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Reputation Comments, positive and negative

[size/HUGE] boobs [/size];884189 said:
ah, the gay jokes. Very original.
Its always the jello ones with the gay jokes.
Jello they cannot have my physique or get the chicks like me.

You're a chick?
[size/HUGE] boobs [/size];884189 said:
ah, the gay jokes. Very original.
Its always the jello ones with the gay jokes.
Jello they cannot have my physique or get the chicks like me.

I didn't think it was a joke. You come across as very very gay. Just an observation.
[size/HUGE] boobs [/size];884915 said:
Is The Logs a closet? It's always the overcompensators.

Is that your fake Russian accent or fake Provo accent. Hard to tell with you since you change personae so often.
speaking of rep, I just gave some pos rep to someone based upon their member title - because I think he made a wise choice not to call himself a self-employed sperm donor.

Even though that's probably what he really is.

He just chose to refer to it using a different term.
speaking of rep, I just gave some pos rep to someone based upon their member title - because I think he made a wise choice not to call himself a self-employed sperm donor.

Even though that's probably what he really is.

He just chose to refer to it using a different term.

yah, I read that as coming from the moral perspective of a highly intelligent Darwinist who considers it a public duty to improve the human gene pool by accentuating the positive item of intelligence, although I am sure he realizes that there are millions and millions of positive genetic traits that enhance survival prospects with no relation to "intelligence".
yah, I read that as coming from the moral perspective of a highly intelligent Darwinist who considers it a public duty to improve the human gene pool by accentuating the positive item of intelligence, although I am sure he realizes that there are millions and millions of positive genetic traits that enhance survival prospects with no relation to "intelligence".

Very thoughtful and meaningful post.

You got some spare kleenex?
I wouldn't risk placing a sample of my snot in your hands, even if you don't know how to clone a human from a single cell.

you might pass it on to Siro.

Finally... you've given up on me.
I wouldn't risk placing a sample of my snot in your hands, even if you don't know how to clone a human from a single cell.

you might pass it on to Siro.

Your snot is safe. GF's herpes on the other hand...
I love it when the negs are well thought out and cutting.

As if your negs are so well thought out and cunning.

You said I'm a female genitalia(the P version) in your last neg.

Oooooh. Wow trousers. You are so smart and funny. How did you ever come up with that one?

Also, you are a whiny bitch who feels the need to cry about someone negging you. Then you also make up stuff by saying I say stuff about your wife and kids. You are a liar, and a loser. Get a life nerd.

Stick to folding chairs, top ropes, fake medals, and fat pigs.
I didn't know that my title could spark a debate about anything. :D
03-19-2015 07:22 AM
Thread: Reputation Comments, positive and negative
Didn't you go back to school?? LOL what a sad sack and poor retard. I make a lot more money than you ever will.

So glad you're back.