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Summary of First Ten Games...


Active Member
OK, I continue to divert my mind from my personal problems via Utah Jazz and NBA. So, let me go...

After that thread disaster that I've caused to, this time I tried to write down my opinions about first ten games of the Jazz, partially to make myself forgiven. And I hope this time there won't be a timing issue.

Utah Jazz 6-4

* Preseason games...

1) Utah Jazz vs Portland Trail Blazers : 90-110 L https://www.nba.com/games/20111219/UTAPOR/gameinfo.html
2) Portland Trail Blazers vs Utah Jazz : 89-92 W https://www.nba.com/games/20111221/PORUTA/gameinfo.html

* 2011-2012 NBA Regular Season

1) Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz : 96-72 L
2) Utah Jazz vs Denver Nuggets : 100-117 L
3) Philadelphia 76ers vs Utah Jazz : 99-102 W
4) Utah Jazz vs San Antonio Spurs : 89-104 L
5) New Orleans Hornets vs Utah Jazz : 90-94 W
6) Milwakee Bucks vs Utah Jazz : 73-85 W
7) Memphis Grizzlies vs Utah Jazz : 85-94 W
8) Utah Jazz vs Golden State Warriors : 88-87 W
9) Cleaveland Cavaliers vs Utah Jazz : 105-113 W
10)Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz : 90-87 L

There were quite different expectations about our team before the season start. I, myself, made a prediction which is an overly optimistic one and have said 40+1 wins to 25 losses as a quess for the 2011-2012 regular seoson. Of course it is still overly optimistic to think we can have that kind of win account but after the first ten games we can easely say that it is not out of subject to finish the regular season above .500 winning percentage. And as the more important point to underline, we should not even think tanking the season or playing for the lottery from the begining of the season or whatsoever. According to these first ten games we've played, the Jazz team should only aim for the holy playoffs. Well, why?

It's a known fact that the Jazz Team is in a period of time of trying to rebuild a strong team again. They have all the things too to do so; a calculating FO, tradition, money-cap space, a promising choach, some future picks, a good fan base, time and as the most important thing, a very high quality young core. And in the first ten games of the season, the Utah Jazz Team have shown a high potential for the future with glimpses of all this havings, believe it or not.

In the first meeting of the Jazz players as in scrimmage and after that, in the first preseason game, the team looked just awful. By that time I really thought that it would be a painful season. The second preseason game didn't help to change my opinion either though it was a win against a decent Portland.

Then the first two games of the season have just consolidated that thought. Those were two embarrassing losses against the Hollywood team and a circus team. Altough there were some good individual performances, the Jazz team were completely clueless on both offensive and defensive end as a team in those games. I was absolutely regretful for hoping good things from the team for this season. And I was finally ready to jump to the official "tank the season bandwagon".

Next two games didn't change the air either but finally we saw some genuine effort from our players and a few little things which were done better. Jazz have managed to pull out a win against Sixers at home as the first win of the season before theyget their third loss against San Antonio Ginobili.

Next three games were at home and we all know how much the Jazz love their home. With players getting used to play together and starting to know each others' plays more, things got significantly better and smoother. In this period Jazz started to a sweet winning streak as they won against New Orleans, Milwake Bucks and Memphis Grizzlies. Sure they were not high quality wins, because there were important missing players for the opponents such as Andrew Bogut, Mike Dunleavy and Beno Udrih for the Bucks and Zach Randolph for the Memphis, but there were shining glimpses of what can this team do and how much they are capable for.

The winning streak continued with the next two games against Golden State Warriors and Cleaveland Cavaliers. GS was devoid of Stephen Curry who is one of my fav pg in the league. Andris Biedrins was also absent though he's not that important piece for GS anymore as of now. Anyway even they were short-handed, the win against them was special. First of all, it was a road victory. Secondly, it was a close game decided by missing last shot of Monta Ellis. And the team effort was at the highest level which is unusual on road for the Jazz. Yes, It was the first road win of the season and I hope there will be many others. As for Cleaveland game... I couldn't watch this game but even the score can tell somethings about the obvious thing; awful defence, ugly win...

* The last game, Lakers game... This game is all on me. You know, it's a scientific fact. I am just looking for forgiveness. Nothing to say more.


For Sophomers... I can't tell much about sophomres' progression because I've not seen them last year. But I can speak about their performances so far.

Derrick Favors played with almost 9 pts, 7 rbs so far in 21.6 mpg. He contributes well to the team. Sometimes gets quick fouls and forces things too much on offense thanks to the role model in the team. He is the best defender on the team so far except fouling problem. I'm pretty sure he will be better through the season.
He has undoubtly all-star potential and all the tools phsically to be even more of it. But I realy don't know much about his character which is the most important thing for a player to fulfill his potential. Favors kinda seems have a laid back personality and doesn't show his emotions much. If he has a fire and passion for the game in his inside world, he can be a Duncan type leader for his team in the future.

Gordon Hayward on the other hand, seems yet to be matured. He is an All-star material too but if he doesn't build a stable self esteem and self-confidence, consistency problems may become consistent in his whole career. But if he overcomes this issue, he sure will be an exciting player to watch. The kid has too much talent and athleticism(for a pale guy) to be unsuccessful. He too is gifted phsically and with rigth mindset he can have more advantages than disadvantages in both SG and SF positions. He has a slow shooting style for a SG/SF but he has solid technique. If he shoots a little bit quicker in the rythim and doesn't hesitate he can be a deadly shooter thanks to his height.
He played with 8 pts, 2.7 rbs, 3.7 asts in 26.5 mpg so far. He has to show himself a little bit more. Or I am afraid that he may find himself sacrificed in a trade.

For rookies... I won't write much about Enes Kanter since we've talked about him so much. I believe from now on there won't be any questions about whether he will be a bust or not. Other than this, I can state only one thing that I know for sure once again. Enes Kanter is not only what we see on the court... His stats so far... 4.2 pts, 5.1 rbs in 13 mpg.
And he's now at the second row overall in rebounds per48 stats.
https://www.nba.com/statistics/play...d=Y&yearsExp=-1&sortOrder=7&splitDD=All Teams

Alec Burks... I put him above Devin Harris as a slasher. I think he will/can be among the elite slashers and drivers of the league. Of course it would be unfair for Burks to say his ceiling is Dwade. Because Wade is something else but human. But don't you see some Wadeish fashion in Burks' game? If I were Hayward I would worried about my minutes at the sg position. Because Burks seems to be one of the kind of players who can come and make an instant impact on the game. Plus he does this with such a confidence. That's even more impressive for our rookie to me. Too bad he is on a so weird team. It's very hard to say there is any justice in forgetting him so often behind Bell, CJ or Hayward. Now, after I watch him and learned what kind of player he is, I'm wondering how effectively he can play as a pg. I think in his prime it wouldn't be worse than Devin Harris although I love D. Harris as a Speedy Gonzales type player. Anyway, in short, he'll be good. Here are his stats so far... 5.3 pts, 1.6 rbs, 1 asts in 10.8 mpg.


Devin Harris... Too much loads on his shoulders. You can feel his struggling as he knows there are high expectations from him. I don't know if it's a rigth strategy to force him to play out of his style. Maybe it would be helpful to give more responsibility to Hayward in ball distribution and playmaking for both of them. 8.7 pts, 4.5 asts in 26 mpg...

Josh Howard... He does almost everything what "veteran" word's meaning refers to. He guides the youngs as well as making his all duties decently and plays with heart. Nothing to say more. 11.4 pts, 2.8 rbs, 1.3 asts in 23.4 mpg.

Jeremy Evans... Is amazingly fun to watch, too bad in Utah Jazz.


Ty corbin... I haven't seen his coaching last season. Therefore I can't judge him easily, because you need more time to make observations and judgements over a coach than it takes to judge a player. I'll admit that he has weird rotations most of the time but as I know from my own weird coaches, you gotta respect their strategies. Because usually you understand way afterwards what they were trying to do. Then you are free to judge. As of now I'm still trying to understand what kind of plans he has in his mind. But there is one little thing that makes me sad. It seems like the Jazz have lost their all screen based trademark plays... They were always fun to watch as I'm being a Europan Basketball lover. I miss very much those Jerry Sloan plays, especially the complex ones.


1) Crowded frontcourt issue... Unnecessary to explain but if it goes like this, our team may become a teenage wasteland.

2) PG issue... Considering first ten games it appears to be a permanent problem until a trade. Big men need to a passing first pg.

3) Too much offense through Al Jefferson. Yes, I have to pay tribute to his offensive abilities but I believe the Jazz fans have seen a very similar movie a few years ago with another overly talentend big man as offensively. Not to mention to the overly talented pg that we have by then. Now without such a pg, the road that the Jazz going on currently won't arrive at a state like in our minds. So the question is this: "Are the Jazz really gonna build the team around Favors and Kanter?". If yes, what is the meaning of 20 and 10 minutes as Favors' and Kanters' playing time? If no, Well, I don't think it's a no. Nonetheless, I've already said that I can't judge Ty for rotations and given minutes this early but... But I'd like to point out my opinion too. If "the answer" is yes, then it requires to increasing the young core's minutes and credits as well as their resposibilities little by little and steadily through the season.

4) Raja Bell... Unexplainable. I would be sorry about him bu he doesn't seem to be sorry himself so, whatever... Fortunately there is some very little, tiny, small improvement in his game lately. And yeah, there are some momentary defensive stopages here and there.

5) CJ Miles... It's hard to believe that CJ is still 24. Is it an issue? I really don't know...

But fortunately, I have good news for CJ and Bell issue: They can't be this badly entire season. I mean, I guess.

* TRADE OPTIONS... I believe Jazz FO searching every options at every minutes to make the team better and better. But they are behaving wisely and not being in a hurry. I think they will wait until the last moment if they can't find a golden trade. That's clever but I do want them to make a move in this season. Now there is almost two months to the trade deadline and I believe KOC will make a good move. But I am afraid that move may include Millsap. If it does I will probably be very upset no matter what the Jazz recieves in return. Al Jefferson is another option for trade but his contract makes it hard to get the job done. Devin Harris too is an option to trade because Jazz have some other pieces to throw into the deal like CJ, Bell, or even Evans or maybe some picks. I just don't want them to touch and break our young core.

* REFEREES... I've never been a referee basher but sometimes they can be unbearable especially against the Jazz. In first game they let Lakers have 37 FTs while they sent Jazz to the line only for 17 FTs. And in CLE game the FTs numbers were 43-29 in favor of CLE. I mean come on, it is CLE. What kind of referees are they? People say Violet Palmer is an afwul referee but atleast she was decent in GS game. And I don't think that she is as bad as everyone tries to make her seems either(although when she decides to suck she can be on another level).
Overall, 254 FTs called for the Jazz and 262 FTs for opponents. At first it looks ok, but if you have watched the games you'd know how was unbalanced against Jazz, especially considering Utah's "inside the paint" playing style and six "home" games.

* UPCOMING SCHEDULE... Yes Jazz have relatively good schedule for early season but every one can see it will dramatically get harder and tougher through the season. So my only hope for the Jazz is that being able to keep up with the competition.

1) Jeremy evans' sick dunk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvvpzIk_iAQ
2) Enes kanter's two hand putback dunk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxzUJarOVsE
3) Favors' 5 blocks,
4) Miles' funny fouls at the end of the quarters,
5) Hayward's blocks,
6) Harris' 3 pointer with rim help,
7) Omri Caspi's block to Hayward,
8) Tony Allen's flop...

* Nate505... According to JazzFanz, he had an important part in Jazz's winning streak. And I somewhat believe that(for fun of course). So I salute him with all respect.


Maybe 10 games period is not long enough as a sample size to make healty observations and a good prediction but it's surely sufficient enough to imagine good things about this team. This uniqe seaoson may be a chance to make some surprises. There are so few stable teams right now and this won't change until the late season. This fact with all the potential that our team have can bring out a solid answer to the question of why Utah Jazz should aim for the holy playoffs rather than thinking of tanking the season as laying down under the teams which aren't so much better than us.Jazz have a lot of necessary things to be succesful even in this season. Utah Jazz, can achieve better result than many of us would imagine if they play as a team. Even if they can't, they will earn lots of goods as they try to being a wining team, learning winning, being in the habit of wining.

* Finally here are my grades for Utah Jazz for the first ten games of the season.

Ty Corbin : B-
Team Effort : B+
Defensive End : B-
Offensive End : C
Rebounding : B-
Bench : A-
Considering Expectations : A-

OK, that's it. This was my summary from my point of view. And open to all criticize... Also I'm eager to listen anyone's opinion for the first ten games generally.

Sorry for typos, bad english and chaotic writing. it's my style because I can't do better.

You don't have to read all, by the way, of course.

Songs to ease reading...

* "English Man In New York", the original version of this song by Sting is one of my all time favourites. But here is a different version that covered with Turkish melodies by "Dolapdere Big Gang".

* "Am I forgiven?" by Rumer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQa1L9UT1CM

For the ones who think that this kind of music is "gay"... I just like Jazz music as well as all other quality musics. So, no, I am not gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZPcGapl2dM
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I liked your summary. You put some thought into it and I think you are spot on with most of it. I am really looking forward to seeing where this team can go and who steps up to help us get there.
Can you expand that? I don't know much about him. I thought he was loved by NC fans.

I'm not so sure NC State fans were in love with him. He couldn't even make the field of 64 and take his team to the NCAA tourney.
I'm not so sure NC State fans were in love with him. He couldn't even make the field of 64 and take his team to the NCAA tourney.

What would you say about Sanders. Is he good enough to help Kanter and others?