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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

View: https://twitter.com/texan_maga/status/1669411327079530503

How is this guy not in jail?

And LOL at the whistleblower being killed. Uh huh. Sure. I bet he’s in the pile of thrown away Trump votes in Michigan and Lindsey Graham’s Canadian girlfriend…

Is Donald’s health care plan also there? Remember how he was going to reveal it in just two more weeks?
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View: https://twitter.com/texan_maga/status/1669411327079530503

Giuliani is a clown and he lies. A lot. That has nothing to do with anything.

IRS Agent Gary Shapley testified in front of Congress that AUSA Leslie Wolf actively blocked any investigation that could possibly reach Joe Biden. The micromanagment of what the IRS could and could not investigate went all the way down to lists of any questions to be asked in interrogations in anything Biden-related needing to be submitted and approved. AUSA Leslie Wolf was getting her marching orders from David Weiss, who was also running his own interference. David Weiss gets his orders directly from Merrick Garland.

Investigators from various US law enforcement agencies have proof of corruption and they aren't allowed to do anything with it because the DOJ and FBI are owned by the DNC. Giuliani has nothing to do with what has come to the surface. Giuliani is being trotted out and lampooned to discredit real investigators with real proof. The DOJ is corrupt. AUSA Leslie Wolf is corrupt. Her boss David Weiss is corrupt. They are using their positions at the DOJ to carry out political favors, which is against the law.
I think one has to be naive to take Rudy at all seriously at this point.
Giuliani is a clown and he lies. A lot. That has nothing to do with anything.

IRS Agent Gary Shapley testified in front of Congress that AUSA Leslie Wolf actively blocked any investigation that could possibly reach Joe Biden. The micromanagment of what the IRS could and could not investigate went all the way down to lists of any questions to be asked in interrogations in anything Biden-related needing to be submitted and approved. AUSA Leslie Wolf was getting her marching orders from David Weiss, who was also running his own interference. David Weiss gets his orders directly from Merrick Garland.

Investigators from various US law enforcement agencies have proof of corruption and they aren't allowed to do anything with it because the DOJ and FBI are owned by the DNC. Giuliani has nothing to do with what has come to the surface. Giuliani is being trotted out and lampooned to discredit real investigators with real proof. The DOJ is corrupt. AUSA Leslie Wolf is corrupt. Her boss David Weiss is corrupt. They are using their positions at the DOJ to carry out political favors, which is against the law.
I was under the impression you wanted to hear the tape with Joe Biden being bribed?
I think one has to be naive to take Rudy at all seriously at this point.

I was under the impression you wanted to hear the tape with Joe Biden being bribed?
Dude after you pushed the bat **** crazy Russia hoax for 6 years... Please stop. If you believed such a stupid conspiracy, you have no room to ever talk imo.
Investigators from various US law enforcement agencies have proof of corruption and they aren't allowed to do anything with it because the DOJ and FBI are owned by the DNC. Giuliani has nothing to do with what has come to the surface. Giuliani is being trotted out and lampooned to discredit real investigators with real proof. The DOJ is corrupt. AUSA Leslie Wolf is corrupt. Her boss David Weiss is corrupt. They are using their positions at the DOJ to carry out political favors, which is against the law.
Imagine how online one must be to write this out and think, “yeah this makes sense.” Just think how completely insane this sounds this **** sounds to we normal people. You’re in one weird sick delusional bubble. Do you work for DeSantis’s campaign?


And if the government really was this good at pulling off conspiracy, I want them in charge of more things cuz damn. Give me government controlled health care.
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Giuliani is a clown and he lies.
The thing is, so is Jim Jordan, and every Republican unable to deny Trump’s claim that he won the 2020 election. Here’s a guy, Donald Trump, who the other day said he wants “my papers back” (He’s claiming the Presidential Records Act allows him to take anything he wants, including all the documents taken back by the government by now). Here’s a guy who steals classified documents, (and I do believe he hated to lose them because he had every intention of profiting by them somehow, but that’s me, lol). And here’s a guy who attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power, after losing the election, and with the full support of how many Republican congresspeople who declined to certify Biden’s win? And this is the guy, who despite all that, will somehow be allowed to run for that office again. A guy who steals classified documents, and attempted to overthrow an election is allowed to be president again. Man, are we a tolerant people, lolol…

When the Republican Party decides to accept Reality, decides to rejoin the Real World, I’ll pay more attention to their various efforts to exact revenge……
Biden literally fires the team looking into his sons Tax dealings and Thriller can't add 1+1 lolol. Pangolin bros. A pangolin created covid yet Biden firing the team looking into his sons illegal activity with IRS literally blowing the whistle on him is wrong. You guys are hilarious.

Remember when you hypocrites sat here and said how important whistleblowers that magically heard that someone else heard through someone else that Orange said something that he never said? That was an impeachment based off fake whistleblowers we now know lied. Now the Thrillers and @Red have changed their hypocritical tune now that it goes against their partisanship? Red care to explain why you flip flop pretty much everything you stand for based on partisanship? Whatever happened to you saying how important whistle blowers are? The difference in Bidens case is these are actually real people with real names, in front of congress in Bidens case unlike the one that you guys fabricated out of thin air.

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You mean the hoax that landed dozens of crooks in the slammer?
Don’t you know? Russia, Covid, Fauci, Jan 6, Ukraine, two impeachments, vaccines, and the moon landings are all hoaxes.

The real crime is Soros, Fauci, woke, whistleblowers, woke, dead whistleblowers, woke deepthroat blowers, CRT, FBI, woke BLT. Aren’t you angry now???
You mean the hoax that landed dozens of crooks in the slammer?
We both know you wont because you are absolutely incapable of actually having a discussion but name names and the crimes. Now run away like you and you and @The Thriller always do. Again... You obviously always just parrot Thriller but explain to me exactly what these arrest have to do with Trump Colluding with Russia. Tie it together for me.

LOLOLOL again we both know you just can't as all you and Thriller are capable of are being passive aggressive trolls and are incapable of actually knowing what you preach. You don't. I know you don't... You know you don't. Onebrow knows you don't.... Please though... For once try to not run away.

Edit: if you don't want to cower I can explain the entire thing to you for the 30th time. From Hillary paying a past foreign agent for Russian Propaganda, to the FBI fabricating evidence to get Fisa warrants, to the FBI lying to federal judges, to the Durham report that states that there was no basis for any of this. To the Mueller report, to Peter Strzok on text admitting he will stop Trump. I mean, it's absolutely embarrassing I have to point this out but you addicts are going after Trump for an alleged payment 7 years ago, don't you think that if Trump actually colluded with Russia that you addicts wouldn't pursue that? We're talking treason here. The lack of common sense amongst the Trump addict cult is astonishing.

@fishonjazz you should change your handle to flyfish since you always fly when asked to actually debate.
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I was under the impression you wanted to hear the tape with Joe Biden being bribed?
Nope. Don't care if there is a tape and I seriously doubt there is one. You don't have Hunter Biden picking up your bags of cash and handling communication if you were going to jump on the phone to handle the bribes yourself. My bigger issue is the corruption of the DOJ and FBI. I care more about that than any corruption of any of the Biden clan.
Nope. Don't care if there is a tape and I seriously doubt there is one. You don't have Hunter Biden picking up your bags of cash and handling communication if you were going to jump on the phone to handle the bribes yourself. My bigger issue is the corruption of the DOJ and FBI. I care more about that than any corruption of any of the Biden clan.

If that were the case, I don’t blame you. I doubt it is the case. For now. Actual evidence could change my thinking. We’ll see how far Jordan and others get. But, as of now, I simply do not trust the Republicans to be conducting an investigation that will actually yield what you believe is happening at the FBI, and Justice. It’s the party of lies and alternative universes, where reality does not apply. Like I said, it’s so difficult for me to take them seriously, when so many of them insist on a version of history that never actually took place, and a version of reality that is non existent.

I know it’s hard to just alienate their base, I get what’s self-destructive-looking about doing that, but, I do believe they should not wait for History to judge their lies and conspiracy theories. Thry should not wait for History to do the analysis for them. They need to man up and come clean. Whether it angers the bejesus out of their base, or not. We cannot expect to function if we have one party living in a fictional narrative universe. Democrats cannot do it for them. Independents cannot do it for them. The Republican Party has to face the music. Sooner or later.

Because they will not do that, it’s hard for me to see their eagerness to connect Hunter’s troubles to the president as anything other than simply revenge. Payback for two impeachments. Republicans supported a man who tried to derail the results of the election. McCarthy gave the Capital Police 1/6 tapes to Carlson, so Carlson could sanitize 1/6., and what, make heroes out of those folks? He tried to. They need to cut that **** out!! Right now, they are the Party of Lies and Fake News. Are they proud of that?

Just have no reason to trust such a party to be honest with that investigation. They need to take a serious look at themselves. With few exceptions, they don’t seem willing to do so. So, for now at least, eff them and their going nowhere investigation.

If, and when, they prove to me that Truth is something they value, well, maybe that will happen someday. Right now, they do not.
If that were the case, I don’t blame you. I doubt it is the case. For now. Actual evidence could change my thinking. We’ll see how far Jordan and others get. But, as of now, I simply do not trust the Republicans to be conducting an investigation that will actually yield what you believe is happening at the FBI, and Justice. It’s the party of lies and alternative universes, where reality does not apply. Like I said, it’s so difficult for me to take them seriously, when so many of them insist on a version of history that never actually took place, and a version of reality that is non existent.

I know it’s hard to just alienate their base, I get what’s self-destructive-looking about doing that, but, I do believe they should not wait for History to judge their lies and conspiracy theories. Thry should not wait for History to do the analysis for them. They need to man up and come clean. Whether it angers the bejesus out of their base, or not. We cannot expect to function if we have one party living in a fictional narrative universe. Democrats cannot do it for them. Independents cannot do it for them. The Republican Party has to face the music. Sooner or later.

Because they will not do that, it’s hard for me to see their eagerness to connect Hunter’s troubles to the president as anything other than simply revenge. Payback for two impeachments. Republicans supported a man who tried to derail the results of the election. McCarthy gave the Capital Police 1/6 tapes to Carlson, so Carlson could sanitize 1/6., and what, make heroes out of those folks? He tried to. They need to cut that **** out!! Right now, they are the Party of Lies and Fake News. Are they proud of that?

Just have no reason to trust such a party to be honest with that investigation. They need to take a serious look at themselves. With few exceptions, they don’t seem willing to do so. So, for now at least, eff them and their going nowhere investigation.

If, and when, they prove to me that Truth is something they value, well, maybe that will happen someday. Right now, they do not.
Red calling whistleblowers under oath liars. How about you explain why they would lie? What do they have to gain by lying? You ask for evidence, yet you completely ignore the blatant evidence.
At least you guys got your hate towards religion out while preaching tolerance. The lack of common sense here is astounding. This is why us successful people who don't mooch off our wives don't want to pay for your indoctrination/schooling. This is extremely basic to anyone with a high school GED. Educated yet don't even understand how Congress works. No wonder they think buying a car for $10,000 more is a good economy lol. Whats next, needing me to pay your car loans too? Probably...

View: https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1674790244468793344?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1674790244468793344%7Ctwgr%5E0887e7a6091fb2e9293b45624c9acc8dd83e8258%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fpolitics%2Fjustice-roberts-uses-pelosis-words-against-biden-smackdown-student-loan-handout

If you don't want to pay interest, don't sign a loan. This is basic stuff education that you need me to pay for you should've taught instead of your religious bigotry on full display... Not forcing me to pay YOUR bills because you mooch off of your wife has nothing to do with religion. It's called being a grown *** adult. It's called unconstitutional you educated high horses. Your hero and Stock Market insider trader Pelosi told you educated folk this. It's basic ****. Again why should I pay for your schooling when you can't even pass a high school civics class? You guys don't even know how Congress works.........

I am fine paying my student loans. I signed for them, after all.

I just wish this same standard was held to all the millionairres who signed for PPP loans, but I guess they need the money more than I do.
I am fine paying my student loans. I signed for them, after all.

I just wish this same standard was held to all the millionairres who signed for PPP loans, but I guess they need the money more than I do.
No argument here though that's a completely different subject than the ignorant and flat our dumb idea that this decision was based on religion not based off the Constitution and idea that Congress is the one who decides this, not Biden. Crazy thing is, these guys sit here and preach about "threats to Democracy" all while pushing unconstitutional ignorance. This is not rocket science to most. Even the Speaker of the House at the time(Pelosi) blatantly said it is not up to Dictator Biden. He knows this and always has. This was no secret and pretty straight forward but instead this was just another way to get his uneducated ignorant base fired up and for him to point the finger at Republicans and in Thrillers case his usual bigotry and sheer hate towards religion and cause more division. Again... anyone with a high school civics class should know that it's up to congress not a Dictator.
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Hmm... Is right

Modern day genocidal maniacs. Republicans once again are saving lives, black lives in particular from the true Confederate KKK. I was going say modern day... But the murderous hatred of blacks never the Democrat Party... They just disguised it well with affirmative action and food stamps. This has to piss them of off, way off. Imagine more life pissing someone off. Tell me more about mental illness please.

"Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health estimated that between April and December 2022, 9,799 more babies were born likely because of the Texas Heartbeat Act, which bans abortion with few exceptions after a fetal heartbeat is detected — usually five to six weeks after a woman’s last menstrual cycle."

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Investigators from various US law enforcement agencies have proof of corruption and they aren't allowed to do anything with it because the DOJ and FBI are owned by the DNC. Giuliani has nothing to do with what has come to the surface.

Persecution complex in GOP is so weird. Just repeating Fox News talking points. No evidence. Law enforcement has always had a right wing bias.
Cocaine found in the White House, who would've thought? Now it could be anybody's but we all know it's Democrat low life POS of **** deadbeat dad Democrat addict hero they all adore and strive to be like Hunters. I wonder if he got it from meeting someone at a bookstore?

Also crazy how silent the Confederate Democrats are over Republicans saving tens of thousands of black lives. You'd think regardless of politics that would be a very good thing. Except it's black people and Confederates need genocide and racist discrimination in affirmative action to keep them pinned down.
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