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The Biden Administration and All Things Politics

I answered your question directly, and you seemed to understand the answer two seconds before you didn't understand. Not all dissenters are equal. As you pointed out, you need 100% of Democrats on board. If one or two Democrats jump ship then you're sunk. If one or two or *ALL* of the Republicans jump ship then no once cares because it doesn't matter. If they have 51 people then they should be able to get something done. If they don't have 51 people then it isn't a Republican issue or a Trump issue. It is a problem with the Democrats. I simply don't believe your premise of Trump convincing Democrats in the Senate to not author or vote on a bill.
You have been programmed to believe that every individual should and will always vote with their tribe. Sad.

And you didn't answer my question. Expected.

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One judge upset with the continuing GOP effort to rewrite history. Part of the struggle we are enveloped in involves a conflict over a correct history of events involving the 2020 election. Trump and his party are attempting to write a false history of events describing our recent history. If Trump wins in 2024, will our school history texts need to be rewritten? Will we one day have a national holiday celebrating the 1/6 heroes? Put that way, one can see the present moment seems to include a Republican Party continuing the overthrow of the government that was launched by Trump’s efforts to remain in power. Seems to me the GOP is a party of traitors right now. Deliberately attempting to rewrite our recent history to make Trump appear correct in his version of history. Desperately trying to make sure the Big Lie is seen as the Truth. They should be held to account for this destructive behavior to our democratic institutions. This is what trembling fear of the MAGA base has done to them….That is one hell of a corner to be trapped in….

View: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1750683190895804495

View: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1750684479209791625

View: https://twitter.com/joshgerstein/status/1750648151071990182
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Seems to me the GOP is a party of traitors right now. ... They should be held to account
Killing off one of the two major political parties for being traitors to bring about one party rule is a thought. Last election Trump gave some speeches, filed some legal challenges, and there was a riot at the capitol causing a ceremony to be delayed four hours, so this election it is justified to execute all candidates, current sitting politicians, their staff, and any American associated with the GOP for being traitors.

Killing off one of the two major political parties for being traitors to bring about one party rule is a thought. Last election Trump gave some speeches, filed some legal challenges, and there was a riot at the capitol causing a ceremony to be delayed four hours, so this election it is justified to execute all candidates, current sitting politicians, their staff, and any American associated with the GOP for being traitors.


Nope. Just him and those he crimed with.

What you’re proposing isn’t legal and will never happen.

Although if Trump wins his immunity case in SCOTUS, I guess Biden could put all of you in camps or deport you. Scary huh!

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Killing off one of the two major political parties for being traitors to bring about one party rule is a thought. Last election Trump gave some speeches, filed some legal challenges, and there was a riot at the capitol causing a ceremony to be delayed four hours, so this election it is justified to execute all candidates, current sitting politicians, their staff, and any American associated with the GOP for being traitors.

Pretty scary what’s going on… most democrats don’t even want democrats in charge, but what options are there when there’s only two parties and one is criminalized?
What kind of a world is it when Bill Maher is the preeminent voice of reason.
Pretty scary what’s going on… most democrats don’t even want democrats in charge, but what options are there when there’s only two parties and one is criminalized?
So you have spoken with most Democrats huh?

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So you have spoken with most Democrats huh?

Sent from my CPH2451 using TapatalkBiden isn’t even popular among blue maga extremists.
I don’t know if you are aware but Biden isn’t exactly popular. Maybe even the most unpopular president of all time. A pretty significant amount of Nikki Haley voters in NH are democrats. Even among blue maga cultists Biden isn’t exactly well liked.
Our system is a terrible one. A democracy should be about choice and we are not being offered that. I don’t know how anyone could argue that. We don’t need less options but those in charge appear to be set on offering less options. I’m not sure how anyone could argue that either.
I don’t know if you are aware but Biden isn’t exactly popular. Maybe even the most unpopular president of all time. A pretty significant amount of Nikki Haley voters in NH are democrats. Even among blue maga cultists Biden isn’t exactly well liked.
Our system is a terrible one. A democracy should be about choice and we are not being offered that. I don’t know how anyone could argue that. We don’t need less options but those in charge appear to be set on offering less options. I’m not sure how anyone could argue that either.
“democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried.”

-Winston Churchill
Low info cultists are posting nonsense again from their low info propaganda sources

Biden collected more votes in New Hampshire this week as a ****ing write in than Obama did in 2012 on the Democratic ticket.

And you don’t need to look to just this week for how Biden and Democrats overperform compared to the bad polling that over-emphasizes landlines, you can look to nearly every special election, midterm election, and ballot measure since 2016. It’s all gone the Democrats’/Biden’s way.

I think most people aren’t enthralled with Biden because they see him as an imperfect politician, Real Americans aren’t in cults who worship rapists who incite insurrection. We normal and real
Americans wish Biden were younger and a better speaker. Many probably wish for a different candidate with similar views. But at the end of the day, the majority of Americans, especially those who are educated, vote for Democrats. And they will vote for Biden over the rapist and insurrectionist, Trump. Biden kicked Trump’s *** in 2020. Trump hasn’t done anything to expand his base. So why wouldn’t Biden kick Trump’s *** again?

Step outside of your bubble cultists. Time to get in touch with real America. Leave your incel online forums. Talk to a real American. Most Americans don’t want a president who’s a rapist, narcissist, and who incites insurrections when they lose.
Nope. Just him and those he crimed with.

What you’re proposing isn’t legal and will never happen.

Although if Trump wins his immunity case in SCOTUS, I guess Biden could put all of you in camps or deport you. Scary huh!

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And according to Trump's arguments the only check on ANYTHING the President does is that BOTH the House would have to impeach AND the Senate would have to confirm (convict) that impeachment with 67 votes 2/3rds of the Senate. Then and only then would it be possible to criminally charge the President with a crime.

That is pure ****ing insanity.
So you have spoken with most Democrats huh?

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There’s also not a small contingency of conservatives who’ll vote for Biden in the general. Cultists don’t understand how unpopular Trump is. Sure, Biden might not get golden statues made after him. He doesn’t inspire people to strap “**** Donald Trump” flags to the trucks or photoshop Biden’s head on Rambo’s body while riding a velociraptor. But Biden doesn’t need to be the most popular politician the world has ever seen. He just needs to be more popular than Trump.

Most Americans already have their minds made up. We don’t want a rapist narcissist who’s constantly whining and throwing sand into the gears of government. We want the president to shut the **** up and just do his job like the rest of us do. Cultists on here would benefit by stepping outside of their bubbles and talking to real Americans. We don’t worship Biden. But we sure as **** don’t want Trump anywhere near the White House again. He needs to be held accountable for the destruction and death he caused on Jan 6.
I don’t know if you are aware but Biden isn’t exactly popular. Maybe even the most unpopular president of all time. A pretty significant amount of Nikki Haley voters in NH are democrats. Even among blue maga cultists Biden isn’t exactly well liked.
Our system is a terrible one. A democracy should be about choice and we are not being offered that. I don’t know how anyone could argue that. We don’t need less options but those in charge appear to be set on offering less options. I’m not sure how anyone could argue that either.
Not seeing how not liking biden means democrats dont want a democrat for president. Unless you think biden is the only democratic politician in the country. Which would be a wierd thing to think.
Low info cultists are posting nonsense again from their low info propaganda sources

Biden collected more votes in New Hampshire this week as a ****ing write in than Obama did in 2012 on the Democratic ticket.

And you don’t need to look to just this week for how Biden and Democrats overperform compared to the bad polling that over-emphasizes landlines, you can look to nearly every special election, midterm election, and ballot measure since 2016. It’s all gone the Democrats’/Biden’s way.

I think most people aren’t enthralled with Biden because they see him as an imperfect politician, Real Americans aren’t in cults who worship rapists who incite insurrection. We normal and real
Americans wish Biden were younger and a better speaker. Many probably wish for a different candidate with similar views. But at the end of the day, the majority of Americans, especially those who are educated, vote for Democrats. And they will vote for Biden over the rapist and insurrectionist, Trump. Biden kicked Trump’s *** in 2020. Trump hasn’t done anything to expand his base. So why wouldn’t Biden kick Trump’s *** again?

Step outside of your bubble cultists. Time to get in touch with real America. Leave your incel online forums. Talk to a real American. Most Americans don’t want a president who’s a rapist, narcissist, and who incites insurrections when they lose.
Good post.
Honestly if Biden were younger and a better speaker then I would like him just fine.
In a state like NH I’m not sure how you’d know for sure who jumped to Nikki Haley but it doesn’t take a math genius to know that the majority of 140,000 votes is still more than the 79,000 votes Biden got.
I guess it could be the same folks voting in both so Nikki Haley got 79,000 from dems and so did genocide Joe. Otherwise you have 300k republicans voting and only 100k democrats. How is that a swing state?
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Low info cultist:


Read a book. Go outside. Actually go talk to someone in person who isn’t in your cult. Talk to a real American. Stop repeating your nonsense.

You cannot vote twice in the New Hampshire primary. If you’re undeclared, you still have to decide whether to cast your vote for the Democratic ballot or the Republican ballot. You cannot vote for both ballots. You cannot vote twice. So if you do a write in, that’s it. You cannot vote for Haley and write-in for Biden. You have to do one or the other.

I’m sure you’ll totally apologize for being wrong and stop spreading disinformation not and double down and whine about being mistreated and try to go down another rabbit hole of nonsense.

New Hampshire is one of the most well educated states in the nation so it makes sense that Haley would perform well there. Remember, a large part of Trump’s base are the uneducated. Which is another reason why MAGA is failing so much in other elections. Typically, the college educated are more consistent voters than those who aren’t. Trump may juice election turnout of his base every 4 years but it doesn’t carry over for midterms and special elections. And he’s done nothing to expand the base that was too small to beat Biden in 2020.