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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

Ya some good things in those polls and a couple bad things. Mostly good though

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I think we’re seeing things stabilize domestically. The economy is stabilizing as is inflation and gas prices. We’re seeing helpful legislation passed. This is what competent leadership looks like. Sure, I mean some may miss the president yelling at a black or Asian American reporter, holding profanity laced rallies calling large swaths of Americans enemies, and phone calls blackmailing world leaders to find dirt on opponents. Some probably even miss medical advice, like flashlights and lysol up the ***. But Biden and his White House and this Congress have proven to be very competent.

Hopefully voters take competent leadership into consideration this fall. I certainly enjoy stability and normalcy. Quite better than the Republican fascism they’re offering. And I’m definitely not tired of all this legislative winning!

Ask yourself, are you better off now in aug of 2022 than Aug 2020? If the answer is yes, why change?
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That poll shows people no longer believe in law enforcement, the courts, or even other people and the word you use to describe that is "encouraging"?!?!
I call seeing more citizens recognizing that “threats to democracy” is that serious an issue, encouraging. It’s encouraging for my country, whose body politic has been seriously wounded by Trump, the Big Lie, and conspiracism seemingly becoming the default thinking mode of too many Americans.
That poll shows people no longer believe in law enforcement, the courts, or even other people and the word you use to describe that is "encouraging"?!?!

I call seeing more citizens recognizing that “threats to democracy” is that serious an issue, encouraging. It’s encouraging for my country, whose body politic has been seriously wounded by Trump, the Big Lie, and conspiracism seemingly becoming the default thinking mode of too many Americans.
I want to add that “threats to democracy” has been pretty much the top issue(the response to Covid 19 by Trump might have supplanted it as #1 in my view for awhile) for me, personally, since the very day Trump descended the escalator in Trump Tower and announced his 2016 run. So, for some 7 years “threats to American democracy” represented by Trump and MAGA has been my focal point. I have never wavered from that position. Never. Not once. I recognized what that man represented from the start. And made a pain in the *** of myself to folks here, at times, constantly raising the red flag about a hateful and manipulative demagogue infecting our body politic and tearing asunder our social fabric. So, it should not come as any kind of surprise that I would consider more Americans also making this their top issue, encouraging, from my perspective. We need an educated electorate, not conspiracism as our default thinking mode. The Age of Enlightenment it’s not…
I call seeing more citizens recognizing that “threats to democracy” is that serious an issue, encouraging.
No Red, it is terrifying. It is a false narrative. It is fake. It isn't real. By every metric we can evaluate such as voter turnout being up everywhere and in every demographic, and there being no measured rise in any sort of election fraud, there is no threat to democracy.

"January 6!", "What about January 6?", "Trump didn't concede!". There is a truism I have learned over my decades. When people can't point to statistics but insist on pounding an anecdote, they are spreading manure. You, and those who think like you, are telling a ghost story over, and over, and over, and public opinion polling shows the effect. It is straight out of the Edward Bernays playbook, and it is frightening how easily manipulated people are.
No Red, it is terrifying. It is a false narrative. It is fake. It isn't real. By every metric we can evaluate such as voter turnout being up everywhere and in every demographic, and there being no measured rise in any sort of election fraud, there is no threat to democracy.

"January 6!", "What about January 6?", "Trump didn't concede!". There is a truism I have learned over my decades. When people can't point to statistics but insist on pounding an anecdote, they are spreading manure. You, and those who think like you, are telling a ghost story over, and over, and over, and public opinion polling shows the effect. It is straight out of the Edward Bernays playbook, and it is frightening how easily manipulated people are.
The reason why the Jan. 6th "event" is not a threat to our democracy (aka constitutional republic) is because enough people were horrified by it to take action and raise awareness.
The reason why the Jan. 6th "event" is not a threat to our democracy (aka constitutional republic) is because enough people were horrified by it to take action and raise awareness.
There was no action for the people to take. The Electoral College had voted to make Joe Biden the next President of the United States the month before. The purely ceremonial recognition of the EC's vote happened on January 6 with a delay of 4 hours. Your idea that people were outraged and rose up thwart a thing that was about to succeed if not for the outrage of the people is pure fiction. And statistics belie the whole narrative.
There was no action for the people to take. The Electoral College had voted to make Joe Biden the next President of the United States the month before. The purely ceremonial recognition of the EC's vote happened on January 6 with a delay of 4 hours. Your idea that people were outraged and rose up thwart a thing that was about to succeed if not for the outrage of the people is pure fiction. And statistics belie the whole narrative.
The reason why the next attempt will not succeed is the reaction we've had to this one.

If you think the actual minds behind Trump didn't gain lessons learned from the Jan. 6th attempt then you'd be wrong. The good news is that the rest of us got some lessons learned as well.

That's what I'm saying.

In the past I used the tipping over a coke machine analogy in regard to Jan. 6th. That was the first push. To get the thing to tip over you've got to get is rocking side to side a bit before the final push will knock it over.
The reason why the next attempt will not succeed is the reaction we've had to this one.
I disagree completely. The reason the next one won't succeed is the same reason the last one couldn't have succeeded. The electoral vote is completely decentralized. There is no single point to attack and any single point being compromised does not compromise the electoral voting system. The votes are never in one place until January 6th and by that point everything is ceremonial only with recent legislation seeking to further cement that fact.

It doesn't matter who says what or who recognizes what votes on January 6th. It is ceremonial only. The only thing that matter are the votes cast by the electoral college in December and, in a worst case scenario, which slate of electors the Supreme Court would recognize. The system in place is what protects the system and thankfully so because the will of the people is fickle.
No Red, it is terrifying. It is a false narrative. It is fake. It isn't real.

It’s a very real narrative. Time and again, Donald Trump demonstrated he felt he was above the law. And all the **** that has since hit the fan, the 1/6 committee, the FBI visit to Mar-a-Lago, and so much else, are things he brought upon himself. Sorry, guy, but I hit it out of park when I recognized what Trump represented in 2015. And he proved me right, time, and time again.
It’s a very real narrative. Time and again, Donald Trump demonstrated he felt he was above the law. And all the **** that has since hit the fan, the 1/6 committee, the FBI visit to Mar-a-Lago, and so much else, are things he brought upon himself. Sorry, guy, but I hit it out of park when I recognized what Trump represented in 2015. And he proved me right, time, and time again.
A 'person believing they are above the law' and a 'threat to democracy' are not the same thing. You equating dissimilar concepts to connect points that don't belong on the same yarn board. Statistics, statistics, statistics. Trump may be a bad, bad man but the story you are pushing is fake.
A 'person believing they are above the law' and a 'threat to democracy' are not the same thing. You equating dissimilar concepts to connect points that don't belong on the same yarn board. Statistics, statistics, statistics. Trump may be a bad, bad man but the story you are pushing is fake.
Our president believing he is above the law, and acting as much, and “threats to democracy in America” are on the very same page. Trump was, and continues to be, a threat to democracy in America. The Big Lie, his creation, is itself a threat to our democracy. The damage it has wrought, is incalculable at the moment. It’s like a cancer, a cancer he planted, in our body politic, our elections. He already damaged our democracy with his lies. And he’s not done. He is not done. The story you are pushing is nonsense to me. He is a threat to our democracy, a threat to my country. It was obvious in 2015, and it still is. His lies have directly resulted in election deniers running for Secretary of State on the Republican ticket in several states. And THAT is itself a threat to democracy in America.
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Trump was, and continues to be, a threat to democracy in America. ... It’s like a cancer, a cancer he planted,... He is a threat to our democracy, a threat to my country.
I see. There is a threat to our democracy because he exists and conversely the only way for there not to be a threat to our democracy is for someone to make him not exist. He is a cancer after all, and we all know cancer is deadly, so I guess everything is justified if we are to save ourselves, right?

The story you are pushing is nonsense to me.
I'm not pushing any story. I'm only pointing out the statistics don't corroborate this world you've created.

Not too long ago I wrote out a brief collection of moral beliefs which you said you couldn't argue with. Here it is again:

I am classically liberal. I support the free speech rights of neo-nazis even if I am disgusted by what they say and who they are. I support due process, search and seizure limitations, the presumption of innocence, and Miranda rights even for child molesters. I am opposed to capitol punishment even for serial killers. When it comes to individuals versus the government, even if that individual is Trump, I consistently stand with nerfing the government because the government is so powerful and I am not so naive as to believe that I could never possibly be in the government's crosshairs one day or that they never make mistakes.

I still believe them. You said you did but Trump. You've swallowed this hook so deep that you are willing to sell out everything you once believed to cling to 'but Trump'. You can vote and advocate for other people, but when you start dancing with the ideology of a thing you oppose being the same as cancer that needs to be cut away and eliminated for us to continue, then you may want to take a breath.
... because he exists ...
Because so many people believe what he says.

... the only way for there not to be a threat to our democracy is for someone to make him not exist.
You can kill someone politically without ending their life. You're really bad at metaphors.

I'm not pushing any story. I'm only pointing out the statistics don't corroborate this world you've created.
Your use of statistics has been down to your usual standards.