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Salt Lake Tribune - Jazz owner Ryan Smith on bringing an NHL team to Utah: ‘We just see hockey fitting in perfectly’

I think its worth taking a few moments to point out that this a colossally bad idea. I understand that Ryan Smith is anxious to bring another profession sports team to Utah, but Salt Lake's case for an MLB team is much stronger than for an NHL team.

The article points to the success of recent expansion teams Seattle and Las Vegas, while neglecting to mention that neither city currently has an NBA team. This is not an insignificant point. The basketball and hockey seasons almost completely overlap. The Jazz and a new hockey team would essentially be drawing fans from the same well, for the same portion of the year. There are limited dollars and fans, and these sports would cannibalize each other.

When you take a look a the current NHL, you actually find several clubs located in large-ish cities without NBA teams: Nashville, St Louis, Columbus, San Jose, Tampa, Buffalo, Pittsburgh. And of course a bunch of Canadian teams: Edmonton, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg. The list of cities with both NHL tams and NBA teams is limited to big Eastern cities, Las Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Charlotte, Dallas and Denver. All locations significantly larger than the SLC market. San Fransisco doesn't have a hockey team. Houston doesn't have a hockey team. Cleveland, Sacramento, Indianapolis, Portland, Baltimore don't have hockey. All are bigger than SLC. San Diego, Cincinnati and Austin don't have hockey or basketball. All three are bigger than SLC. A hockey team in Atlanta has been tried and failed twice. Phoenix has proved it can't support a team.

Additionally, Utah had no community history with hockey. Minor league hockey has never been particularly successful it Utah, and youth hockey leagues in Utah and barely a blip on the radar compared to what can be found in other cities. The NHL just expanded, and there's no reason to think it is looking to expand again soon. If the Phoenix Coyotes or another team is looking to relocate, there are several larger, more lucrative options than Utah.

The case for an MLB team in Utah is actually much stronger. An MLB team wouldn't compete directly with the Jazz or college football, or college basketball. Baseball youth leagues and ball fields are everywhere in Utah, and minor league baseball has been in Utah for many decades.

What's more, baseball has stated that its actively looking to expand. And there's is an addition opportunity with a Oakland A's still looking for a home. The Nevada legislature voted agaist a taxpayer funded ball park last week, and so the A's are essentially back to square one. Can't get a new stadium built in California, and can't get free stadium in Vegas. Its not out of the question that MLB may soon force the A's douche bag owner to sell. (Its happened before.) Ryan Smith and the Miller family should be putting time and attention here rather than wasting time with hockey.