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I had not seen this before. It lends some credence to GameFace's position on Rittenhouse, though not certainty.

It isn't a new video, but yes prosecutors are claiming it provides insight and the whole thing might be declared a mistrial because of it. The motion for a mistrial was filed today in court, and it is because the prosecution was given specific instructions not to introduce this video. If you look at all the news media saying the judge yelled at prosecution, this is what it was about.
Grosskreutz didn't say what he did to help Rittenhouse. Just the opposite. Grosskreutz is trying to claim his loaded gun didn't represent a threat to Rittenhouse because if it had then he would have fired. Much like the phantom "re-rack", it is a fiction belied by the evidence.
A gun is even less of a threat when it is not pointing at someone.

That is true. It didn't. I don't know why if the roommate was going to recant what he said, that he would be a defense witness.
Also true. Didn't the defense depose this guy? That's sloppy.
He's a kid. I think that often gets lost. He's a kid, and kids don't always make the best decisions. What I think is unconscionable is how Big Tech has conspired against him to ban any positive mention on their platforms, how GoFundMe shut down the effort to provide him a legal defense, how a Salt Lake City reporter sought to shut down any fundraising by using his platform on a TV station to shame a donor, nearly all media broadcasting a narrative that contained many falsehoods against him, how the President of the United States before the trial had happened said the evidence was overwhelming and wanted Rittenhouse quickly prosecuted. He's a kid.

Yes and no. Young enough to change, realize it wasn’t the right thing to do, sure, but we try kids that age as adults all the time and he’s old enough to make competent decisions. Regardless of verdict, his life and those that were taken and impacted will be forever tarnished by some and admired by others.

Would agree that the Reddit mentality of guilty until proven guilty doesn’t help anyone. Jumping to conclusions rarely is the answer.
He's a kid. I think that often gets lost. He's a kid, and kids don't always make the best decisions. What I think is unconscionable is how Big Tech has conspired against him to ban any positive mention on their platforms
Well I hope that no one is mentioning positive things about a kid taking a gun and travelling to an area of rioting and throwing himself into the middle of the action. I mean do we want people to think that it a good idea for kids to do that?
I've seen the video, blown up, in frame-by-frame slow motion, many, many times. Grosskreutz never got his gun trained on Rittenhouse. He thought he had an opening, came out of his hand-up stance, moved to point his gun at Rittenhouse, but got shot before the he got aimed. The photo I showed is as close as Grosskreutz ever got.

As far as the whole "re-racking" garbage, it never happened. Rittenhouse's gun never misfired. Rittenhouse never "re-racked" it to clear the misfire. That whole thing was a fiction. I know this because I know how guns work. If you "re-rack", that is to say pull back the charging handle, it ejects the unspent round to chamber a new one. It doesn't fix the cartridge to reinsert it so that now it will fire. It doesn't disintegrate the dud. Law Enforcement was very thorough, everything was cordoned off, especially the area were the shooting took place, and the evidence collection was performed. Where that supposed "re-rack" happened was where both Huber and Grosskreutz were shot. You know what Field Evidence Technicians didn't find? An unspent round! They have the brass from every shot Rittenhouse fired. There is no unspent round. There was no "re-rack". Either Grosskreutz was straight-up lying or Grosskreutz was mistaken and thought that was what Rittenhouse was doing which would explain why he thought he had an opening to shoot.
What would happen if you "re-racked" your gun and there was never a bullet racked previously? Would it eject an imaginary bullet?
I did a lot of hunting growing up and what I would normally do is put a bullet in the gun manually and then put a full clip in afterwards. But occasionally I didn't put the bullet in manually before putting my clip in the gun. On those occasions I would pull the trigger with the expectation that a bullet would be fired and a deer/rabbit/coyote/pronghorn/ etc would get killed but instead nothing happened. So i pulled back the slide so a bullet would be inserted into the gun from the clip and no unspent round would eject because there was never a round there in the first place.
What’s funny is the two clowns taking over for Rush and then Hannity claiming that Rittenhouse was defending “his community.” His community… in another state?
Well I hope that no one is mentioning positive things about a kid taking a gun and travelling to an area of rioting and throwing himself into the middle of the action. I mean do we want people to think that it a good idea for kids to do that?
Oh don't worry, it's not like Trumpers have made him into a hero or anything...


They don't do stuff like that. They support RESPONSIBLE gun ownership and would never endorse needlessly brandishing guns at people for simply walking down the street.


That dumb bitch has her finger on the trigger. She need to go back to gun training.
Based on statistics, yes.
There are statistics for how police react/respond to a teenage black boy crossing state lines with an assault rifle to enter into rioting in order to protect something from the rioters by shooting them? I cant even think of that ever happening before but maybe you have a link to all those occurrences?
What would happen if you "re-racked" your gun and there was never a bullet racked previously?
Wouldn't be relevant in this instance because Rittenhouse had just shot Huber. The AR15 is a semiautomatic weapon and Rittenhouse started with a fully loaded 30 round magazine. It had a round in the chamber.
I'm not going to pretend that I know why Rittenhouse brought a gun or what he thought he was accomplishing. You could be
There are statistics for how police react/respond to a teenage black boy crossing state lines with an assault rifle to enter into rioting in order to protect something from the rioters by shooting them? I cant even think of that ever happening before but maybe you have a link to all those occurrences?
Holy **** Fish.

Was Thriller talking about a role reversal of the exact, to the details, situation? No, he was not. He was attempting to say that if you’re black and you’re arrested with gun, or after shooting white people, the cops will shoot you.

Fwiw, regarding crossing state lines. Rittenhouse had a job in Kenosha. He lives in Antioch, IL, which is 20 miles away from Kenosha. That’s not uncommon despite people using the “crossing state lines” as a talking point.
Wouldn't be relevant in this instance because Rittenhouse had just shot Huber. The AR15 is a semiautomatic weapon and Rittenhouse started with a fully loaded 30 round magazine. It had a round in the chamber.
Thanks for the clarification. My scenario wouldn't have been possible then.
Holy **** Fish.

Was Thriller talking about a role reversal of the exact, to the details, situation? No, he was not. He was attempting to say that if you’re black and you’re arrested with gun, or after shooting white people, the cops will shoot you.

Fwiw, regarding crossing state lines. Rittenhouse had a job in Kenosha. He lives in Antioch, IL, which is 20 miles away from Kenosha. That’s not uncommon despite people using the “crossing state lines” as a talking point.
Thanks for the clarification. My scenario wouldn't have been possible then.
I've got to say this entire line of discussion has been lost on me.

What is the implication if Rittenhouse racked the AR vs if he didn't?

And for a bit of clarity on using the charging handle on an AR, it can do a number of things.

If you pull it back it does what a live round would do if fired. The bolt comes back, the spent casing extraction mechanism cycles and a new round from the magazine is allowed to move into position to be loaded into the chamber. When you push it forward it engages the next round and slides it into the chamber, ready to be fired.

The charging handle of an AR is specifically designed to help in the event of a dud, misfire, stovepipe, jam, whatever. It cannot always solve the issue but it is a very fast and effective way to solve most issues. AI-O-Meter is misrepresenting how this works. If for some reason the spent shell casing remains in the chamber after the round is fired, as in it was not properly extracted, pulling the charging handle will likely remove the spent shell casing that was not removed during semi-automatic firing of the rifle. Stovepipe situations, where the spent shell casing gets caught in the mechanism without being fully expelled also typically can be cleared by pulling the charging handle back. A dud or misfire can be a much more complicated situation, but in the event of a dud (a round that does not go off at all) the entire round should be ejected by pulling the charging handle back. A misfire (basically the worst of all possible malfunctions) is when a round partially goes off, like in a situation where the primer ignites but the gunpowder doesn't. This can push the projectile into the barrel but not all the way out. It might also not do that and the projectile might still be connected to the round. In a casual situation anytime you pull the trigger and the gun doesn't cycle properly (properly being: it goes bang and a round hits something down range) you should stop and proceed carefully. A hangfire is when the action is initiated but the round exploding is delayed. You don't want to be trying to clear what you think is a jam only to have the round explode at an unexpected time.

Anyway. I don't know what this means for the case, but AI-O-Meter wanted to be a ****ing knowitall about it and slap down fish and OB. Using the charging handle on an AR does more than AI-O-Meter seems to think it does. It can clear issues that he has indicated it would not. In a high adrenaline situation, if your AR doesn't go bang when you pull the trigger your immediate response should be to use the charging handle to get a new round into the chamber. That is why that thing is where it is and as easy to to use as it is. It it the step one solution to any issue you have in a life or death situation.

I had not seen this before. It lends some credence to GameFace's position on Rittenhouse, though not certainty.

Judge would not allow prosecutors to point that out…
