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Same old team, Same old Boozer...

....well, we all know that Boozer's claim to fame was the pick and roll he ran with Williams. His defense was past pathetic, his rebounding overrated....his turnovers unbearable. So the Bull's now get all that, minus the pick and roll, which they do not run worth a hoot with Rose dominating the ball. So, the Bull's now have a player who makes close to $200,000 per game....and is virtually worthless. Oh, did we mention he goes down with anything from a hang nail to tired feet?
watching the Bulls-Raptors right now, they just showed a close-up of Boozer and I must say, his skin is looking really clear!
...well, I may have to eat crow on this boozer thing. He's playing alot better than I thought he would.....low turnovers, good shooting, grabbing his share and then some of rebounds. Bulls keep winning.