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Revolution 101: CHR replaces CFR


Well-Known Member
So, for political newbies, revolution is history, nothing new at all. Same thing with Marxism or whatever. Human nature is a perpetual contest between never-to-be-resolved contradictory human inconsistencies. Humans are actually never going to be rational, and will never be "good" , and will never have a government they are satisfied with. Well, except for the few who own it. The top dogs will always be claiming everything is fine.

What we know and can discusss historically of the past 200 years includes stuff like the rise of science, the industrial revolution, and some "new" political movers...... progressivism, socialism, globalism. A new beast.... The United Nations..... as the shining City on the Hill ideal we idoloze.

But here's a closer look at it all, on the issue of human rights. The great thing in the American system was the elevation of human rights to the level of purportedly "owning their own government". A few incidents of democracy existed before, some for significant periods over significant territories, far exceeding the occasional remote tribe with something more elegant than a cutthroad chieftain ready to gut any objectors, literally speaking.

But America would never have been anything like that except for being British in the first place, with ideas like the Magna Carta in some small ways pushing back on rogue kings. It was in fact the denial of rights under the Magna Carta that created the Revolution in America.

Since then, Britain has regained control of American political systems through the instrumentality of the Council on Foreign Relations. While in the United States, the DFR franchise is pretty much solidly in the hands of Rockefeller interests, it is nothing more than another British vaudeville show, or perhaps better, a puppet show. We dance when the City of London pulls the strings. Admittgedly, the act sometimes becomes disambiguated or incoherent. Trump was not a CFR asset, perhaps the only US President in living memory. Maybe Reagan, but he had to have the Bush VP there to pull his strings.

My point here is that the CFR is a racist and now anachronistic political movement, and along with it, the whole "progdressive" thing.

Lord Cecil Rhodes organized it as an answer to the third world somehow gaining ascendency over the West, over the British Empire, so to speak,. It was the White Man's Country Club of relevance. No wonder so many overt racists have been involved over the years.

A lot of heavy thinking has been invested into how it can be moved forward, including the present "globalism" program and the effort to disengagge the Brit/Am establishment from the perceived governance of the world. William J. Fulbright articulated this problem in the sixties with his book "The Arrogance of Power", and it has been a fashionable aim to replace the United States as an essentially unrivaled superpower with a carefully-balanced clique of new powers....... China apparently making the best of the rest in the race to be th3e new global broker.

The main thing wrong with this is that China has no history of human rights. No Magna Carta, no effective "rule of law". So it's not an acceptable player in global governance. Period.

So admitting the complete failure and inevitable disintegration of the CFR and the progressive and global movements is the first step to healing this planet.

I propose a new movement, The Council on Human Rights, and propose than anyone who wants respect or prosperity in the new system should really be paying attention to the rights humans inherently should have.

So, just to clarify, there are some stages in Rip van cornball's era that were missed. Cerealvision(wheatiesvision),Kennedyvision, antiwarvision, watergatevision..... I think that's where I lost interest...... to Trumpvision and Dumpvision.

It's all an extended powerpoint summary of everything that's failed in progressivism over the era.

Q. E. D.

Three days on the front page, with only about five addicts in JFC General Discussion overall.

OK, so why would CHR be a revolution over CFR? This is history, beginner history. Any time anyone has ever attempted to advance human rights in the context of any kind of authoritarian governance, it's been a revolution. Historically, this revolution has always been met with authoritarian armed resistance. If the gallows, or hooded axemen have not been enough, then the troops are called out. By the guvmint. By a king, by a politiburo, by a "communist" honcho pretending to be heading some kind of dmaned fake "peoples" guvmint., by a madman hell bent on executing critics, by a tribal chief, by a jungle witch doctor, what ever.

Governments always claim to be some kind of good thing the people support, but they never really are. Unless, somehow, you can cut the cutthroat sociopaths outta getting their seat on the power sex toy that strokes their ego. And the only way that can ever be done is by somehow limiting the power the government has.

That was the grand idea behind the US Constitution. That's what made America "America".

today, the CFR is, at it's core and all the way down the traces of all its roots, a fascist organization built on racism. It is, in literary terms, "Earnest" in Oscar Wilde's satire on government of the late Victorian period, when "Progressivism" was first being ballyhooed. Progressivism has never been "Progress", just a grand fantasy sort of fake propaganda for feudalism. For a return to centralized power and cutting off the jpolitical development of Americanism.

Lord Cecil Rhodes, and others of "The City of London" ilk, were realizing that American ideals were a real threat to established wealth and power, and the rise of the unwashed third world hordes, where British and allied Imperialism was failing. Britain could not muster enough sailors or soldiers to hold the fort of Imperialism. They needed help. So they used American "Manifest Destiny" as a puppet show to get that help. First of all, they used their universities to brainwash the American rubes to get them to believe ideological crap like "Manifest Destiny" and in many other ways attacked American moral like religion. This began in the 1/830s, really

Before that, the British were just sending their armed forces to harass us, but by the 1820s they turned to the wonderful notions of Machiavelli to build their tool chest within American society itself. That is when "Manifest Destiny" began. A President named Andrew Jackson thumbed his nose at the US Supreme Court and exploited gold rush fever in the Cherokee homeland, and sent the troops to march the Cherokees off to the plains, the Trail of Tears.

The British funded both abolitionists and seecessionistss to fan the flames building up to the Civil War. The City of London financial kingpins hoped to break up the Union, and pick off the remnants, and destroy the federal government that was building on the idea of human rights. States' Rights were important in that equation, however unfortunately confused that became with maintaining slavery.

In lthe years after the Civil War, the British financial interests came ashore big time, and sort of took over our economy. All of the "Robber Barons" got their start, and maintained their various monopolies with British banking behind them.

The Spanish American war was started with jingoistic rehetoric over a false flag sinking of an American ship, supposedly by Spanish agents, but actually by the British, and with yellow journalism rivaling our media today, became "Remember the Maine", which was used to invade Cuba and the Philippines, enrolling the US as a sort of surrogate Imperialist power financially feeding the British interests.

That was the beginning of "Progress" as some believe it to be.

That is how we got hooked into being Britains main stooge on the world stage, the royals' puppet for a new kind of world order that has ever been a coninued version of British foreign policy. And that is what the UN has been, and now is, with an array of corrupt locals from various nations being a grand panopoly of "Made Men" for the Money, a host of "Manchurian Candidate" governments all helping in the puppet show.

"The Importance of being Earnest" was Oscar Wilde's play about hoodwinking some stupid ladies into believing there was a "good man" Earnest. In political reality, the world has been hoodwinked into believing there is a "good government".

So, the CFR is fascist, borderline Royal racism globally. Today, with the idea of setting up China to be to main front man the hope is to divert the public world wide from seeing the hand behind the puppetry for what it is. It is a gamble. actually a stupid gamble, that will fail. The Chinese will try to break the strings that guide their hands, and will march off doing their own thing. They will even invade the USA within the living future. But they will eventually fail and will have no handy puppet left to manipulate when they do collapse.

The reason they will collapse as the core of a new version of Brit power extension is just because they have no idea of what it takes to hold power. The British did not either. That is why there was an American Revolution, and why "Revolution" will continue to overturn these governance schemes. Whoever is trying to run them.

The only fundamentally stable sort of government is harnessed, managed governance which is in fact controlled by the general common people, which does in fact effect personal freedom and personal opportunity generally.

In all history, the closest thing yet to that has been the American Exception. And that will be the "shot heard 'round the world", that eventually will be the idea of government worldwide..