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Rotation And Role

If anything, his play is a product that is attributed to himself.

He doesn't need help getting to the rim from any of the Jazz teammates.

I agree with almost all of the other things you mentioned, except that he does have some the ability to make his team better, especially our bigs, Favors in particular.

That's not exactly true or wrong either. His speed to the rim is insane.

The offense is creating a lot of wide open looks for the lesser shooters because so much attention has to be paid to DM, Joe, and Rudy's incredible rim running (Has there ever been a player better at it?). Plus, Utah is excellent at that extra swing pass on the arc. Those shots are often still quick catch and shoots, but they are less quick and more in rhythm than the previous quick catch and shoot 3.

We dont prefer Rubio, Exum, and Jae shooting the 3 but wide open they should shoot a winning % even if it doesn't blow us away individual % wise.
I think that article does gloss over how Fox absolutely slaughtered Ricky, to the point Dante had to play 26 minutes and finish the game.

Apart from that, he has been good defensively.