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Shelf life on uber athletic guards...

The Fresh Prince

Well-Known Member
Shelf life on uber athletic point guards...

Seems like with Westbrook and Rose, they burn out before even playing 7 years in the L.

Small sample size. (How many guards have ever been as athletic as rose and westbrook)
Brandon Roy seems to fit here as well.

That just happened.

No he doesn't.
Roy was not even close to the athleticism of rose and westbrook
No he doesn't.
Roy was not even close to the athleticism of rose and westbrook

Maybe not, but everything else fits.

Star guard hailed as franchise savior only to be medically retired before he can finish his first big money contract.
Another guy with a jerk knee is Eric Gordon. Kyrie Irving and John Wall entered the discussion as well.
And it's like a wonder that a guy like Jamal Crawford still doesn't have crossover knees(That's how I'll call these from now on)
Back in the day guards found out that a change of speed might put a defender out of position and freeze them. Then some guys found out change of direction does that as well. Now they're finding out that it doesn't work after ruining your knees.
Why has no one mentioned Dwyane Wade?
Another guy with a jerk knee is Eric Gordon. Kyrie Irving and John Wall entered the discussion as well.
And it's like a wonder that a guy like Jamal Crawford still doesn't have crossover knees(That's how I'll call these from now on)
Back in the day guards found out that a change of speed might put a defender out of position and freeze them. Then some guys found out change of direction does that as well. Now they're finding out that it doesn't work after ruining your knees.
Why has no one mentioned Dwyane Wade?

Weeeeeell lets just say he still has a career in David Sterns league. He's also a shooting guard, which is what I meant to put in the main title. Uber athletic point guards.
Weeeeeell lets just say he still has a career in David Sterns league. He's also a shooting guard, which is what I meant to put in the main title. Uber athletic point guards.

I don't make a difference between guards in that regard. It's the playstyle not the position that makes them susceptible to knee problems. And Gordon fits that category. Wade too. He has changed his game but If he didn't get ultra conservative precautious treatment and wasn't allowed to take plays off on D he would have hit the knife more often IMO.
I don't make a difference between guards in that regard. It's the playstyle not the position that makes them susceptible to knee problems. And Gordon fits that category. Wade too. He has changed his game but If he didn't get ultra conservative precautious treatment and wasn't allowed to take plays off on D he would have hit the knife more often IMO.

OP makes the rules in his own thread bub
I think the title of this thread is extremely "racist!" "Urban Athletic?" It would have been much safer to have said "Hip Hop Guards!" That would have at least included white guys playing the position! Speaking of guards who have endured the position with both a high basketball IQ and extreme athleticism.....I guess John Stockton would be at the top of the list, huh?!!!
Francis, and he burned out in 7 years as well.

Never injured, simply a top5 all time headcase. Leading the pack together with Starbury, A.I., Latrell Sprewell and another wildcard that I simply forgot to include...
So rose and westbrook injured supports the arguement.

Marbury, francis, iverson, kj all go against the arguement
So rose and westbrook injured supports the arguement.

Marbury, francis, iverson, kj all go against the arguement

I haven't checked on Marbury and KJ injury wise. I know that A.I. didn't alter his game enough to stay productive enough to be worth the trouble his persona created on a daily basis. At some point his offense wasn't enough to offset 5 personal babysitter, multiple lawyers and whatever you needed to keep him in check.
I haven't checked on Marbury and KJ injury wise. I know that A.I. didn't alter his game enough to stay productive enough to be worth the trouble his persona created on a daily basis. At some point his offense wasn't enough to offset 5 personal babysitter, multiple lawyers and whatever you needed to keep him in check.

Why bring up iversons attitude though.
This thread is simply about FP's thoery that really athletic point guards get injured.

Iverson seemed to be pretty healthy along with those other guys so it looks like the theory is not too solid
Yeah, AI was basically Westbrook before Westbrook and he was fine.

Real question is, would these guys have fewer injury problems if they were better shooters?
I think the title of this thread is extremely "racist!" "Urban Athletic?" It would have been much safer to have said "Hip Hop Guards!" That would have at least included white guys playing the position! Speaking of guards who have endured the position with both a high basketball IQ and extreme athleticism.....I guess John Stockton would be at the top of the list, huh?!!!
Uber is German. Man.
Whens the last time youve been to your eye specialist, 1979?