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Rashard Mendenhall's Freedom of Speech?

He'll let you know in two weeks.

He got an infraction for that post Millsapa? That's weak sauce. I'm willing to take his infraction on if it means you take his off and cancel his current ban. It's the off-season and we need some entertainment and rationale thoughts around here.
What kind of person would earn millions by wearing a helmet and running with a ball trying to avoid tacklers?

Mendenhall's a trout. I mean, a dumbass.
Mendenhall has the right to believe and say what he wants. I have the right to think he is a dumbass.

As for the Moon Landing Hoax, you have to love Buzz Aldrin punching a guy who called him a liar etc.

Why won't he swear on the bible that he walked on the moon?
I have no doubts that we visited the moon. I do find it strange that those altercations went down that way. If he swears on the bible one time that he did, then the guy has no more ammo and he is done. What next? "You really didn't because you didn't swear on the quran." ?
I have no doubts that we visited the moon. I do find it strange that those altercations went down that way. If he swears on the bible one time that he did, then the guy has no more ammo and he is done. What next? "You really didn't because you didn't swear on the quran." ?

Honestly, that kind of bothered me as well. I can't prove anything but I do believe Apollo 11 landed on the moon etc. It is also bothersome that an extension of that video has the same situation involving Neil Armstrong and the same outcome. I do have to say however, Buzz really did punch that guy pretty hard for being as old as he is.
Yeah that was a nice shot. Give the old guy some credit, he takes no ****.
If he swears on the bible one time that he did, then the guy has no more ammo and he is done.

Or more likely, the guy says he'll swear to lie. Most conspriacy theorists do not give up their conspiracies because they got evidence. there is never enough evidence for them.
Of course what RM 'tweeted' was ignorant, but the outrage over it is beyond ridiculous. As if it's some major surprise that someone is stupid. All Twitter has done since its rise to mainstream popularity is magnify how stupid the average human being is. He happens to be an elite athlete so more people know his name and choose to read what he types into his cell phone when he's bored with whatever he's doing in reality.

Whether it's some meaningless, empty catch phrase spawned on social networks by retards such as 'hater' or some random combination of letters to articulate emotions, the average human being thrives on a medium like Twitter. Dumb, and quick. Thoughts given but at a maximum 100 words or whatever it is. Anything longer is too boring.

All that said, he is NOT a bad person. Not all people who are stupid are bad people. Just like not all smart people are good ones.

When we really get down to the nitty gritty of this, it's just an issue of insecure people using some ridiculously petty, irrelevant issue to attack someone who they view as successful's character. Just like the outrage over Kanye cutting Taylor Swift off on some TV show.

If you wanted to dance and drink after the Bin Laden death news broke - Great! If you felt a genuine rush of patriotism - Great! If you couldn't care less - Great! If you felt the need to question what happened on 9/11 - Great!

Regardless of what you, or RM, or me chose to do in wake of the news had nothing to do with anyone else - nor did it have any effect on anyone else's life.