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Recommended keyboard for android?


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I hate texting and typing on my phone. I love my blackberry because I could type by touch. Now I have gotten into the swype style keyboard. But I am finding that no matter what keyboard I use, the samsung one that came with my phone, the actual swype keyboard, swiftkey, whatever they all SUCK SUCK SUCK at prediction. I try to type "is" and it almost always brings up "I'd" or something equally as obscure. I used to love swiftkey until they changed their algorithm and focused more on learning your typing style than using a dictionary of most-used words and now I get weird esoteric words instead of the more basic one I was looking for. I have also noticed that they tend to get stuck on a word. I once corrected something I was typing to say "sec" for "a second" and now no matter how often I correct it back anything even remotely in that area gets corrected to "sec". It drives me nuts. Does anyone have a recommendation for an android keyboard that does even a halfway decent job of selecting the word you are trying to type?