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Scapegoatery or Incompetence?: bossy Liberal females dropping like flies


Well-Known Member
bossy liberal females dropping like flies during Obama admin.






I wish that fly in my hotel room last night would have dropped. Wow was that irritating. Who knew Manchester has such loud flies. I think he was an overachiever.
repped for awesome thread title


One of the biggest political problems for dems is their utter lack of swagger.

Bush would have said to his speach writer. "write me up somethin that makes no sense whatsoever. Make sure there is a slight hint of '**** you complainers' in there."

John Stewart would have roasted him for it but the Bushies would continue business as usual.

Democrats tend to panic in the face of controversy whereas republicans thrive. It's the biggest difference between the 2 parties,tbh.

Bill Clinton being the obvious exception.
My favorite is Janet Yellen. She is either too stupid and caught up in Keynesian fairy tales to realize that they are dropping a huge financial bomb on her lap and using her to be the soft womanly face of implosion, or she deems whatever material benefits she is reaping to be greater than that.
We have a title with the usual misogyny ("bossy" women, when men are rarely described that way), followed not by evidence that more women have resigned than men, but just a bunch of pictures, some of whom are still in office.
We have a title with the usual misogyny ("bossy" women, when men are rarely described that way), followed not by evidence that more women have resigned than men, but just a bunch of pictures, some of whom are still in office.

I saw the bossy as describing a type of liberal female. Not all females or even all liberal females. But it is Pearlwatson. What did you expect?
I saw the bossy as describing a type of liberal female. Not all females or even all liberal females. But it is Pearlwatson. What did you expect?

OB was probably just trying to use a little reverse psychology on us into thinking all women are bossy liberals.

Not going to work OB, we are stronger than that.
Why aren't men called bossy when they exhibit the same behaviors? What's wrong is the double standard.

I consider you a bossy liberal man and would put a picture of you with a fly on your face in the thread if I had one. Does that clear things up a bit?
What? Who said they are not? I know bossy men. Want to meet my brother?

Maybe it's a regional thing. I mean, I'm 41 years old and I don't think I've ever referred to another dude as "bossy" or have ever heard someone refer to another guy as "bossy."