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The 2010 summer mulligan.

Lee hasnt beeen as good this year as I thought he was going to. I drafted him in the 2nd round on my fantasy team and I quickly traded him and Collison for J. Smoove and Al Hortford
Lee hasnt beeen as good this year as I thought he was going to. I drafted him in the 2nd round on my fantasy team and I quickly traded him and Collison for J. Smoove and Al Hortford

True but his infection was hurting him. I believe Locke though did say Lee was the Jazz first choice. He would be great with the Jazz cause he finishes strong.
All Utah needs to do to turn this around is use Ak's 17 million for a star. Houston got like 2 picks Jordan hill and Kevin Martin for Tmac last year. I just hope, Utah would be willing to take on extra years in a deal. And just plan for a roll back in salaries with the new cba
True but his infection was hurting him. I believe Locke though did say Lee was the Jazz first choice. He would be great with the Jazz cause he finishes strong.

And he is a great passing big man. Who can rebound. Thats the so surprising thing is Big Als lack of Rebounds. Whats up with that. He just looks lazy sometimes out there
All Utah needs to do to turn this around is use Ak's 17 million for a star. Houston got like 2 picks Jordan hill and Kevin Martin for Tmac last year. I just hope, Utah
would be willing to take on extra years in a deal. And just plan for a roll back in salaries with the new cba

Plus Ak could then just sign with us next season if he really wants to stay here
The Knicks sold the farm in hopes of landing Lebron +1. There's no one out there that stupid (and able to throw stuff like that) this year.

I think that trade for the Rockets was more lopsided than the Gasol deal. Too bad for them that they traded their defense for offense and they still can't win.
Pay millions more in luxury tax, be crippled long term.

Agreed. I treasure the security of the 4-6 seed every year. No character is built from being exceptional, but running on the treadmill of mediocrity year after year after year builds in one a certain sediment of bitterness that protects from the lure of traditional notions of success. To crave and expect excellence is to be a Lakers fan, and for what? Is there anything more fleeting than victory? Most of us are defined by our failures, and I appreciate the Utah Jazz and Greg Miller for embodying that concept and celebrating the futility of the American everyman.
Agreed. I treasure the security of the 4-6 seed every year. No character is built from being exceptional, but running on the treadmill of mediocrity year after year after year builds in one a certain sediment of bitterness that protects from the lure of traditional notions of success. To crave and expect excellence is to be a Lakers fan, and for what? Is there anything more fleeting than victory? Most of us are defined by our failures, and I appreciate the Utah Jazz and Greg Miller for embodying that concept and celebrating the futility of the American everyman.

Well written sarcasm in complete sentences. I like it. Rep Power for you.
Agreed. I treasure the security of the 4-6 seed every year. No character is built from being exceptional, but running on the treadmill of mediocrity year after year after year builds in one a certain sediment of bitterness that protects from the lure of traditional notions of success. To crave and expect excellence is to be a Lakers fan, and for what? Is there anything more fleeting than victory? Most of us are defined by our failures, and I appreciate the Utah Jazz and Greg Miller for embodying that concept and celebrating the futility of the American everyman.

Sheer poetry.
Let me get something clear. Last years team was underachieving and lacking. So they changed a bunch of players.

This years team is underachiving and lacking. Now its suggested to bring in a new bunch of players to try again?

Anyone want to guess how a new bunch of players would do?
Let me get something clear. Last years team was underachieving and lacking. So they changed a bunch of players.

This years team is underachiving and lacking. Now its suggested to bring in a new bunch of players to try again?

Anyone want to guess how a new bunch of players would do?

You just haven't caught on yet. This is JAZZFANZ. We know better than the front office, than KOC, than Sloan what the Jazz need. Sure they got a bunch of new players...THE WRONG PLAYERS. So now the debate centers around them going out and getting the right players for once. If only they consulted with us beforehand we could avoid all this ugliness and get on with the business of winning that championship.

Don't even get us started on what plays Sloan should run, what his rotations/lineups should be, or when he should retire. Hoo-boy!
2009 Mulligan:

Don't extend Memo

And while I'm at it, if we didn't match Millsap and extend Memo, we could have kept Boozer, Korver, and Matthews, but Sap is still a decent contract
Agreed. I treasure the security of the 4-6 seed every year. No character is built from being exceptional, but running on the treadmill of mediocrity year after year after year builds in one a certain sediment of bitterness that protects from the lure of traditional notions of success. To crave and expect excellence is to be a Lakers fan, and for what? Is there anything more fleeting than victory? Most of us are defined by our failures, and I appreciate the Utah Jazz and Greg Miller for embodying that concept and celebrating the futility of the American everyman.

Incredible. Simply. Reputation given.
2009 Mulligan:

Don't extend Memo

And while I'm at it, if we didn't match Millsap and extend Memo, we could have kept Boozer, Korver, and Matthews, but Sap is still a decent contract

I'm opting out. No matter what, I'm going to get a raise regardless. - Carol Bozzer

Hmm. Kept. Yeah.

But I agree with taking back Memo's extension. High price for what he was offering even pre-injury. But we could have kept Korver and Matthews. Outside shooting and consistent energy and efficient play in the wing. Sounds like just what we need.