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Sign Jason Collins


Well-Known Member
2022 Award Winner
I've already been on the record as saying that the Jazz should roll with The Four, whatever they pickup in the draft this year, D-Leaguers, and Jamaal Tinsleys (veterans that know a thing or two that are great locker room guys, can play in a pinch, but are simply not good enough to be relied upon with other options present and won't fuss if they don't play). Jason Collins fits the bill. In fact, I can't think of another player that would be better in the role of mentoring and being just good enough to maybe make a roster and improve practices. I don't think even Corbin could bury Kanter and Favors for Collins, and there aren't a lot of players out there that know the nuances of the game like a Collins.

Additionally, I'd be very proud of this organization for having the guts to be the first team in American professional sports history to sign an openly gay athlete. I think it would be an awesome statement and I've always identified with being a Jazz fan because of how contrary it is to what is cool nationally and in the media. I think everyone would benefit from this, not least of all the young guys themselves.

I don't expect this to happen at all. But, again, I think it would be good for everyone. Including the fan base.

Go nuts.
Do you think the Jazz knew Ameachi was gay when they signed him? Karl Malone certainly did. They hated each other.

I am all for signing Collins. He would only have to play like 10 minutes a night! It would be a power move like Brad Pitt did in moneyball when they traded the rookie to get the manager to play the guys that would win games!
Had two finals today, so I've been busy.

oh, congrats on getting the finals done. I remember finals week being the worst...

When I read it this morning, I thought that it said Jarron Collins at first, but it was surprising nonetheless.
Would be surprised if he is signed to a team next year. He is 34, and the best thing he brings is locker-room presence and someone who won't complain about getting 82 straight DNP's.

I think some GM's will shy away from bringing someone who is carrying this kind of controversy into the locker-room.

It would be cool if someone did though.
WTF do you guys want to sign another Collins? Wasn't years of Jarron enough pain and misery for us all to bear?
Would be surprised if he is signed to a team next year. He is 34, and the best thing he brings is locker-room presence and someone who won't complain about getting 82 straight DNP's.

I think some GM's will shy away from bringing someone who is carrying this kind of controversy into the locker-room.

It would be cool if someone did though.

I read from Marc Stein that he talked to 11 gm's, and five of them said that he will definitely be playing in the nba, and the other six said the same thing you said, basically. I dont think too many teams would not sign him just because he is gay, but they would not sign him because he sucks at basketball. It would suck if a bunch of people complained that he didn't get signed as a slight to gay people, because that is probably not what it would be.
Is this a ****ing joke?

You want to sign a guy just because he's gay?

Lets also sign a girl just for the novelty of it.

Jason Collins has been the worst player in the NBA for about 8 years straight now.

Straight^ lol.
Sandy just PMed me and said I'd better agree with Numbs here cuz we gay like that.

Then, in the same breath, he reminded me that I play the *******-shtick.
Do you think the Jazz knew Ameachi was gay when they signed him? Karl Malone certainly did. They hated each other.

I read Ameachi's book and according to him only AK & Ostertag knew he was gay - and they were both OK with it.
Unless this is a brilliant troll job, Numberica just jumped the shark and did a big floaty 360 with a sick nose grab while doing so.
I read Ameachi's book and according to him only AK & Ostertag knew he was gay - and they were both OK with it.

I thought I read something about Karl Malone hating him for being gay? Maybe he just hated him cause he sucked at basketball.