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Should Teacher Tenure Be Abolished?

Yes I do. All too well. You think my idea sucks and have plenty of anectdotal evidence to back it up to go along with your blathering rants sprinkled with sensationalism and pessimism. You've done it before, you're doing it now, and good money says you'll do it again. You're transparent and repetitive.

Please prove me wrong.

Irony at its finest coming from the poster boy for blowhards and speaking in absolutes.

Listen, if you read my posts, I never totally criticized the idea. I questioned it because of what I believe would likely happen. What you call sensationalism and pessimism I call foresight and reality. We don't live in a Utopia, remember.
Yeah we live in UTAHpia.
Listen, if you read my posts, I never totally criticized the idea. I questioned it because of what I believe would likely happen.
And that's all well and good. I haven't given it much thought at all and it certainly needs ironing out and maybe it doesn't work at all. But you're being a real debbie downer and claiming what you believe will likely happen is what will happen when in fact you have no idea. Everything you claim I am doing you are guilty of yourself. At the least we have given a few links about research with some reward-based programs.

What I find interesting is things that I see as a positive you see as a negative like parents calling to whine. I see that as an opportunity to open some dialogue. You see it like it's the plague and will bring the whole system crashing down.

Parents already call in and cry about their kids. Districts, principals, and teachers already have to deal with that. It's not like this would create some new problems.

Sure we don't live in Utopia but I'm beginning to think you live in anti-Utopia. You like your job, right?