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"Teeth" to Fight Rape

Nate, nothing is full proof. And there are always unintended consequences. In your scenario of "crazy chick" couldn't she do the same damage with the gun she owns?

Yes. But in this case she not only does physical damage, but the perceived legal/social damage can be far worse if people take having one of those things on your junk = you were the rapist.
Yes. But in this case she not only does physical damage, but the perceived legal/social damage can be far worse if people take having one of those things on your junk = you were the rapist.

Granted. That said, I think those situations would be isolated.
I would think having one of those painful things on would make you almost immoblie. But I still think a small cheap stun gun needs to be developed and would be more useful.
There was a movie about a woman with an all-natural set of teeth down there and being raped. It was called Teeth and was from 2007.


Kicky seems to have seen odd small budget movies that nobody else (at least me) has ever even heard of. Have you seen Teeth yet?
There was a movie about a woman with an all-natural set of teeth down there and being raped. It was called Teeth and was from 2007.


Kicky seems to have seen odd small budget movies that nobody else (at least me) has ever even heard of. Have you seen Teeth yet?
That movie is the first thing I thought of when I saw this thread title, but no I haven't been brave enough to rent it yet. When I was on the trial 30 of Netflix I meant to see if it was stream-able along with that human centipede movie.
Yeah, that was exactly my thinking. Not that while this thing is good intentioned that it could cause the problem to be worse. Because those are the exact same lines of thought.

Through the haze of your sarcasm, do you not actually see that they are? And incidentally -- you didn't say that you thought this thing was well intentioned. You just poo-pooed it because of "the law of unintended consequences." Nate, things can always get worse, but if you're being raped, you do what you can to fight it regardless of the fact that it could makes things worse. No?
This device bears a striking similarity to a similar idea in the novel Snow Crash. I'm sure AthiestPreacher and others know what I'm talking about.

There was a movie about a woman with an all-natural set of teeth down there and being raped. It was called Teeth and was from 2007.


Kicky seems to have seen odd small budget movies that nobody else (at least me) has ever even heard of. Have you seen Teeth yet?

I'm not really a fan of the horror genre, so I haven't seen this one. Although the concept is obviously based on the ****** dentata.
Through the haze of your sarcasm, do you not actually see that they are?
No, because they are not.

One is saying that if you fight, something worse could happen. Fighting when one is attacked is the most natural instinct around, and I would hardly fault anyone for it.

The other is saying that while this policy, or device, may have good intentions it could make the problem worse. This is common in many areas of society, and argued at ad nauseum. For instance, I (and many others) believe the drug war has made the drug problem worse by all sorts of god awful side effects it has. That doesn't mean I'm for people shooting up heroin.

And incidentally -- you didn't say that you thought this thing was well intentioned. You just poo-pooed it because of "the law of unintended consequences." Nate, things can always get worse, but if you're being raped, you do what you can to fight it regardless of the fact that it could makes things worse. No?

Do most people? I don't know. I know when weapons are used by rapists, the victim tends to get raped. IMO the victim is making the rational choice in the horrid position they are put in, especially when the other possibility is death. What worries me about this device is that if it is used the attacker, in a fit of rage, may enact this possibility on the victim.
Nate, why not just argue that you are not completely for the device but hope that it's an option available to all women.
In most African countries, rape convictions are not common. "Women and girls who experience these violations are denied justice, factors that contribute to the normalization of rape and violence in South African society," Human Rights Watch says. A 2009 report by the nation's Medical Research Council found that 28 percent of men surveyed had raped a woman or girl, with one in 20 saying they had raped in the past year, according to Human Rights Watch.

I think this kinda publicity is good for our country. It should encourage a lot of rapists to move to Africa, I figure. I'm considerin movin there my own damn self, the more I think about it.
Me, I just put a chastity belt on my women when I allow them to go out in public. Only fear there is that they will hook up with a locksmith.

Seriously, I guess this idea is well-intentioned. And I'm not going to judge in a society where rape is so prevalent - and apparently accepted as natural by police and judges. I knew rape in less-developed countries in Africa was bad - it's the spoils of tribal wars. But, I had no idea it was that bad in South Africa. With nowhere to turn for justice, it's no wonder women are considering such radical means to prevent rape.
The only problem I have with this is that there are some malicious people out there of both sexes. What if a woman decides she wants to use this on a man who thinks he is just having consensual sex? I have no problem with rapists having this happen to them but you know that some woman will use this on a perfectly innocent guy and it is going to happen more than once. Maybe they want revenge for something?