we were talking about whether we should use our cap space for the bird in hand Conley, or if we should go to the open market and offer a max to Middleton or Harris. Well we landed Conley... and then with the ‘meager’ amount left over we went out and got someone better than both those guys. He’s making $17M and they’re getting the max.

Thus is The Great Imam.
Imagine if Niko had chosen Utah over leaving the nba. His wife is the greatest thing to ever happen to Utah. Lol
Middleton was one of the reasons why the Bucks were even in the game. Them complaining about Gobert not getting fouls is funny considering how Giannis gets away with murder when he drives to the basket. He could have had 10 fouls called against him. The George Bell play was a foul and so was the other shot where DM makes a tough jump shot and gets mauled and no foul. It was a great game with two different halves and the Jazz made the final play to win.