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Spencer Hayward

The Pearl

Active Member
Randy Rigby just called Gordon Hayward, Spencer Hayward.

Goodness gracious sakes alive.

For you youngsters, Spencer Haywood was the first to challenge the NBA's rule of waiting to enter the league until your class graduated.

He also hired a mobster to kill his coach, Paul Westhead.

This surpasses my favorite 1320 KFAN moment of the night when Locke trying to justify the pick claimed the Jazz actually considered the fact that Spencer, err Gordo could initiate the offense when Deron was double teamed.

I don't know about you but when the Jazz were getting their asses kicked by the Lakers, I am thinking to myself, "boy, if we just had somebody to initiate the offense other than Deron, we could get over the hump."

This is truly a great night to be a jazz fan.
He looks like a Spencer.

Blood, just be happy the Jazz didn't take a player with a candyass name like "Quincy Pondexter," ya know? Sounds exactly like the kinda player Nawlins would want, sho nuff. I betcha Christina, she was personally behind it all.
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